Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1053: Reason

Anyway, I have already said that, the other Sun Peng will be ignored.

As for whether Samsara Records will recruit that Wang Jia, or even help her terminate the contract with the Korean girl group in advance, and pay liquidated damages for this, Sun Peng will not interfere-in any case, this matter is the same as him. Dime has nothing to do with it.

And he also felt that Wang Jia should not be so stupid.

Wang Jia has more than one year of contract in South Korea, and the liquidated damages will never be low. Now 5cg is just like Rizhongtian. If the contract is terminated, the influence of reputation or personal development should be relatively large. Unless there is a big company like Reincarnation or Mujinhua in China that is willing to sign her, and is willing to invest top-notch resources, such as asking Lao Bai to come out of the mountains and build her new music album...

In that case, it was pulled back again.

After throwing this matter aside, Sun Peng continued to wait at the gate of the cinema, welcoming the celebrities who were invited or took the initiative to come and the top entertainment companies.

Today’s premiere scene is definitely a dazzling star!

Sun Peng’s friends such as Ma Boyuan and Luo Cheng were naturally the first to arrive. The stars who have worked with Lao Bai such as Chaoyue Band and Xue Ligang will not talk about it. The senior executives of Samsara Records and Forbidden City Pictures will not mention it. Almost all the stars who played basketball with Sun Peng came...

"Little wolf, these old buddies are giving you face!"

After sending Hu Tian and Gong Xiaomeng into the movie theater, Sun Peng patted his face with red light. At this moment, Lang Chen, who was very excited, smiled and said: "When you come back to play, let them get more, and then invite the old friends to eat at noon. What a big meal..."


Don't know if it was choked by the saliva, Lang Chen coughed sharply.

But after finally suppressing the coughing, Lang Chen looked at Sun Peng helplessly: "Lao Bai teacher, Sun Director, do you think I have such a big face? It's all for you, OK?"

As a little fresh meat who started with a boy group, Lang Chen still has a few trees in his heart.

Although the big villain in the "The Matrix" played very well, especially the unique temperament of Lang Chen was vividly shown by him, and it was initially recognized. But after the Matrix went offline, Lang Chen was dumbfounded by the surge of scripts and character invitations-80% of them were characters with similar personality characteristics!

Obviously, those directors or producers are trying to shape him!

Fortunately, Sun Peng invited him to appear in this "Assassin League", not only the absolute protagonist, but also a completely different role. Once this movie hits the box office like a hacker, Lang Chen can be sure that he will become the hottest newcomer in the movie circle!

none of them!

During this period of time, Lang Chen, who has been indoctrinated by such remarks many times by his agent, naturally knows how all this came about, and of course he also understands who the so many stars at the premiere today are for. Save face...

"Ahem, cheer up little wolf!"

At this moment, Sun Peng's expression suddenly changed and he patted Lang Chen's shoulder hard.


Slightly startled, Lang Chen hurriedly looked towards the end of the red carpet, and then suddenly exclaimed: "My God! Why is he here too? Sun Dao, didn't you say..."

Tilting his head for a moment, Sun Peng smiled bitterly: "It's probably the time squeezed out, or... Haha, this is forcing me to go back to the magic city!"

What can make the two of them so surprised, of course, is the current top figure in the Chinese film industry, the big brother Liangren. The reason why Sun Peng said just now is also because the premiere of "The World of Truman" will be held at a theater in Magic City soon, and he has declined the invitation of the producer twice.

After going out for more than ten days, Sun Peng now wants to accompany his wife at home.

However, there was also a propaganda plan. It is reasonable to say that Liang Ren, who will not come to the capital today, suddenly appeared here. Of course, Sun Peng understood what this guy meant...

"Brother Liang, you are a general!"

After hugging the other party for a while, Sun Peng smiled bitterly and said, "Well, it seems that I can't avoid this trip to the magic city, so don't forget to arrange a place for me!"

Upon hearing Sun Peng's words, Liang Ren immediately became happy: "What you said, it seems that "Trumen's World" has nothing to do with you? Don't forget, that's your script!"

"Just because it's my script, there's no need to go!"

Shrugging, Sun Peng said with a smile.

Sun Peng knew how good "Trumen's World" was, and after watching the final edited film, he must also admit that both Liang Ren and the American director did a great job and there was nothing to worry about. of. Coupled with the appeal of this big film brother in China and the international film world, if this movie can't get at least 600 million US dollars in the global box office, it will be a hell!

So the premiere, whether Sun Peng will go or not is that matter.

It’s just that Liang Ren obviously has a different opinion, shook his head and smiled: "You guys are too lazy! If this movie promotion can be done by me alone, what else will others do with hard work? Besides, don’t let it. You run around the world like "League of Assassins", just attending the premiere of a magic city... I will ask you to eat authentic magic capital dishes, the kind that will definitely open your eyes!"

Speaking of "Assassin League", Liang Ren's tone was a faint sigh.

As China’s number one movie superstar, and at the same time the kind of international movie star who is not inferior to the dragon brother on earth, Liang Ren’s network is not uncommon, and the news is not unclear, so he has long known that "Assassin League" is in various places. The country’s release time and the treatment it receives.

I have to say that even after Liang Ren knew it, he was a little bit jealous.

In North America alone, the number of theaters at the time of painting exceeded 2,600! You know, "The World of Truman" was filmed by an American, and the main actor is Liang Ren, and there are only 3,100 theaters. But outside of North America, such as European countries, the number of theaters in "Assassin's League" is about to exceed "Trumen's World", and in some individual countries such as Japan, the number is even more than one-third!

The gap between action movies and drama movies is so big!

And from the mouths of some people, Liang Ren has already known their evaluation of "Assassin Alliance"-different from the previous Chinese action movies, and at the same time, like the previous action movies of Lao Bai, it is full of excitement. The shots and bridge sections, and the action scenes are so refreshing, if nothing else, it will definitely be a box office weapon for this summer vacation! So even if they also recognize the excellence of "Trumen's World", they are definitely more optimistic about "Assassin League" at the box office.

Such an evaluation made Liang Ren both surprised and perturbed.

Of course, I don’t have to say the reason for the surprise. Anyway, the surprise that Lao Bai has given him over the past two years is too much; as for the anxiety, if the assassin's box office is much higher than that of Truman, where does he put his face?

Therefore, Leung Ren definitely spared no effort during the promotion period.

But how many places can one run meet how many people? Liang Ren's power is limited after all, so he soon realized that now, regardless of his fame or overseas influence, he seems to be only a little worse than him... No, maybe Liang Ren would not admit it, but he should be no worse than him. Sun Peng!

On other occasions, if the kid doesn’t go, you will always come to the premiere, right?

For this purpose, Liang Ren had to take time out of his busy schedule and made a special trip to the capital. Because he knew that others might be honored to go to the magic city when he heard his greetings, but for Lao Bai, even if "Trumen's World" is also a script written by him, if he wants him to go there, he can only Could it be an equivalent exchange...

In this case, Sun Peng really couldn't refuse any more.

So after agreeing with a smile, Sun Peng made a gesture of inviting: "Brother Liang, would you like to go in first? It's almost time now, let's start in a while!"

As a super boss in the entertainment industry, Liang Ren is of course the latest to arrive.

"Okay... By the way, do you have time lately? Have a meal together before going to the magic city?"

Before entering the cinema, Liang Ren suddenly asked. It is getting harder and harder to see this guy, Liang Ren also wants to talk to Sun Peng about the next script as soon as possible.

Sun Peng knew this well, he shook his head after pondering for a while and said, "Sorry, Brother Liang, my daughter-in-law is about to be due for delivery. You said that my husband can't always run outside, right? Haha , When we go to the magic city, let's talk in detail..."

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