Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1044: recognition


When the plane landed steadily at the London airport, Sun Peng's heart was a long-lost moment of tension. After a two-day trip in the United States, he now understood the European and American views on the Little Wizard and the Little Wizard series. , So I have a certain understanding of the upcoming "siege".

The more you understand, the more headaches you get.

Confine money? Fooling European and American readers? Or is it to play roundabout tactics and want to use the popularity of the Little Wizard series to promote the Little Wizard series?

I have to say that there are really many smart people in this world!

The first "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the Little Mage series has only been on the shelves for two or three months. Some smart people in Europe and the United States have already guessed Sun Peng's ideas thoroughly, and even many book reviewers took this He also criticized the fact that Laobai was ill-intentioned and slogan to cater to European and American readers, but it was the fact of promoting Chinese culture...

What facts? What is the truth?

Is the Little Mage series a Chinese culture?

Even the "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" series, although wearing the skin of a Chinese wizard, but in terms of the content of the story and the core, which one is not the real European and American culture? If it weren’t for Sun Peng’s head, there are really few Chinese goods that can impress Europeans and Americans...


Before getting off the plane, Sun Peng couldn't help but sighed heavily.


Although the first book of Little Wizard has sold more than 3 million copies in Europe and the United States, and it has also led to a significant increase in sales of Little Wizard, more than 700,000 copies have been sold in two months, but Sun Peng has this I was still a little depressed. Of course, even if it is actually the core of European and American stories, but after somehow wearing the coat of a Chinese wizard, "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" and "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" certainly can still play a role, at least to make people feel good about China. The wizarding culture has a certain understanding, but...

Speaking of which, when will real things catch on in Europe and America?

Until he got off the plane and walked out of the VIP channel, Sun Peng was still thinking about this question-he was not sure whether he could write it in this life, even if he studied with his uncle recently or had a class at the film school. I feel that "internal strength is greatly increased", and many ideas are coming, but a former surgeon can really write that kind of classic?

But one thing Sun Peng can be sure of is that someone in China in this world must be able to do it!

Just like those giant Chinese costumes that have fallen but used to shine in the world, all that is needed is a process of accumulation!

"Sooner or later..."

"Coming out! Coming out!"

"It's him! It's laobai!"

"Mr. Laobai, welcome to London!"

Suddenly raising his head, Sun Peng saw the black head at the exit at a glance. Compared to Tokyo and Los Angeles, reporters who were not inferior to Tokyo and Los Angeles were welcoming him warmly!

"Mr. Laobai, is it convenient to answer a few questions?"

"Sir, what do you think of the box office prospects of "Assassin League"?"

"When you were interviewed in Los Angeles, could you elaborate on what you said about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Mr. Laobai, why did you put the background of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in London instead of New York or Paris? Is it because only London is the oldest center in Europe?"


Sun Peng could only see more than 20 people, but looking at the black heads behind him, he knew that there would never be less than a hundred people waiting for him here today! Moreover, the enthusiasm of the British seems to be stronger than that of the Americans. At this time, seeing Sun Peng is like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb. The vultures are staring at the carrion on the grassland, squeezing forward one by one desperately. Take off is the hungry zombies in the Resident Evil game...

After a brief consternation, the expression on Sun Peng's face quickly returned to calm.

Then it was time for the bodyguards and the airport security to perform. The two people Sun Peng brought from China and a group of big-waisted men from the airport desperately squeezed out Sun Peng a space for him to move forward-two days ago What Laobai encountered in the United States made them well prepared.

As for the other person, Liu Chang, a weak-looking assistant...

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet!"

Standing in front of Sun Peng, Liu Chang's face was full of the calmness that was accustomed to the world, and he shouted: "As a lady and gentleman of England, you won't get any answer from Lao Bai like this... please be quiet a bit!"

After calling several times, these crazy reporters were quiet.

Ignoring Sun Peng's thumbs up secretly, Liu Chang gently stroked the hair on his forehead, lowered his voice and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I understand that you are eager to interview Lao Bai right away. Wish, but, please also understand that, just after traveling across the Atlantic, Mr. Bai also urgently needs high-quality rest time, so..."

"Huh? Miss, we only need to ask a few questions!"

"Yeah, yeah, it won't take long!"

"How about half an hour? Half an hour at most!"


Before Liu Chang finished speaking, the reporters suddenly yelled.

Although they understand what Liu Chang said, they have been waiting at the airport for at least an hour after all. Who wants to take a few photos and leave? As for the amount of laobai hard work...

That's the assistant's responsibility, and has a relationship with their reporter?

Liu Chang obviously anticipated this situation. He quickly pressed his hands down and said loudly: "OK! Ok! I understand everyone's thinking, so...five questions! Up to five questions! At VIP in five minutes Room, Mr. Bai will answer your five questions, and then you must end it!"

No matter how the reporters protested, Liu Chang remained unmoved.

Next, Sun Peng will attend the premiere of "Assassin's League" in London. There will definitely be a press conference at that time, and there will be opportunities to answer reporters' questions. As for the current words, as long as these people are not allowed to leave empty-handed, it is already a lot of face.

Under Liu Chang's strong statement, although the reporters were not happy, they could only agree.

Then, under the arrangement of the airport staff, a group of people poured into a VIP room, and then Liu Chang simply lit up a beautiful female reporter: "The reporter from the bbc, please ask questions!"

Naturally, the famous bbc needs to be taken care of.

"Hello, Mr. Bai, I’m Barbara from BBC? Steve, we all know that "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is selling very well, and at the same time it promotes the small hand of "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" ! But many book critics think that you wrote this set of magical novels for the purpose of helping the Little Wizard series open up the European and American markets. Is that true?"

The question of the female reporter is very straightforward and at the same time very sharp!

In fact, this was one of the issues that reporters were most concerned about when Sun Peng was interviewed in the United States.

After hearing this question, Sun Peng fell silent temporarily. And Liu Chang frowned and looked at Sun Peng subconsciously. She knew that Sun Peng seemed to be thinking about answering this question in the past two days, so she was a little worried that this guy really admitted it!

But just as Liu Chang hesitated to wink away, Sun Peng muttered for a few seconds before he said: "Yes, Miss Steve, I think they are right..."

There was an uproar in the crowd.

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