Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1041: Wang Jia

"Crack! Click!"

Feeling the frequent flashing of the flashlight, Wang Jia glanced out the window with some trepidation, then turned her head and whispered: "Lao Bai teacher, so...isn't it a problem? These people took pictures of me having dinner with you and looked back. How can I arrange the news!"

At this moment, there are at least a dozen reporters who are still guarding outside the restaurant.

Even in the restaurant, there are not necessarily fewer. Just as Wang Jia noticed, seven or eight people walked in and sat down, but they kept staring straight here. If it weren't for this high-end restaurant, I'm afraid they will come over with pen and paper to dictate blatantly.

After glancing at the reporters, Sun Peng waved his hand and smiled: "It's okay, I just think it's a coincidence that I can meet you twice in Tokyo, and I just ask you to have a meal. They can't write anything about it. It's me. Suddenly saying that inviting you to lunch does not affect your work, right? Does your agent have any comments?"

Although it was more of a whim, but seriously, Sun Peng also wanted to support this Chinese girl who is working hard in Korea.

Last time on the plane, Sun Peng discovered that Wang Jia seemed to be slightly marginalized.

So this time I came across this so-called 5cg again. Sun Peng had a heart attack at the time, and he asked Liu Chang to help make an appointment with this girl—to have a meal with the famous Lao Bai. Although it may not necessarily change anything, at least It is also good to increase Wang Jia's exposure and increase his reputation.


No appointment at noon, just eating with Liu Chang, how boring?

"No, it's okay!"

The attitude of Sun Peng and Yan Yue's suddenly made Wang Jia's heart jump. She shook her head hurriedly and said, "And our agent didn't say anything, just let me return to the team after dinner."

Thinking of Han Sulan's weird expression at the time, Wang Jia felt refreshed.

When she first saw Sun Peng, Han Sulan was still very unconvinced, and even talked about it behind her back afterwards. But this time when I met the old teacher, even if he was only an assistant, the arrogant agent before was as well-behaved as a quail. When he heard that Wang Jia was invited to lunch, he nodded and agreed. She even kept telling her to be careful and not to offend Lao Bai...

While eating and talking, the relationship between the two gradually became acquainted.

Sun Peng was just a casual move, but Wang Jia's side was completely different. With the gradual end of the meal, a thought in the girl's heart gradually became stronger, and finally she couldn't help but gritted her teeth. He whispered: "Lao Bai teacher, I want to consult you about something."

"Oh? Please speak."

Putting down the cup in his hand, Sun Peng smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"I, I want to go back to domestic development!"

Biting her lip hard, Wang Jia said: "The contract with the Korean company has only been over a year ago. I have been thinking about this. After all, Korea and China are not the same. But now the 5cg is on the rise. Obviously, secondly, I really have no foundation in China, so..."

"No foundation? What is this afraid of?"

After listening to Wang Jia's words, Liu Chang next to him suddenly smiled: "Aren't you 5cg also famous in China? Besides, you seem to have a lot of fans. Isn't there any music company interested in you solo? impossible?"

The best in the country this year are undoubtedly Luo Cheng and Chen Feifei.

However, under them, the other traditional power sending heavenly queens, the situation in recent years is not particularly good. First of all, it is because China’s music industry has ushered in a turning point. A large number of young people who have studied music since childhood have stepped onto this stage, and there are also some talented people who do not have any advantage in the competition; The speed of change is too fast, and the younger and diversified trend of fans also makes it difficult for their music styles to adapt. Many people can only live by eating their own money.

Singer like Wang Jia, but the most popular existence right now.

Not only does his singing skills pass the test, his image is also the top choice, but he is also a hot girl group from South Korea. If you really want to return to China and fly solo, where might you not be interested in the company?

So this seemingly honest little girl is also a little careful!

"Uh... there are two companies."

With an embarrassing smile, Wang Jia said uncomfortably: "But they are all domestic small and medium-sized companies, and they only value my reputation and traffic. They can't provide much help in songs and publicity, so... I It’s always a bit unreliable if I go back!"

She really wanted to try, to see if she could use the strength of this old teacher. Let’s not talk about whether someone will suddenly be kind and write her two songs or something, that is, Lao Bai opens his mouth casually, maybe a record company at the level of reincarnation or hibiscus will be heartbroken, in case it is given to her What about a lucrative contract?

For those two ordinary music companies, Wang Jia really didn't look very much.

However, after Liu Chang’s reminder, Wang Jia’s careful thoughts were quickly seen through by Sun Peng, and smiled and waved his hand: “This is understandable. After all, it is indeed very risky to give up the familiar environment and return to China. Well, there are gains and losses. If you want a bigger market and a better future, how can you take the necessary risks without making efforts?"

Understand and understand, Sun Peng has no idea of ​​helping.

So no matter how Wang Jia hits sideways, he tactfully said that Sun Peng just smiled.

Until the meal was finished, after Wang Jia left with regret, Liu Chang smiled and said, "Tell me, what's the point of having this meal with her? If you take the initiative, people will of course think carefully. By the way, you didn't mean that... Tsk tsk, look at the disappointment when the little girl left!"

"Hehe, disappointed?"

Shrugging, Sun Peng shook his head indifferently.


Although it is easy to write a few songs to her, and to say hello to Reincarnation Records or Mujinhua is more of a phone call, but after Sun Peng hesitated just now, he decided to let Wang Jia go his own way. It's not that he doesn't support Wang Jia's return to China, nor that he has no sympathy, but he knows that this kind of thing is everywhere in the entertainment circle, and everyone is relying on themselves-no matter whether the means are fair or invisible!

Why should I help this Wang Jia? Is it because she is lucky?

So before Liu Chang could say something, Sun Peng turned the subject away and said, "What's next? What is our arrangement?"

"Two thirty, go to the recording of the show!"

Opening his notebook, Liu Chang's expression became serious: "About three hours, if everything goes well, we will arrive in the theater at 6:30 to participate in the Japanese premiere of "Assassin League"! Then if you have time If you do, I will have a meal with cartoonist Tang Zeliang and talk about "Han Bo and Lingshi", which will be published in Comic Weekly..."

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