Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1036: Piggyback propaganda

Of course it is impossible for Sun Peng to attend classmate gatherings.

It's not that he looks down on his old classmates when he's better now. Sun Peng doesn't have that kind of thoughts, but because he had a normal relationship with other people back then. After graduation, he has never been in contact with him. He has hardly seen anyone. What's more, with his current achievements and status, what will happen even if he goes?

Is it interesting to be surrounded by classmates and touted it?

However, although Sun Peng declined the so-called classmate invitation on the grounds that the new movie was released, Sun Peng still left Yunlan with a contact information. Of course it was his second sister's phone number. As for his own mobile phone number, I would be embarrassed, except for the phone calls of relatives and friends... At least this Yunlan is not counted by Sun Peng for the time being.

Even so, Yunlan almost jumped up excitedly!

In fact, when Sun Peng walked away quickly and disappeared from the field of vision, Yun Lan really jumped up regardless of her restraint, and then couldn’t wait to dial a number with her mobile phone: "Head, you will never believe me. Who did you see just now!"


"Oh my God, it's Lao Bai, it's Lao Bai!"


"Didn't I come to my alma mater today to hold an event to choose a supporting actress for our new drama? I didn't expect to meet him, and I actually wanted to get his contact information... he personally gave it to me!"


"No, no, it's his agent's contact information, but he personally promised me that he can cooperate if I have the opportunity! I have told you I know Lao Bai, do you believe it? If you don't believe it... I just took a picture and sent it to you?"


"Don't worry, I will definitely not miss this opportunity, and I will contact her agent when I look back!"


After hanging up the phone with a flushed face, Yun Lan felt that she was about to fly right now, and ran to the school gate bounced. At this time, she can't wait to share it with others.


In a short while, Yun Lan found out that it was wrong.

It was the end of get out of class at the moment. Many students hurriedly walked on the road. Young and full of youth, they saw a thirty-year-old "old woman" walking around like a primary school student. A surprised look. So Yun Lan, who was still full of joy just now, quickly blushed and lowered her head, and rushed out of her alma mater in a short walk...


Sun Peng just in time for dinner when he got in the car and returned home.

No accident, the mother-in-law made another big table of good dishes, and Sun Peng was quite happy to eat. Just look at Zheng Jia, who seems to have no appetite, but he asks a little worried: "Jia Jia, you don't eat much for lunch? Is it unappetizing? Tell me what you want to eat, and I will do it for you! "

Looking at Zheng Jia's figure, Sun Peng was really worried.

After other women became pregnant, many people began to swell up as if they were blowing up a balloon. Sun Peng had seen the most exaggerated weight of 60 jin! But now look at Zheng Jia's arms and legs, at most it is ten or twenty catties, and he has a lot of stomach hits.

"There is nothing to eat, and I'm full too!"

Glancing at her husband, Zheng Jia waved her hand and said, "Furthermore, I'm not only eating at meals, I never stopped talking in the game during the day!"

Fortunately, at this moment, the mother-in-law smiled and explained: "Don't worry, this child is the same as me back then. When I was pregnant, I only had a big belly and no meat! And we only went to the hospital yesterday, no problem!"

A pregnant woman who was seven months pregnant, Zheng Jia really didn't grow much meat on her body.

Fortunately, Sun Peng also knew that individual differences between different people were indeed great, so he nodded after thinking about it. Then I saw Zheng Jia stretched out and asked, "Okay, don't worry about me, your new movie will be released soon, right?

"Almost, there are still ten days left!"

After calculating the time, Sun Peng smiled and nodded.

After hearing this, Zheng Jia said in an angry tone: "So, you are going to run outside again? How many places are you going to go this time? How many days are you going to go?"

Unknowingly, half a year has passed, and for filmmakers, one of the most important schedules of the year-summer vacation is also coming.

There are two more movies related to him in this summer file.

One is naturally "Assassins Alliance", and the other is "The World of Trumen" starring Liang Ren!

There is no doubt that these two movies will be the highlight of this summer vacation. Not only because of their investment scale, but also because of their main creation!

Needless to say, "Trumen's World", the combination of Liang Renjia and Lao Bai, even in the North American region of Hollywood's base camp, won the scale of more than 3,500 theaters, and the weekend that it was released, almost all Blockbuster films in summer vacation avoided "The World of Trumen."

As for "Assassin League", it is also highly anticipated.

Although Lang Chen is just a small piece of fresh meat in China, and is not moved by most moviegoers, Lin Lin is now well-known, and Xue Ligang, who plays the big villain, is even more so. Not to mention the screenwriter and director behind the scenes, it is the old white who has pushed them to the top with one hand!

Therefore, the promotion of "Assassin Alliance" in the country is really smooth.

The only weakness is abroad. After all, Xue Ligang or Lin Lin is still far behind Liang Ren. In addition, this is what Sun Peng himself did as the director, so going out to participate in a few premieres, a wave of publicity seemed necessary.

After smirking twice, Sun Peng scratched his head and said, "North America is definitely going to go, after all, the market is huge; Europe has to go around, and by the way, I have to promote "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". By the way, warm up "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"! Add it up, it's probably half a month..."

The reason why Little Mage’s first book sells well is that apart from the book’s real appetite for Europe and the United States, the more important thing is of course Laobai’s influence. And this kind of influence in the field of children's books is accumulated by a set of picture books a year, and two animation blockbusters "Frozen" and "The Lion King".

To put it simply, what people recognize is actually the symbol laobai.

So at this time, if Laobai can go to Europe and the United States, promote a wave of novels by little wizards at the same time as propagating movies, or even carry a wave of propaganda about little wizards...

Although Sun Peng was lazy, he was definitely going to do serious things.

Zheng Jia obviously also knows how much Sun Peng attaches to the Little Wizard series, so after pouting his lips, he said aggrieved: "Okay, but after coming back, I can't go out in the second half of the year!"

At the end of August, little things will come out!

Zheng Jia certainly didn't have so much sentimentality before she was pregnant, but now that she is pregnant, there are some changes under the action of hormones, which Sun Peng can fully understand. So he nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "No problem, I won't go anywhere in the second half of the year..."


As he was talking, Sun Peng's phone vibrated.

Seeing the number of the second sister, Sun Peng smiled apologetically, and quickly connected the phone: "Sister, what's wrong with me?"

"Have you eaten dinner? I will take you a minute, I'll make a long story short!"

Sun Ya’s voice was violent, and she said quickly: "I have almost talked about "Tomb Raider" here. There are two companies that are interested and in good conditions. If you have time in the past two days, you can see me. Right..."

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