Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1028: Damn, he succeeded again!

Whether Han Meng was willing or not, the clarification Weibo was posted.

Between the lines, the attitude is quite sincere.

Because no matter how many times I angered for this, and it took three days to release it, the little star knew the fact that in front of Nine-Tailed Fox, if she still had room to resist, then in Lianhua Ying In front of the great gods of Ye and Lao Bai, she was simply a little ant that was almost invisible to others, the kind that could be pinched to death at any time!

So it is impossible to continue fighting, Han Meng even has to worry about his future!

Because she knows very well, it is estimated that Lianhua and Lao Bai already know about it. The news about Ma Xiaoling's return to the role is a fact that she deliberately revealed.

If that old white is stingy...

"Brother Wang, do you think I should come to the door to apologize in person?"

The more he thought about it, the more disturbed his heart became, Han Meng simply pulled his manager and asked in a hurry.

"Apologize? Also come to apologize?"

After a strange glance at the little star who he doesn’t know how much he usually fucks, the agent said angrily: “You’ve been in the circle for a few years anyway, don’t you still understand it now? Who is it? Do you know how many superstars want to visit?"


"Okay, don't think about it!"

Seeing Han Meng's ignorant look, the agent was inexplicably irritable, and waved his hand feebly: "Anyway, you have been a little low-key recently. No matter who asks you, ignore it, let alone accept interviews from reporters! I am here. I will communicate with Nine-Tailed Fox and try to get you to play a role, even a small supporting role."

"Huh? Why?"

"Why? Of course it is blocking people's mouths!"

Rolling his eyes, the agent said feebly: "As long as you continue to appear on the cast list of "Spring Is Beautiful", it means that the words on the Internet are all rootless duckweed. This is only good for you, no harm... "


"Huh, as expected!"

After reading Han Meng's Weibo, Wang Qun narrowed his eyes and snorted and said calmly.

Although I have already figured out the cause and effect, but watching Wang Qun look proud at this time, as if expecting someone to answer the call, the subordinates naturally wanted to reach out and pass a ladder over, and said with a puzzled face: "Head, You already anticipated Han Meng's response? No, is she willing to lose her role like this, or be so crunched by others?"

The subordinate's uncomprehending look really made Wang Qun's heart uplifted. He pretended to be disdainful and said: "Hehe, what about unwilling? She is a small third-tier star, how dare she break the wrist with Lao Bai or Lotus Pictures? It took three days to come to the so-called clarification, she is already very courageous!"

"...Yes. Sure enough, you can see clearly."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his subordinates immediately patted him flatly.

However, the flattery of the subordinates made Wang Qun laugh for a few seconds, and his expression soon became gloomy again-when he thought that the old white didn't have to worry about this matter, Wang Qun himself was troubled. Up.

Unhappy, very unhappy!

I don’t know since when Wang Qun was unhappy with the old white, especially when the other party’s new movie was released or the new film created by Chen Feifei and the others was put on the shelves, this unpleasantness would reach the extreme-in fact, what was the reason for the original movie? What, Wang Qun doesn't care anymore, but every time he has the opportunity, he always wants to hack his opponent, even if he knows that doing so will not do him any good!

At this moment, the subordinate next to him asked: "Head, what shall we do next? Do you want to follow up on this matter?"

When asking questions, the subordinates were also crooked.

If they were a bit fresh and exciting when they first obeyed the order to go to Black Laobai, then everyone has been a little annoyed recently-useless and useless work, who is willing to do it? But every time he talked about Lao Bai, Wang Qun yelled and threw up like a chicken blood, but couldn't stop him!

So when the subordinates heard Wang Qun say "Don't follow up, grab the old white and the new book and continue to black", it is really not surprising.


This time, he felt that Wang Qun was not fooling around.

After all, no matter how old Bai’s movies and music were, the quality and reputation were all there. If you want to be black, you can only have no brains, but this time I changed "Han Bo and Lingshi". , Once turned into "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", there are too many black spots!

There is only one circumstance of money, one is the old black spot that adores foreigners and foreigners, and even the topic of old Bai Jianglang's talent can be talked about...

"Go! Go!"

Just as he nodded and wondered how to recombine those words after returning home, when he said it again, the door of Wang Qun's office was knocked.

"Come in!"

"Head, look at this Weibo!"

Seeing the strange look of the female subordinate who came in, Wang Qun frowned, took the mobile phone in her hand and took a closer look...

"One leaf knows autumn? That **** old white blow?"

After seeing the name of Weibo, Wei Wei was startled, and then Wang Qun quickly read the latest Weibo.

As his eyes moved back and forth, Wang Qun's face began to change.

Just now, he looked like a light cloud, but after reading Yiye Zhiqiu's Weibo, Wang Qun's face began to darken, until it finally turned into an iron blue... The male subordinate just didn't really know. What kind of wink does the iron cyan define, but after seeing the boss's expression at this time, the word that came to his mind for the first time!

But after a while, Wang Qun's face began to flush again.

And it's not simply the red after excitement, but the anger in my heart, but I can't find a way to vent for a while. The red that just keeps the anger in my chest makes people look at it. A sudden!

A frightened glance at Wang Qun, the male subordinate quietly moved his position and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyan, what happened? What did Yiye Zhiqiu say?"


After swallowing hard and smearing, the female subordinate whispered without turning her head: "Don't you have a mobile phone? You can tell by looking at it for yourself?"

Turning his eyelids, the male subordinate simply took out his mobile phone.

Directly searched Yiye Zhiqiu's Weibo and found the latest news, and the male subordinate suddenly gasped!

My day!

How is this possible? !

His eyes widened and looked at it again. After confirming that he had not misunderstood just now, the male subordinate finally understood why Wang Qun had such a reaction-whoever slapped Wang Qun's face with ten slaps. His response may not be much better than it is now!


I don't know how long it took, but Wang Qun let out a long sigh, and finally roared: "Damn! That **** guy succeeded again!"

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