Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1021: Scam money?

Facts have proved that efficiency is really flexible.

How long does it take to translate a novel of hundreds of thousands of words into another language?

Under normal circumstances, a few months is required.

For example, if you want to translate the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" from English to Chinese, it is not only a simple literal translation, but also the magic system and the translation standards of various magic items. It usually takes a long time to start preparations-of course, the most important thing is money. What you want is naturally much more expensive.

However, translating Chinese into English is relatively simpler.

To put it bluntly, this was originally the original product in English, and after Sun Ya said that it would provide translation costs, Seal Publishing House was naturally happy to cooperate fully. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Annie? Under Carpenter's full operation, it took only a month and a half to prepare the five mainstream European and American language versions; the speed in Asia is even more exaggerated, for example, the Japanese version has been compressed to about 30 days!

And before the translation began, propaganda had already begun in Europe and America.

"The Western version of the classic novel "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone", the little wizard Harry Potter is shocked!"

"The latest masterpiece of the original author of "The Lion King" will take you to experience the magic of the magical world."

"Following the ice queen Aisha, Laobai once again created a classic magical fairy tale, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" takes you to experience the modern magical world."

"Hidden in the modern British magic school, do you want to go to it?"


And with the promotion of Seal Publishing House, Hollywood’s Haimensi Pictures will naturally not let go of such an opportunity, and also began to warm up the film... Although it is too early, it doesn’t matter, they have a big Killer move!

"With a total investment of 200 million U.S. dollars, Hymens Pictures won the film adaptation rights of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"!"

"Filming will begin this year, and the famous director Harkant? Scolari announced to join!"

"Hammens Pictures announced the launch of the global casting plan for "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The positions of the three little protagonists are waiting to be vacated.


And almost the same as the propaganda of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", the warm-up of "Murder on the Western Express" has also begun. It’s just that this time the Seal Publishing House appeared to be quite low-key. It just hung a banner on the website and sent a few messages. After all, they have just won the copyright of this book, and it seems that the translation is still far away... …

Let’s not talk about the Murder on the Western Express. After all, the reasoning culture in Europe and the United States prevails. Thousands of works are published every year. A Chinese mystery novel is nothing at all, and Sun Peng is not a traditional reasoning master. , Generally not many people pay attention. But the news of the publication of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has aroused the interest of many people.

After all, the craze for "The Lion King" hasn't completely passed yet.

For example, Yulia? Miller, after seeing the news in the morning, she immediately said to her daughter: "Karen, don't you like the two wizarding novels by Laobai? You know, he just wrote a wizard version called " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone..."

Compared with the first time I bought Laobai's "Frozen" a few years ago, what is Yulia now? Miller had a completely different attitude.

In other words, she has built up her trust in the name laobai in her heart.

Especially after watching the new animation "The Lion King" not long ago, Yulia? Miller now loves Lao Bai...or his works are becoming more and more popular, so seeing him have a new book published naturally shines!

"Well, I knew it a long time ago."

Karen, who is playing with her phone while eating breakfast, before her mother finishes her words? Miller replied without looking up.

"Really? That's great!"

A look of expectation flashed in her eyes, and Yulia said excitedly: "I will call Mr. Erwin and ask him to book a set for you... this Saturday afternoon, shall we go to the bookstore to get it together?"

"Go to the bookstore? Of course not!"

Still not looking up, Karen? Miller curled his lips and said, "Who would go to the bookstore to buy books these years? My friends and I have already placed orders online, and they will be delivered to home tomorrow! Oh, by the way, in order to save shipping costs, we bought them together. , All are sent to our home, don’t open my parcel randomly when that time comes!"

When he said the last sentence, Karen finally looked away from the phone screen and glanced at his mother.

But just a glance, and soon her little head dropped again.


Take a deep breath, Yulia? Miller reluctantly suppressed the anger that rushed up again, and after biting her lip hard, her heart was filled with sadness inexplicably.

Until now, Yulia? Miller still remembers the scene when he bought "Frozen" for his children.

Karen back then, how cute!

I haunt myself almost every day, especially the days when I go to the bookstore to choose books every month, it is as happy as Christmas. But at that time she was busy with life, and even took her children to the bookstore as a good time to catch her breath. Now, when she wants to get along with her children, Karen doesn't care much about herself...

"By the way, mom, can you give me a hundred euros?"

At this moment, Karen suddenly raised his head and said: "All the books are paid by me first, so I don't even have five euros on my body now! So, can I advance my pocket money for next month? "


After sighing secretly, Yulia? Miller could only take out his mobile phone and smiled bitterly: "I don't have any cash with me, so I can transfer one hundred euros to you with my mobile phone..."


Although it is the magician version, the Chinese version of the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and the English version were on the shelves almost at the same time in China.

It's just that relative to the expectations overseas, the domestic voices are a bit chaotic.

"How do I hear people say that this little magician version was used by Lao Bai to cheat money?"

After reading Zhao Zhihuo's list of books to buy this month, his wife frowned and thought about it, and couldn't help but want to delete "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

"Cheating money? How is it possible?!"

After listening to his wife’s words, Zhao Zhihuo almost laughed angrily: “You want to say that other authors do this, I believe, but you have to say that Lao Bai can write a book to cheat money... He is a billionaire, so he can use it What?"

I couldn't understand Zhao Zhihuo's reaction, so his wife glared at him and asked, "Isn't cheating money? Then why are they exactly the same story, almost exactly the same plot, want to write another magician version? It’s not that the little wizards sell a lot in Europe and the United States, so they come out with the magicians that I like? And even the background of the story is put in the UK!"

"Yo? Are you so clear?!"

Without worrying immediately, Zhao Zhihuo gave his wife a strange look.

"Nonsense, who made the girl yell to see a few days ago?"

She glared at Zhao Zhihuo again, she said angrily.


Hearing what his wife said, Zhao Zhihuo was immediately happy. Because he knew that with the words of a girl, this set of books in his shopping cart would definitely not be deleted!

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, Zhao Zhihuo’s mobile phone suddenly remembered the alert tone, which made his eyes light up instantly: "Oh, Lao Bai finally posted another Weibo. I guess it must be about this book. Check it out... "

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