Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1019: Learn

Handing ten songs to Chen Feifei, Sun Peng finally accomplished one more thing.

Then, as I said to the Queen of Heaven at the dinner table, in addition to cooperating with the promotion of "Assassin Alliance" when necessary, Sun Peng stayed at home.

In fact, it could not be regarded as a complete house, because besides serving his wife, Sun Peng had other plans after all.

For example...


Sun Qicheng subconsciously stunned for a moment, very much doubting whether he had misheard just now, and then looked at his precious nephew from the top of the glasses with a suspicious look: "What did you just tell me? Did I hear you wrong? Up?"

"Ahem, uncle, you heard me right!"

Hurriedly stepped forward and stood behind the uncle, Sun Peng started to pinch the shoulders of the old man, and at the same time said with a smiling face: "I just want to continue to learn writing with you, anyway, you are now retired, and you don’t spend time at home every day. What's the matter...what's wrong? Why do you always look at me with such a look?"

Sun Peng asked with some guilty conscience when the uncle's weird eyes looked a little hairy.

After squinting at his nephew for a while, Sun Qicheng said leisurely: "Do you still need to learn to write with me? To be honest, after reading your "Dragon Babu" and "The Deer and Ding Ji", I don't think I have continued to teach you I have the ability... ahem, of course, I did teach it before, but now I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. You have already been a teacher.

"Don't uncle, I really want to learn more!"

After twitching the corners of his mouth, Sun Peng hurriedly said, "As you know, I have recently changed my style and stopped writing martial arts novels, but I felt a little bit when I wrote "Han Bo and Lingshi" and "Han Bo and the Secret Chamber". I can't let go of it, and the recent "Murder on the Western Express."

Sun Peng knew his own problem too well.

He will certainly not lack creativity. He will never use up the classics he has in his head. As for basic writing and writing skills, there is no problem. After all, he grew up with his uncle. The old man used to cultivate his nephew. . But after writing The Little Wizard and the Murder on the Western Express this time, Sun Peng suddenly discovered a problem!

Creativity is fine, writing is fine, but he lacks the ability to summarize and organize!

To put it bluntly, how to adapt those classics from the earth to make them more suitable for this world. In this era, at least I must use my own writing style to write it better. Sun Peng still lacks this ability. The simplest example is the Little Witcher series. Although Sun Peng made it fully Chinese, and even invited a university professor to write a complete set of witchcraft system, after studying the two books carefully, it is still obvious that there is a strong Western magic style...

The modification of the words on the surface cannot change the character of the whole book.

And the master of this way is undoubtedly Sun Qicheng, so this is the reason why Sun Peng came to court his uncle today and wanted to take out something from the old man.


After listening to Sun Peng’s words, the old man suddenly became angry: "Oh, you are so embarrassed to say? Look at you, what have you written in the past two years? It's a wizard novel and a mystery novel, and it's still worth it. Adapted a version of the magician... There is no depth at all, not as good as the martial arts novels written before!"


Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng was really speechless.

He knows that the uncle has always been dissatisfied with the books he wrote, because the old man always felt that he should write some more "in-depth" masterpieces at his level! Just like the script of a TV series or a movie, the uncle also thinks that Sun Peng can dig deeper into social reality, human nature and the like, instead of always fighting and killing...

The faults of the traditional literati are vividly revealed in the uncle.

Fortunately, Sun Peng has never heard of this kind of advice. After all, he knows what he likes to watch the most, so he also understands what book fans and movie fans like most. As for the "deep" movie scripts or novels, wait until you get older and "accumulate" more.

After another round of general training, Sun Peng finally got a nod from his grandfather, and from now on, he will come over once a week to take a class and take a few books.

Of course he doesn't expect to learn how to find best-selling novels or script inspirations from his uncle. After all, the father has never written a book in his life, let alone teach others. But as a professor in the Department of Literature, the uncle is best at telling others "how to write a good novel", which is quite similar to many film school professors...


"Two days a week for three months!"

When Sun Peng came back from his uncle’s house, he also received a call from his assistant. Liu Chang said seriously: “As long as there is no accident, it is usually on weekends... Xiaopeng, are you sure you want to go to this director’s class? Remember, didn’t you read it once last time?"

"Ahem, last time it was a basic class, this time it was an advanced class."

Rubbing his nose, Sun Peng patiently explained to the assistant: "More importantly to me, the last lecture was from the theory teacher in the school, and this time it was lectured by elite graduates from the film school. ——Basically, they are all senior directors in the circle, and they speak different content!"

For Sun Peng now, what is needed is the advanced version of training.

Don't think he should have finished making three movies now, but his understanding of the profession of director may not be as good as that of a director who just graduated from the department. After all, they have really read the books for four years, and they have almost a full range of understanding from the bottom to the top; what Sun Peng can do is copy the image in his mind, and by the way make some small changes that he thinks are good.

After filming "Assassin's League", he felt that it was meaningless to go on like this.

So in addition to learning to write with his uncle, Sun Peng also asked his assistant to enroll him in a director training class, of course the advanced version, and plan to take advantage of this time to charge himself. Although the teachers in the class may not necessarily be famous, they will certainly not lack experience and ability, and this happens to be what Sun Peng needs most.

It just seems quite disapproving of what the second sister said?

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Sun Ya finally said: "Xiaopeng, it is of course good to want to learn more, but... have you ever thought that you are different from the time you went to class before? , What will happen if I appear in the director training class?"

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Hearing this, he was slightly startled, and Sun Peng asked subconsciously.

"Nonsense! Of course it's a sensation!"

Through the phone, Sun Peng seemed to be able to see the second sister rolling her eyes, and heard her say: "The famous screenwriter and director, Lao Bai, went back to his alma mater for further studies, and he still attended a class with many young directors! You! Do you know what those people will say? Let alone those who specifically hacked you!"


After another startled, Sun Peng burst into laughter immediately.

"Hello, what are you laughing at?"

In the second sister’s dissatisfied cry, Sun Peng said happily, “Sister, do you care so much about what those people say is meaningful? If I do so much, I still need to care about their eyes and words when I climb to my current position. What is the point of all the efforts?"


"Okay, let's do it! Let them go, let's just like what I wrote in my novel, with the breeze blowing on the hills and the bright moon shining on the river..."

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