Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1007: Bold ideas


With the retro-style whistle of the Polar Bear, the train slowly drove into an equally old station in Moscow, and then Sun Peng and Liu Chang also ushered in almost ten hours of "wind time".

No matter how comfortable the room is, sitting on a train for a long time is like going to jail.

So after jumping out of the car eagerly, Sun Peng stretched his waist first, and then said with some excitement: "Well, sister Chang, where shall we go first? Should we go to the Kremlin and Red Square first?"

"Okay, but in fact, we have enough time to get there!"

Shrugging, Liu Chang said indifferently.

"... Disappointment!"

Posing his lips, Sun Peng turned his head and saw Andrei who was getting out of the car with his luggage? Utkin, of course, and the female anchor Jiang Hailun who is ready to come out and breathe like them, stop by.

First, he politely nodded to Jiang Hailun, and then Sun Peng smiled and said, "Mr. Utkin, congratulations on finally returning to your hometown!"

"haha, thank you!"

After getting out of the car, take a deep breath, Andre? Utkin’s face was intoxicated, as if what he had just breathed in was not ordinary air, but a breath of spiritual energy, and he said happily: "To be honest, I am so happy now! Mr. Bai, you are planning to Where are you going?"

"Red Square, Kremlin!"

Shrugging, Sun Peng said the choice of most people.

"Haha, smart choice!"

A thumbs up, Andre? Utkin laughed loudly: "But my granddaughters came to pick me up and passed the Red Square and the Kremlin on the way back, so how about letting us take you off?"

"Thank you, but no need, we have already arranged a car and a tour guide."

Before the speechless Sun Peng could speak, Liu Chang categorically rejected the opponent.

This old man, still not giving up?

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, Liu Chang's cell phone rang suddenly. She quickly took it out to answer, and then quickly shouted angrily: "What? What do you mean you can't come? We are all off the train now... I don't care what the car is broken or the accident is, the problem is what should we do?"


Hearing Liu Chang's slightly high-pitched voice, Sun Peng subconsciously frowned.

But after all, this is not China that can solve problems at will, so after a little temper, Liu Chang looked at Sun Peng apologetically: "Sorry, Xiaopeng, it seems we can only rent out..."

"Perhaps, you can choose to join us!"

At this moment, Andre? Utkin suddenly interrupted: "Look, that's my granddaughter! I told her on the phone that you and I were in the same carriage. She was very excited and excited, and really couldn't wait to see you... …Believe me, she brought at least three cars here!"

"Mr. Utkin, sorry..."

"Okay, Sister Chang."

Before Liu Chang, with a serious expression, finished speaking, Sun Peng waved his hand and squinted his eyes and smiled: "Since Mr. Utkin has been so kindly invited, it would be no good for us to decline... but ten hours. It’s just a trip, there is no need to do so much trouble!"

If it was anyone, Sun Peng really didn't dare to follow along easily.

However, he has checked the website of the Soviet Embassy and is sure this Andrei? Mr. Utkin is indeed the newly retired ambassador to China, so what's so terrible? Could it be that you are afraid that the other party will kidnap yourself?

Jiang Hailun, who is next to him, is holding his mobile phone and is shooting around!

Of course this is not because Sun Peng insists on accepting Andri? The main reason for Utkin’s invitation was that in addition to being curious about the other party’s ideas, the more important thing was that Sun Peng wanted to get in touch with real diplomats, especially diplomats from the Soviet Union-there are so many scripts in his head, and many of them are needed. With a similar role image, Sun Peng always has to accumulate some "life foundation" for himself?


Now that Sun Peng nodded, Liu Chang naturally had no reason to object, so he nodded helplessly.

Liu Chang made a look, and the two bodyguards naturally followed closely.


Watching Sun Peng and the others leave with the local snake, the female anchor Jiang Hailun couldn't help sighing: "Brothers, look at it! As expected, it is Teacher Lao Bai, who even came to Moscow to receive someone, and she just retired. Ambassador to China! I am sorry for being pitiful. I can only find a taxi outside."

"Soviet ambassador? What did he do with Lao Bai?"

"This is called cultural exchange, don't you understand?"

"Cultural exchange shit! He is a retired Soviet ambassador, not a retired artist!"

"Helen, I met Lao Bai the first day I got in the car, and how many days have it been? You have a meal with someone else? Is your charm not enough, or Lao Bai's requirements are too high?"

"Disappointed! I thought I could see the old white unspoken rule, Helen, but I didn't expect...Oh!"

Looking at the increasingly crooked barrage on the screen of the phone, Jiang Hailun's face suddenly turned dark, and he flicked his angrily hand towards the exit of the station and walked over-this matter still needs you to be squeaky, I am still depressed. What...


Andre's granddaughter Xie Liuna? Utkin is only twenty-five or sixteen years old, and his body and appearance are the essence of Mao Mei.

The legs are long and the waist is thin, the skin is white and the nose is straight.

It's just that the head is really taller, wearing high heels at least ten centimeters higher than Sun Peng! Moreover, seeing the big-waisted mother beside this girl, the oppressive feeling of standing in front of her like a bear is enough to make most men dispel all kinds of fantasies in their hearts.

So for Xie Liuna's enthusiasm, Sun Peng always responded with a lukewarm attitude.

And compared to the girl’s figure and appearance, Sun Peng cared more about her identity. When he was in the car, he smiled and asked: "Miss Utkin, are you an independent singer, or which song and dance troupe you work for? ?"

"Moscow Red Flag Song and Dance Ensemble, has Mr. Bai heard of it?"

Xie Liuna didn't understand Chinese, so she had to rely on her grandpa to translate everything.

"What? Hongqi Song and Dance Troupe?"

After hearing the name of this song and dance troupe, Sun Peng was shocked! But he immediately reacted. This Hongqi Song and Dance Ensemble is not the Hongqi Song and Dance Ensemble on Earth, and it is not surprising that it is called Hongqi in the Soviet Union.

But seeing him look surprised, Andre? Utkin proudly said: "Yes, it is one of the best song and dance troupes in the Soviet Union-Hongqi Song and Dance Ensemble! Although I have just joined the group for less than three years, Xie Liuna is already one of the best young singers in it!"

"Oh, that's awesome!"

With a raised eyebrow, Sun Peng smiled and exclaimed.

However, the grandfather’s proud tone did not make Xie Liuna smile. Instead, she bit her lip and shook her head and said, “No, my grandpa said it was too exaggerated! In fact, my performance in the group was not medium at most, maybe a little bit above. The key is still the lack of a real classic song... That’s why Grandpa rashly proposed to buy that song on the train. Of course, now that you know your identity, you have never heard this request before. Up!"

"Xie Liuna..."

"Grandpa, stop talking!"

Frowning at Andre? Utkin glanced, Xie Liuna interrupted her grandfather, shook her head and said: "Your idea is simply impossible to achieve! Believe me, the regiment will not agree to it!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

After blinking, Sun Peng looked at the self-talking grandfather and grandson with a confused expression.

He thought it was Andre who wanted to buy "Birch Grove"? Utkin himself was surprised at the boldness of a Soviet diplomat. But now listening to Xie Liuna say this, why did he get into the Hongqi Song and Dance Troupe again? Does the old man want to let the song and dance troupe sell the copyright, and then give it to his granddaughter to sing?

This idea...

I have to say, it's bold enough!

When his granddaughter rejected his idea with a word, Andre looked obviously disappointed. After all, in his design, as long as Lao Bai has a certain affection for his granddaughter, maybe he can really achieve it?

It's just that now, he can only sigh and say: "Okay! Then I will think of another way. In short, I will find you a good song to give you a gift for next year's anniversary!"

"Anniversary? What anniversary?"

"Of course it is the anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, but next year will be the 70th anniversary celebration!"

Listen to Andre? After Utkin's answer, Sun Peng immediately understood his previous plan. It is estimated that he intends to use the big celebration song and dance troupe's willingness to spend money to give the granddaughter a certain benefit-of course, his personal influence must be added to this.

"Well, it seems interesting."

After pondering for a while, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Sun Peng's mind...

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