Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1003: Birch forest

Going abroad, and still taking the train for several days and nights, of course Sun Peng cannot be alone.

In fact, besides assistant Liu Chang, there are two bodyguards who live with him in this carriage, the kind who can beat people with a big waist. It was precisely because they had to get tickets for four people at a time, that was why it took so long, until the "Western Express Murder" was adapted by Sun Peng. This trip was considered a trip.

And the reason Jiang Hailun didn’t see these people on the first day was not because they were lazy, nor because Sun Peng was stingy and arranged them in a worse compartment. It was entirely because people knew that Sun Peng was this time. The purpose of taking the train is not to come out easily.

So Jiang Hailun's glaring eyes were completely thrown to the blind.

Not to mention that Sun Peng is really not interested in her, even if he is interested, what would he dare to do under Liu Chang's nose? Don't look at Liu Chang as Sun Peng's assistant, but he can be sure that if he dares to start and think carefully, Liu Chang will secretly call Zheng Jia or Sun Ya!

Not to mention that Jiang Hailun is still an anchor, so Sun Peng would have an affair or something if his brain is disabled.

Therefore, Jiang Hailun, who was still holding a white face for a few days and at least wanted to increase his attention and fans, discovered that he was completely tragedy early the next morning-in addition to a slight nod when he met, They didn't pay attention to her at all, and if they wanted to pester her, they would be driven away by a beautiful middle-aged aunt...


In fact, to Sun Peng, taking the train is quite boring.

He belongs to the kind of typical urban creature, and he is not particularly interested in the so-called scenery on this road, especially when driving in an open grassland or forest. At the beginning, he may be interested in seeing the scenery or something. But it will be boring over time.

Fortunately, this is not a simple trip to explore the structure of the carriage and verify that the adapted version of "Murder on the Western Express" is the business. So starting from the next day, Sun Peng began to measure every corner of the carriage step by step, including the dining car next to it, and began to check and revise little by little with his own adapted novel.

Fortunately, it is really similar.

Perhaps Sun Peng needs to change the details, but it will not affect the rationality of the content at all. So after only three days, he took a sigh of relief and can finally relax and enjoy the leisure time and the food on the train...

"This meal is at least 1,500 yuan!"

After filling his mouth with beef, Liu Chang couldn't help but shook his head and said, "To be honest, it tastes good, but it's really not worth the price!"

"Hehe, you have to consider where to eat this meal!"

Sun Peng was very satisfied with this side. After taking a small drink, he sighed comfortably.

"Anyway, I don't think it's worth eating anywhere!"

Shaking his head again, Liu Chang rolled his eyes and said, "And other writers are boring in the house to create. It's good for you. It would cost two or three hundred thousand to write a book just for so-called collection! If this is ordinary The writer who clicks, maybe the royalties earned won't even be able to collect the minimum cost!"

Tickets for four people are tens of thousands, plus the food and drink along the way, and the cost of playing for two days after arriving in Europe, plus the return air ticket and other miscellaneous things, 200,000 may not be able to stop. Although he knows that Sun Peng can earn dozens or hundreds of times in a book, this feeling of wasting money...

Sun Peng understands Liu Chang's petty temperament, because he did it before.

But when he donated a large sum of money to his alma mater, Sun Peng suddenly became a little bit acquainted. Although he would not deliberately make expensive consumption, he did not resist.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

At this moment, Liu Chang stared straight out the window suddenly and exclaimed.

Sun Peng quickly turned his head and took a look, and then couldn't help but was stunned: "It's really beautiful...this is a white birch forest? Tsk tusk, it looks really spectacular!"

The endless white birch forest is spectacular and at the same time it gives people a sense of quiet beauty.

"Yes, you can't see this kind of sight in China."

Almost all of his body lay on the dining car window, Liu Chang looked at the world outside the window fascinatingly, and exclaimed in a low voice.

The Chinese economy in this world took off relatively early, so it paid more attention to the environment. At least for comparison, Sun Peng can easily feel this, much better than China on the earth. But although China is big, there is no Russia after all... No, the endless forests of the Soviet Union that still exist in this world rarely have such desolate and endless wilderness.

For Sun Peng, this was also quite a shocking scene.

Looking at the slowly passing scenery outside the train window, the two of them had no interest in talking for a while, and even the delicious lunch in front of them had been forgotten.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Chang said leisurely: "Xiaopeng, you write a song so well, or else just write a song for the large white birch forest in front of you... It must be magnificent!"

Time has passed for so long, the birch forest in front of you has not disappeared!

"Birch forest..."

With a move in his heart, Sun Peng turned his head and looked at his assistant.

I don’t know this, I was shocked when I saw it!

At this time, Liu Chang's expression of excitement seemed to be the same as what he had just said. He looked at Sun Peng expectantly, as if he wanted him to write the song immediately.


Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng was also speechless.

There really is such a birch forest in his head, and it is still very nice, the kind that he liked very much at the beginning. But although the slow song is melodious and beautiful, it is full of emotion, but it has a dime relationship with the majesty-although the endless white birch forest in front of you is very shocking!

Of course, there are many such songs in the Soviet Union on the earth, but with the birch forest...

But looking at Liu Chang’s full of anticipation, who has always taken care of himself, Sun Peng really couldn’t afford to refuse, so he shrugged and smiled: "Sister Chang, you said that I do have some inspiration, but The first thing that emerged was a slow and melodious melody, which has nothing to do with the majesty!"

"Oh, so soon?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, Liu Chang's eyes suddenly lit up.

In fact, she just said it because of the scene in front of her. She just said that. After all, Liu Chang also knew that inspiration was not there, but she didn't expect that Sun Peng would actually nod and agree!

"Haha, Sister Chang, you asked for the first time. Where can I not agree?"

Seeing Liu Chang's surprise look, Sun Peng suddenly laughed.

For his assistant, Sister Chang, he really couldn't be more satisfied. Knowing advances and retreats, knowing the rules, the key is not to make people feel alienated, and to take care of Sun Peng's various things in an orderly manner, sometimes he even feels that he may never be able to do without Liu Chang anymore.

So what is the requirement of a song?

After just hesitating, Sun Peng still smiled and said, "But Sister Chang, you still have to let me ponder this song. It's still a vague tone..."

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