Another world conquest manual

Chapter 6 First Exploration (Part 2)

Due to the complete planning and arrangements in advance, the results of each group's tasks were gradually achieved within five hours after the entire camp started work.

The first team to report the situation was the sampling team led by Wang Qiang. This funny man held a stack of reports in his hand and looked a little excited:

"Lin Institute, the top one is the soil and air sampling results, and the bottom one is the analysis report of the water sample."

Lin Li noticed one word keenly: "Water sample? Have you found the water source?"

"Half and half," Wang Qiang scratched her hair, and before Lin Li asked what "half and half" meant, she took the initiative to explain:

"The comrades of the logistics team discovered a mountain spring while digging rocks. The source flow is not large, so it cannot be said to be a real water source, but it has some reference value."

Lin Li nodded, took the report, shook it, and read it word for word.

As a senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, such forms naturally put no pressure on Lin Li:

"Carbon dioxide is 0.034%, which is about the same as the earth. Nitrogen is only 62%. Huh? The oxygen content is close to 26%? Have you confirmed it?"

When it comes to key data issues, Wang Qiang naturally does not dare to be careless: "Our team conducted three rounds of cross-validation on the relevant data, and the values ​​in each round of verification were almost the same.

I know what you want to say, the oxygen content of 26% is a bit high for people on earth, even exceeding the concept of oxygen enrichment.

This oxygen concentration can easily damage proteins, lipids and DNA and accelerate human aging.

Oxygen poisoning is not something we can talk about. Young people with better physiques probably won’t have much of a problem in the short term, but it’s hard to say for older people.”

Wang Qiang glanced at Lin Li's sparse forehead as he spoke, and added: "For example, there may be oily hair loss. Oops!"

Lin Li calmly took back his ballpoint pen and glared at this funny guy: "Don't talk too much. If you don't mention oxygen in advance, what about this 11% unknown gas?"

Wang Qiang neatly spread her hands: "I don't know."

Seeing that Lin Li was about to hit her head with the ballpoint pen again, Wang Qiang immediately jumped back, like a cat with fried fur:

"I really don't know! The gas chromatograph can't analyze the composition of this part of the gas at all. Even if the ion source is installed, it still doesn't work. Besides, this is a different world. Don't you want something unknown?!"

Lin Li's movements froze, and he said thoughtfully: "That's true, after all, it's a different world."

As he spoke, Lin Li looked at his right hand hanging in the air, thought for half a second, and then...

He hit Wang Qiang on the head again.

Well, it feels much more comfortable now.


Wang Qiang covered her head and looked aggrieved: "What are you doing! If you knock it any more, you will become stupid."

Lin Li ignored the dramatist and turned to Zeng Gucheng, the vice-captain of the Xinhuo Team and director of the Shanghai Institute of Physics: "Old Zeng, how is the survey team doing?"

Zeng Gucheng is a little bloated old man who is also an academician-level boss. Hearing this, he immediately said:

"Xiao Huang and others from the Institute of Geography first measured the specific directions of southeast, northwest, and then measured the topography of the valley where we are - the valley we are in is about 200 meters wide and nearly two kilometers deep.

There are two roads out of the valley, both with a slope of about 30°. Fuel vehicles can easily climb to the top of the slope.

There are also some results in terms of physical constants. The kilogram prototype and spring dynamometer we brought are still normal, and the units of force have not changed. In other words, there is no need to redefine the units of mass, force, and length in the new world.

At the same time, the radio intensity of the galactic halo gas has also been measured, and the GZK limit value of this world has also been determined.

In addition, the molar volume of the gas under standard conditions is the same as that of the earth, and Avogadro's constant is still 6.02×10^23/mol, but..."

Lin Li's expression immediately became serious: "But what?"

"Through the Cavendish torsion balance and other experiments, we found that both the gravitational constant and Planck's constant have changed, and the gravity is only 91.4% of the earth's," Zeng Gucheng shook his head and muttered:

"The most straightforward thing to say is that once the gravitational constant and acceleration change, the ballistic trajectories of many weapons need to be recalculated. The specific calculation process needs to be discussed with the technical comrades of the army. It is estimated that a lot of effort will be spent on it. As for the planetary trajectory. There are currently insufficient conditions for observation.

By the way, we are still calculating the time scale of the other world. We can only confirm that the time flow rate of the other world is the same as that of the earth. There is no need to use an atomic clock to measure the base unit.

Strange to say, we have been in another world for several hours, but the three suns in the sky have not moved even half a step. "

Lin Li patted this old acquaintance on the shoulder:

"The survey team has done a good job. As Xiao Wang said, this is a different world. You can't expect all the constants to be consistent with the earth, right?

Just recalculate some data. Our country is so powerful and we can always solve it if we pile up manpower and material resources. "

"Yes, yes," Wang Qiang, a funny guy, nodded vigorously at the side: "It's like playing online games. Those who throw away the identification skills and all question marks are the biggest trouble. Things that can light up the health bar are not a problem. Son."

I have to say that sometimes, having a live treasure playing next to you can really relax you.

Lin Li saw that Zeng Gucheng's face had calmed down a little, and he was about to say a few more words when he suddenly saw Lin Ziming walking into the tent quickly: "Team Lin, the drone has discovered a gathering point of large creatures!"



Gather, gather, point!

These few words rang in their ears like a bombshell, shocking everyone.

Lin Li's tiredness after not sleeping all night suddenly dissipated, and he asked: "Comrade Ziming, what is the life form of the other party? What is the level of civilization? Has the drone been discovered?"

"The opponent's technological level does not seem to be high, and the drone has no signs of being exposed. Let's talk about other information while watching the video." Lin Ziming answered the most critical question first, and then led everyone to the command podium in the tent: "I have asked Comrade Xiao Wang from the communications team to import the images into the computer."

As he spoke, Lin Ziming pressed a button, and soon, a high-definition video appeared on the command screen.

As soon as the video started playing, Wang Qiang let out a soft cry: "It's so clear."

"Our drone uses the military version of ST6200TPS equipment. It can still achieve broadcast-level image quality at an altitude of three thousand meters. In terms of image accuracy alone, it is on par with the old and American. Of course, in terms of structure and power There is still some gap." Lin Ziming took advantage of the free time before the key screen appeared and added some information that was too late to report:

"We dispatched a total of six military drones to perform reconnaissance missions, and found that the target was the No. 4 drone flying south. The target area was about 18 kilometers away from us in a straight line."

As soon as he finished speaking, a city appeared on the screen.

The city looks small in area. The outer walls are mottled and thick, as if they are made of loess. There are carriages passing through the city gate.

The buildings in the city look similar to those in ancient China, with mainly flat and short buildings, not many high-rise buildings, and obvious eaves beams and entrance structures.

The most conspicuous mansion among them can be clearly seen as a large courtyard with eight entrances.

Then Lin Ziming tinkered with a few more buttons, and the drone's perspective began to slowly narrow.

Gradually, a large number of clear figures appeared in the picture.

The people in the picture are simply dressed, and their appearance is the same as that of Chinese people. It can be clearly seen that the front of their clothes is turned to the right. They are pushing trucks to sell goods, walking calmly, or entering and exiting some buildings in the city.

Looking at this scene, four words popped into everyone's mind at the same time like a conditioned reflex:

Ancient China.

Note 1: Students who have doubts about military drone footage can search for relevant videos online, such as drone footage of some marathon races. The accuracy of military drone cameras can capture clear portraits at an altitude of 3,000 meters with high magnification. of.

Note 2: I directly set the basic constants of the new world to be the same as those of the Earth. Otherwise, this book can be written, but I guess not many people will read it. For example, the most basic spring force measurement experiment cannot be written without 6,000 words. , the whole set of basic constants can be put on the shelves after measuring the word count (laughs).

I will explain the reasons for gravity and the like later. The outline has already been set, but don’t worry too much about cows, meters, seconds, etc.

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