Anomalous Collector

Chapter 28: that person

   "Land...what?" Zhang Hongbing's face was shrouded in smoke again, and his voice came from the smoke-filled protective mask.

   "Hiss..." There was a sudden inhalation sound, the smoke in the protective suit was inhaled, and Zhang Hongbing's face was exposed again, "Underground?"

  The people who were working all gathered around, looked at the words on the corpse carefully, and they all frowned.

   "Didn't it be found in Yunshan Woodland? Is there something underground in Yunshan?"

   "It is also possible to write about a hole in the ground. When I was a child, I heard the elderly in my family say that Yunshan used to be the tomb of the emperor, and there was a palace underground."

   "Could it be that you want to write the location in XX, and you just finished writing a word of ground?"

   "Do you think it is Detective Conan?"

   A group of people were arguing seriously at this time, Li Fan took out the fragment of the subway card and said:

   "It may also be the subway."

   Liu Dalong shook his head:

   "The subway should not be possible, you think, this thing was found in Yunshan, if it ran out in the subway, it would have to span a small city, can it not be found?"

   Li Fan looked at the subway card in his hand and nodded slightly.

   It should be that the subway is right. The hands of some corpses probing outside are obviously traces of dust in the subway, including oil stains.

Wu Qian beside    said:

   "Everyone, think about it, if there is any beginning word, think about it, and put it in the report to give the research department and bureau some room for thinking."

   A group of people immediately started to use their brains, what tunnels, maps, earthquakes, the earth, and finally even sweet potatoes and landmines came up.

   After all, abnormal events cannot be inferred by common sense at all. What if the words they think are useful to the research department?

   Then Li Fan did not continue to dissect the female corpse.

   After all, it has been taken with a windproof lighter, and obviously there is no residual infection, let alone an abnormal source of infection.

   The corpses in the room are all without any source of infection.

   There is no point in dissecting it.

   casually took some samples from the corpse and kept them. Li Fan directly handed in the test report, pushed the corpse back into the morgue, and left the large autopsy room with Ke Ke.

   After finishing the killing, he took off his protective clothing and changed into normal clothes. Li Fan went to the lounge to sit down, lit a cigarette, took a hard breath, and let out a long sigh of relief.

   for a while, it's really lingering.

   This time, unlike the previous few times, no abnormal source of infection was found.

   What makes Li Fan most wary of is that he has done so many things in a row, and it will definitely not be a random and aimless mess.

   Among them, there must be a purpose behind them.

   just what is the purpose?

   What disgusts Li Fan most is that the other party's behavior is likely to disrupt his latent retirement plan.

   is dying.

   must find out for him.

   Let the family find it later.

   was thinking, when the smell of coffee came, Ke Ke handed a cup of freshly brewed coffee to Li Fan, and said with some embarrassment:

   "Li Fan, drink... have some coffee to refresh your mind..."

   Li Fan took a sip of coffee and laughed:

   "Delicious, thank you Sister Ke Ke."

   "It's an instant coffee, what's so delicious..." Ke Ke hid his mouth and smiled, his eyes bent into crescents, then he sighed and looked at Li Fan sincerely and said:

"To be honest, I don't know how to repay you. I'm too useless. I can only do some ordinary trivial things. If Li Fan is useful to me, you must tell me, and I will do it if I work hard. ."

   Li Fan also became serious, looked at Ke Ke's eyes and replied sincerely:

"Sister Ke Ke, it’s just a matter of saying that for me, I don’t really need to worry too much. Since you said that, well, if I need you, I will never let you go. First of all, I need you. Take good care of yourself and stop working late at night."

   He was serious, Ke Ke couldn't help but smiled into crescent eyes again, and said:

   "Okay, Xiaofan, let the leader take care of his body... Don't worry, I will use the money for financial management. Anyway, it is an interest-free loan, and the financial income will catch up with the money I used to work."

   Li Fan was taken aback, and then said nervously:

   "It's not the kind of financial management project like that? They are all deceptive, and you must not touch it..."

   "What are you thinking about." Ke Ke gave him a blank look, and then smiled softly: "It's all guaranteed. Besides, I used to graduate from finance and have two brushes. You look nervous."

   said, picking up a tissue to wipe the sweat from Li Fan's forehead.

"Ahem, today's work is really boring. I finally finished it. I'm exhausted. I have to squeeze it." Zhang Hongbing's voice came from the door, and several colleagues had just changed their regular clothes and came to the lounge to rest. .

   Ke Ke quickly retracted his hand, his cheeks flushed.

   Several colleagues are really exhausted.

   They dissected the body they were responsible for from head to toe, and after careful inspection for a long time, they did not find the source of infection.

   I handed in the report last.

   A group of colleagues were smoking, drinking tea, drinking coffee and chatting in the lounge. Although it was already very sleepy at four in the morning, none of them said they were going to bed.

   are waiting for Xidelong.

   "Well, speaking of it, the victims this time are really miserable, they were grouped into a ball..." Zhang Hongbing said, taking a mouthful of smoke.

Ma Lihua next to    nodded: "I have been in contact with some weird infected bodies before. I have never seen such a miserable, abnormal, abnormal, and the world is getting more and more abnormal."

   "Who said no, I remember that a few years ago, there were several autopsy tasks in a year. In the past two years, how has it been more and more. These are only a few days, and I have had three tasks."

   "Everything is fickle, what we can do is to do our own job as much as Let the deceased rest in peace and give an account of their death. Just be yourself."

   "If these anomalies occur naturally, it's okay to say. If they are made by humans, they are simply utterly conscience. I really don't know who would be so wicked and smoke."

   "Poor for the families of the victims, the non-disclosure agreement is involved, and many people don't even know the real cause of death..."

   A group of anatomists who had just finished their work were resting and chatting about today’s abnormalities. The air in the whole lounge became suppressed.

   Just then, Wu Qian’s voice came from the entrance of the lounge:

   "Brothers, Xidelong go!"



   Southwest Bureau of Abnormal Bureau, Director's Office.

  Behind the huge mahogany desk, Zhao Yifeng, the director of the abnormal bureau, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, listening to the report.

   In front of him, it was Hong Tao, the captain of the three teams who had just returned from the scene.

"It is basically certain that it is binge eating. As for the guy wearing a sunflower mask and growing corn, there is no relevant information yet. There is no such individual in the existing information of the Clean Association, but it is certain that it will not be much worse than binge eating. "

Hong Tao quickly said: “The corn planted in the sunflower mask has a small amount of human brain cells inside after tissue testing. The reason why the wrong location of the other party’s meeting was judged at the time was because of the mental radiation and the spiritual radiation emitted by the corn in a short period of time. Human beings are similar to each other, enough to be true."

   "Chairman, do you want to raise the alert level of the cleaning association?"

   Zhao Yifeng still did not open his eyes at this time, and slowly shook his head and said:

   "It is useless to raise the alert level. Although the appearance of gluttony is terrible, I can barely accept it... the most terrifying... is that person..."

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