◆ Dark Knight Croki

The Republic of St. Lenaria is one of the most powerful of many groups of countries.

With multiple satellite cities, the city of Lenalia has a population of about 200,000.

But that would increase the population even more if it included just 200,000 people with citizenship and no citizenship.

The Republic of St. Lenaria, in the name of the Republic, is governed not by a hereditary king but by a consul who serves a four-year term.

Unlike general republican elections, the consul is chosen by the Temple of Lena from among those recommended by a certain number of citizens.

Moreover, the Temple of Lena has the right to veto the Praetor's policy and the resolutions of the people's council, which are made up of persons with citizenship.

In other words, the politics of this country cannot be conducted in disregard of the intentions of the Temple of Lena. The supreme power in this country can be called the Temple of Lena.

The Temple of Lena in the Republic of St. Lenaria is the largest sanctuary of the faith of the goddess Lena, with worshippers from all over the world.

In addition, many people who are not followers of the goddess Lena visit because of the rich country.

As one of those visitors, I came to this country.

"What are we going to do now, Mr. Jans Dihart?

The nut on his shoulder asks.

"Yeah, that's right... Let's find a base."

That's how I walk through the city outside the walls.

Sometimes it is possible to find an outside city when it becomes a large city.

An outer city is a city built outside the walls of a castle.

Outside cities do not require citizenship to enter, so you can enter and exit freely.

It would be dangerous to be outside the walls at night.

But people who don't have any citizenship have no other place to go, so they have to live outside the city.

Outside this city are people from the destroyed country or criminals who have been chased by the country.

As a result, it is very insecure.

It was originally the knight's job to keep security outside the walls.

Inside the walls are vigilantes and guards, and knights keep people safe on the streets outside the walls.

There are frequent monsters on the street, so if we don't get rid of them, no one will pass through the street.

It is a wider area than the city, and we must fight dangerous monsters. Therefore, I cannot serve as a knight unless I ride a horse and have a high ability to fight.

Also, it is difficult for such a highly capable fighter to be rebelled against the state, so knights are required to be loyal to the king and the state.

But only the Knights will protect their own citizens and the citizens of the city that made the pact.

Knights don't protect people who don't have citizenship.

For this reason, knights do nothing when people who do not have citizenship in the outside city kill each other.

Conversely, if those without citizenship harm those with citizenship, the knight will kill those without citizenship.

If I were a knight, the people of the outside city would be no different from the beasts.

But then why aren't the knights chasing people out of the city?

This is because it is attractive for knights as a disturber of the peace, and for merchants as a cheap workforce.

A much cheaper workforce than hiring ordinary citizens contributes to the development of cities.

That's why the outside world is allowed to exist. However, as long as it does not harm the citizens.

As you walk, the bad guy of Gara passes by.

"Where are you based, Jans?

I hear the nut that moved into my pocket.

"If possible, I'd like to find an inn... But it's hard to find decent lodging outside the walls."

An inn in a castle wall would be the best base.

However, without citizenship of any country, I cannot stay in the inner lodging in a situation where it is difficult for me to enter the castle wall.

You can sneak into the walls, but if the innkeeper suspects you, it's over.

I wish I could use magic to manipulate my consciousness, but I don't have that kind of ability.

So let's find a place to sleep somewhere outside the city.

I walk outside the city.

The unpaved stripped ground has a puddle of water due to yesterday's rain, which stains my shoes every time I walk.

"Looks like it's better than the outside town I was in before...."

I murmur as I look around.

It is the third time I come to a city with an outside city.

The first two were more insecure.

Anyway, people's bodies usually roll around.

I've never seen anyone killed and turned into a corpse.

But I just felt a little disgusted, and I didn't feel anything else.

I think there would have been a lot of trouble in the original world.

Perhaps my coming to this world had an impact on my spirit.

I wasn't that scared the first time I was surrounded by monsters.

Rather, Rage and Shirone are more afraid.

Maybe Shirone and the others are the same.

Raige and Shirone seem to have defeated many monsters.

Weren't you scared?

Walking with that in mind, you find a place that looks like an inn.

But I will do as I say.

Because I don't have any money.

We'll find a place to lower the wind and rain.

I took my feet to the outskirts of town.

◆ Warrior Crash Man Dozumi

"Damn it... What am I supposed to do...?"

No matter how much I thought about it, I didn't come up with an idea.

I can't do it unless I'm drinking.

I feel a little sick.

I'm going to go into a place with few people and throw up a little.

"Hey, Dozumi!!

When I vomit, I hear voices from behind.

Dozumi, that's me.

It's not a real name. Because it looks like a rat, it's called a rat for short.

Looking back, there are five men standing there, mainly big men with bald heads.

Everyone knows that face.

The men I belonged to were with the Freedom Warriors.

I don't want to see it. I got drunk.

I belong to the Warriors' Corps, which exists outside this city of the Republic of St. Lenaria.

Even though it's a warrior regiment, it's a ragged gathering.

Unlike the Knights, it is an organization designed to exterminate civilian monsters who are not under the control of the State.

But I've never done anything to kill a monster.

They're the same people.

A group of shit that steals from the weak and gets their daily food. That's the organization I belonged to.

You cannot live outside this city unless you belong to some organization.

That's why I can't complain if you let me belong to an organization like shit.

But the warriors I was supposed to belong to were going to kill me, so I cried.

"This is, this is the Commander.... What's the matter with you?

I look at the commander with a smile.

A big man with a bald head and a scratch on his face.

I'm a little hungry, but my arms seem thick and strong anyway.

"Where have you been, Dozmi? Don't worry, you'll have to push the brave one."

The commander laughs.

"Why should I be pushed by a brave man..."

She screamed as she was about to cry.

"Hah!! That's because you killed the father of the brave woman!!

"It's not me!! I didn't do it! That man must have been killed by the Commander! I killed the girl I was after because she became a brave woman!!

"Hey, don't scream so much!!

The Commander is approaching.

I'm going back.

"The Dark Knight has recovered and is trying to take my place for fear of retribution!

"Shut the fuck up!

The commanders draw their swords.

They'll kill you like this.

But I can't move my feet well because I'm drinking to escape.

Am I done here?

I hated it. I don't want to die.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

All of a sudden I hear a voice.

He is a young man in his voice.

The captains turned around.

I can't see the commander in the shadow.

But the man who called me came to me through the captains.

A person wearing a black hooded robe stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry... Could you tell me what you said earlier?

The person in the black hood asks.

I don't know what kind of face it is because I hide my face with a hood.

Who are you?

But that doesn't matter. Anyone who listens to me is fine.

"Oh good, let me tell you... No, listen to me...."

I'm going to tell you what I've seen.

"Hey, wait a minute, brother. If you listen to him, we'll be in trouble!!

The commander sticks his sword to the neck of a black hood figure from behind.

"Um... I don't think you can complain if you're attacked when you point a sword at someone."

That said, the Black Hood man grabs the Warlord's sword. Then the commander's sword disappeared wrapped in a black flame.

"No! What the hell! Magician?!!

The captain shouted in surprise.

"I'm sorry, but I won't be able to talk for a while."

Suddenly the captains fall when the Black Hood figures look back.

I don't know what happened.

The captains are all holding their tongues.

Looking closely, it seems that the jaw has come off.

"Fugah... fugah..."

As the commander said, he is looking at a black hood figure.

Those eyes are dyed with fear.

"If you don't tell anyone you met here, you can go."

When the Black Hood said so, the captains ran away.

"Well... I wonder if you could tell me a strange story. The brave one... Raige is alive, isn't he?

I nodded at the words.

◆ Dark Knight Croki

Me and Nut move to a place where a man named Dozomi usually wanders around.

The rattlesnake is a wooden cabin on the outskirts of town.

There are holes in various places and they are likely to break now.

"Did that happen...."

"Hehe, that's right, Milord..."

According to Dozumi, the leader of the warrior regiment to which he belonged was robbed by a brave man of the woman he was watching.

Even if it was a takeover, the commander was not alone in dating the commander because he was forcibly approaching a woman.

The commander threatened to kill his father if he didn't listen to the woman.

Since women were not citizens of the Republic of St. Lenaria, they could not benefit from the protection of the law and had to obey the commander.

That's where the brave Raige showed up.

The woman asked Raj for help. The woman was beautiful, so Reggie helped her.

The Commander had no choice but to back off because he could not make enemies of the heroes recognized by the Temple of Lena.

However, rumors spread that Raige had died at the hands of the Dark Knight.

The death of Reggie left the women unprotected, and the woman's father died in the hands of the commander.

But Reggie was alive.

As expected, murder is not tolerated outside the city.

He tried to kill the woman's father without knowing the perpetrator. There's no way Rage won't retaliate for something like that.

That is why the commander tried to offer the sacrificial sheep for fear of reprisals from Reggie.

That's the rat in front of me.

Of course, I don't think that would fool Raige and the others, but I don't know what the Commander is thinking, so I'll keep quiet.

"Thank you for the good news."

I take some gems out of my waist bag and hand them over.

Dozumi opens her eyes and looks at the jewels.

"This is.... Really?"

Dodgers look at and bite jewels from different angles.

I wonder if it's too little?

Dodgers shake their necks when they ask.

"If this is real, we can get out of here and into another city. But, sir, are you okay? I don't care if you give me something like this."

Dozumi screams with a little murmur.

"Good, because you gave me the information I needed... Besides, you can get these rattles, right?

When I heard it, the dog now shakes his neck vertically.

"Of course! I'm going to give my husband something like this! I'm getting out of town! Please feel free to use this place for your husband!!

"Could you tell me more later....."

"Ask me anything you want! I don't care if my husband is a demon!

Dogmi shook his neck vertically while laughing.

Now we have a base.

How will we find out about Raige and the others later?

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