Chapter 82 It is not impossible to hit Hong Kong Island and only your family is left!!

After returning to the hospital bed, he casually found an excuse to send Yuan Jiabao away, and the nurse came to replace Qiu Gangao with a broken tape and hung up a drip.

For this kind of patient number in a single room, the nurse does not dare to have any rush.

All day long, I came to the door every three to five to see if there was anything I needed to help with the sick number.

Several people have already come to say hello to the hospital, so be sure to serve Qiu Gangao!

The nurses did not dare to ask more, but in listening to the words of the head nurse, these people came from one bigger than the other.

After the infusion, Qiu Gangao turned on the TV on the table boredly.

At present, evidence collection, investigation, and trial still need a set of processes.

Zhang Chongbang’s case is not as wrapped up in public opinion as Situ Jie, and it cannot be quickly decided.

The media is a double-edged sword, and when it comes to himself, Qiu Gangao does not intend to use the old method before.

This case is basically already a qualitative matter, and he is not afraid that Zhang Chongbang can come up with any tricks to turn over.

But if you do it too quickly, it can be counterproductive.

The doctor told Qiu Gangao that he could not eat this, that he could not drink it, but he still had to smoke cigarettes.

Anyway, a single sick number, why do you care so much.

Just as he was picking up a cigarette and about to light it, there was a knock outside the door.

Qiu Gangao put down the cigarette scoundrelly, I don’t know who came to him again!


“Brother Qiu, it’s me! Is it convenient to come in? ”

A hearty voice came from outside the door.

Qiu Gangao was surprised, this is Bao Zhigang’s voice!

He also came to see himself? Are Hokkien people so emotional?

In Qiu Gangao’s opinion, Bao Zhigang had already returned his favor by throwing those coolies at the dock to him.

Unexpectedly, he is now lying in the hospital, and the tycoon of this status is also willing to visit him in person, and I have to say that Qiu Gangao still recognizes Bao Zhigang’s approach.

This man has no bad conscience.

“Charter king? Come in! ”

“Hey, it’s coming!”

The door was pushed open, and unexpectedly, Bao Zhigang pushed the door open but did not come in, but stood aside, smiling and looking at a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a straight face on his face.

Made a gesture of please.

This man has a wide mouth, round forehead and lop ears, and a taste of indescribable nobility when he looks at his face.

The man also smiled at Bao Zhigang and signaled: “Charter King, this is what you said about Qiu Gangao?” What a blessing today! ”

“Oh, Boss Li, let’s go over and talk with my little brother!”

Qiu Gangao looked at this Boss Li with some surprise, not knowing who this person was.

It’s just that judging from the tone of Bao Zhigang’s gesture, this person’s position is obviously not low.

In terms of status, he Bao Zhigang’s name as the king of Asian ships must not be blown out, but how can this person appear in front of him every time with some people with a good position.

The previous Anna is counted as one, and this Boss Li, who does not know what identity he is, is counted as another.

Boss Li strode forward and stretched out his right hand to Qiu Gangao.

A kind smile bloomed on his majestic face.

“Hello, my name is Li Qingping, I take the liberty to come to the door to harass, and please forgive me, this is said in a calm manner, no matter from the demeanor and tone, it makes Qiu Gangao feel that this is an extremely confident person.”

Without a trace, he took care of all the emotions of the person he was talking to, and the two feelings of mountain suppression and spring breeze were interpreted by this person in two words.

“Hello, my name is Qiu Gangao.”

Without refuting Bao Zhigang’s face, Qiu Gangao stretched out his hand and shook Li Qingping, he didn’t ask Li Qingping what identity he was, why he came to him.

The other party will soon tell him these things.

Sure enough, Bao Zhigang walked to the bed and patted Qiu Gangao’s right shoulder.

“Brother, you were injured, I should have come to see you for the first time!

But I’m really busy and can’t leave, I said hello to this hospital last night, their boss has known me for many years, you can rest assured, I will definitely treat you completely and go out! ”

In the face of Bao Zhigang’s polite words, Qiu Gangao also expressed his gratitude.

With the politeness over, it’s time to get to the point.

Sure enough, Bao Zhigang pointed to Li Qingping, who was smiling, and began to introduce.

“This Mr. Li Qingping, that’s an amazing character!

He is a high-ranking official from Guangdong Province in the north! I won’t introduce the specific identity to you, anyway, Li Hall… Boss Li wants to talk to you about something, you should be interested! ”


This was Qiu Gangao’s first reaction in his heart.

Mainland executives, come to find themselves, what to do, Qiu Gangao has already guessed.

In order to prove the judgment in his heart, Qiu Gangao felt that it was necessary to listen to Li Qingping’s intentions.

Bao Zhigang glanced at Li Qingping with understanding: “Boss Li, I found the person for you.” I’m waiting for you outside, and as soon as we’re done, let’s go to Happy Valley for horse racing, and have a quick meal! ”

Li Qingping smiled and waved his hand: “Don’t bother the charter king to be polite, I’ll finish talking to this brother first.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll go out and wait for you!”

After Bao Zhigang went out, Qiu Gangao took the lead in asking questions.

“Are you… Mainland”

“Brother Qiu, please don’t ask more about my identity, smoke? It’s just that my cigarette is not a good smoke. ”

Looking at the double happiness handed over by Li Qingping, Qiu Gangao suddenly felt a cordial emotion inside.

“Hmm… The doctor wouldn’t let me smoke. ”

“Don’t get in the way, a little injury, smoking a cigarette can’t kill people!”

This is quite meaningful, and Qiu Gangao is still waiting for him to pick out the words.

“Actually, I came to you through Bao Zhigang, and I really have something to talk to you about, of course, if you contradict what I say next, I won’t say anything.”

Qiu Gangao nodded.

“But it doesn’t hurt to say.”

“Well, you’ve been a police officer before, haven’t you? I’ve heard that you’re a very good cop. ”

Perhaps knowing that this is a past that Qiu Gangao does not want to face, Li Qingping specially added a very good police officer at the end to reduce Qiu Gangao’s resistance.

In fact, there is no need, at the moment Zhang Chongbang is already a fish on the chopping board, just wait for the judge’s trial to finish the hammer, those previous things will dissipate with the wind.

How can people live in the shadows all their lives, and when revenge is over, it is time to come out of the haze and face the new life well.

“Boss Li may as well explain everything clearly, I will seriously consider it.”

“I’m going to say something you can think about it, it’s like this, you know, it’s coming soon.

But Hong Kong Island has been in the hands of the Chinese people for so many years, and it will leave a lot of mess.

Among them, the large and small clubs are a legacy problem, and we have also considered it, these hundreds of thousands of people want to eat, you ten sons to put them on the right track, it is definitely not so simple.

Today, there are many associations on Hong Kong Island that are willing to listen to the mainland, and they are already actively transforming.

Of course, there are still many people who are still watching, they think about 97, anyway, there are still a few years, they can catch it first.

And we are also trying to take advantage of these few years to control all those unstable factors.

Ensure that Hong Kong Island after 97 is still the prosperous and stable Hong Kong Island! ”

Li Qingping said a lot in one breath, but still didn’t say what he came to find Qiu Gangao for.

But he still understood the meaning of the words!

Big, this pattern is big!

Qiu Gangao immediately felt hot in his heart.

“What can I do, why did you think of coming to me?!”

Li Qingping smiled and took a puff of his cigarette and nodded, in his opinion, Qiu Gangao could be regarded as knowing what he was talking about.

“In fact, you and I both know that Hong Kong Island at the moment is not a coin with only one side.

Everything has two sides to him, and the Hong Kong Island community can exist for so long, naturally there is a reason for his existence.

As for why I chose to come to you, it’s simple, you don’t touch that thing!

Since the war more than a hundred years ago, the people of the country have used opium to plague most of China.

Now those who can still touch this thing in this land will be swept away as garbage! ”

“Hong Xing doesn’t touch that thing either, Boss Li, why don’t you go to Jiang Tiansheng and have a good talk?”

Qiu Gangao somewhat understood, the system asked him to sweep away the powder of the salamander, the so-called surprise is this one?

Of course, Qiu Gangao understood that it was not a wise move to choose to raise the flag and stand up with other clubs at this juncture.

But this is the best way to get rich and stand up the fastest!

If you can get the support of this Boss Li, no matter what happens in the future, the current road will definitely be more stable!

In the face of Qiu Gangao’s questions, Li Qingping also looked calm.

Now we can make it all clear.

“The Hong Xing family has a big business, and their Jiang family can plan ahead, and it is not easy to think about future things.

And you are different, you have a clean foundation, there is no intricate interest environment interference.

At present, the power of Hong Kong Island is still in the hands of the Caucasian, and we are willing to cooperate with you to correct another order with another order! ”

Li Qingping’s words paused here, and he immediately said.

“Of course, if you have this ability, it is not impossible to hit Hong Kong Island and only your family!”

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