Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 927: The beginning of the family turmoil

A class of three thousand years is not surprising to cultivators.

When students from other faculties of the Tiandi Academy pass by the door of the Tiandi preschool classroom, they can often hear the roar of the avenue in the classroom, and there is also a vaguely intertwined law, order, and light.

I can't see how many laws and order there are, but the waves of horror make the students scared to approach.

The tutors of Tiandi Academy told these students that it was the big guys making a breakthrough.

Because over the years, all kinds of visions have always appeared in the void above the Tiandi preschool.

"The big guys are so strong and they have broken through. Do you want to let others live."

The students sighed with emotion and envy, and then devoted themselves to the practice harder.

In the Emperor of Heaven Academy, the style of study is stronger, and the people who show affection in the small bamboo forest are gone, and they go to the room for double repair...

Double cultivation makes people progress, and Xiu Enai is vulnerable to revenge from single dogs.

In Tiandi City.

Liu Dahai and other senior members of the Liu family are all practicing in the Tiandi preschool, but the management of the Liu family is still in order. Seventh elder Liu Xiangtian is very busy but full of energy.

Over the past three thousand years, his prestige in the Liu family has increased day by day, and he even has the illusion of being a patriarch.


Sitting in his hall of elders, he summoned the various managements of the Liu family to a meeting.

His cultivation had just broken through to the Longevity Heaven some time ago, and he was sheltered by the Heavenly Emperor City without any accidents or ominousness.

"Everyone, how is the family situation recently?" Liu Xiangtian asked.

At the bottom of the hall, there were two rows of people, there were a hundred people, all of whom were managers of various departments and agencies of the Liu family.

They heard Liu Xiangtian's question, and in accordance with the order, they stepped forward and reported.

Liu Xiangtian commented one by one, and approved important requests and documents on the spot, and took out the patriarch's seal Liu Liuhai left him, and pressed the stamp "Kang Klang".

The action is chic and domineering.

Soon, the meeting ended, and the heads of the management departments bowed and retired.

Liu Xiangtian was tired for a while, and his head was a little dizzy.

The Liu family is now very powerful. In addition to the family's own affairs, many affiliated forces join the audit work every day.

However, the Liu family has a larger turf, and the affiliated forces are rubbing against each other. In order to fight for treasures, the Liu family is often required to judge.

There are even more problems such as exploring secret realms, disciples' trials, and quota allocation.

Even though Liu Xiangtian was in great power, he was very comfortable, but he was indeed exhausted and very sleepy.


A female tribe was helping him rub his shoulders, her movements were gentle, and occasionally she licked Liu Xiangtian's neck, her cheongsam thighs looming, especially attractive.

Another female ethnicity dressed in a black silk dress, with a graceful posture lying on the table, was packing up a mountain of documents and statistics.

They were all specially promoted by Liu Xiangtian. They were assistants on the surface, but in fact they were also junior masters.

After each meeting, Liu Xiangtian would close the door of the hall, open the restriction, and enjoy half a day.

"The person in charge of the Shadow Army didn't come to the meeting today, but did he send any documents to apply for?" Liu Xiangtian asked, squinting his eyes, remembering about the Shadow Army.

The woman who helped him rub his shoulders looked at the woman who was collating documents next to him.

The female tribe who sorted out the documents nodded and said: "The Shadow Army sent a document, which is the same as the previous few times. It requires monthly payment."

Having said that, the female clan hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously: "The seventh elder, the monthly payment of the Shadow Army, has not been issued for a thousand years, so continue..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Xiangtian slapped the table and reprimanded: "Family affairs, can you interrupt?!"

"If you dare to chew your tongue, you don't have to do anything here, go back and continue to kill pigs with your old man!"

The Liu family is now a big business, plus the original Sanlitun Liucheng tribe, there are billions of tribesmen, there are many branches, the city stretches for thousands of miles, and the competition is fierce.

Outside, many people privately refer to the Liu Family in Sanlitun as the "Liu Family Dynasty" and "The Kingdom of Liu Family".

Therefore, there is a huge gap in the allocation of resources among the branches of the Liu family.

This is also prosperous, there must be humble, the sun will always be dark.

The same reason.

The female tribe who sorted out the documents had very weak branches. Her father practiced the way of killing pigs and lived by killing pigs. The pigs killed provided the tribesmen's body and blood.

But are the pigs in the longevity world so easy to kill?

Therefore, very few people practice the way of killing pigs. They nurture the spirit of killing and cutting, white knives go in and red knives go out, and the pork is fresh and chewy.

The female tribe who organized the files was lucky enough to be taken by Liu Xiangtian and became his assistant. She helped Liu Xiangtian organize the files during the day, and Liu Xiangtian organized her at night.

I have read more family documents, and this female ethnicity knows more.

For example, the monthly salary of the Shadow Army has not been paid for a thousand years.

In the monthly application documents, the Shadow Army will submit monthly payment applications, but each time it is put on hold.

At the moment, the female curious asked, and immediately annoyed Liu Xiangtian.

"Seven elders forgive me, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

The female tribe plopped and knelt down, tremblingly begging for mercy.

The female tribe who helped Liu Xiangtian rub his shoulders also helped plead.

Liu Xiangtian said coldly: "Next time, just leave by yourself. Of course, I will erase your memory before leaving."

The female race was frightened Huarong.

Erasing the memory will cause great damage to the soul, and the path of cultivation is basically cut off.

"Go all down."

Liu Xiangtian was in a bad mood, waved his hand boredly, and the two females bowed and retreated to the apse.

Liu Xiangtian closed his eyes and fell asleep for a while, got up and picked up a document from the table.

This is the monthly salary application of the Shadow Army.

"Shadow Army, Shadow Army, hey!..."

Liu Xiangtian's brows were condensed into lumps, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

at the same time.

In the Zhenfushi Hall.

Compared with the brilliance of the elder's hall, the main hall of the town caregiver was dark and gloomy, and there was a lingering evil spirit that lingered in the hall all year round.

At this time, in the main hall, Zhen Lixian and Fu Zhen Lixian were sitting opposite each other. On the table between the two, there was a stack of applications for monthly allowance resources for thousands of households.

"On the family's side, they have not given us the monthly salary for a long time, and the godfather hasn't appeared for many years. There are already some voices in the family that are unfavorable to our Shadow Army." Yang Qi said, with a worried expression on his face.

After Yang Shouan returned from the monster world, he immediately entered the ancestor's purgatory space to practice, and did not show up, so they did not know.

Qian Liexian sighed, "Godfather hasn't shown his face for a long time, and the great elder is not there. It's really hard for us to have a shadow army!"

Speaking of this, he slapped the table and cursed, "This Liu Xiangtian is not a good thing. He dares to deduct the monthly salary owed to our Shadow Army."

Yang Qi whispered: "You are the town solicitor, I will listen to you, or let's just..."

He reached out his hand and made a decapitating motion.

Qian Liexian shook his head and said, "No way!"

"Now Liu Xiangtian is in charge of everything in the family."

"If something happens to him, it is likely to cause chaos in the family. If it attracts the attention of the ancestors, no matter how secretive you and I act, I am afraid that it will be impossible to escape!"

"Think about the elder Liu Tianhe before, in a turmoil, how many people were suppressed by the ancestors."

"What should we do then? Our Shadow Army's monthly salary has been owed for a thousand years, and the opposing Sickle Army eats spicy food every day." Yang Qi said angrily.

While speaking, he glared at Qian Lie, and said angrily: "I think you are just a bullshit. If your godfather is here, how can you allow Liu Xiangtian to owe us the monthly salary of the Shadow Army? Killed Xiangtian!"

Qian Liexian snorted coldly: "You are confused, Liu Xiangtian dares to do this, there must be someone behind him."

Yang Qi's eyes flashed, as if thinking of and said in surprise: "You mean, it's the patriarch——"

Qian Liexian stretched out his hand to block Yang Qi's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Don't say anything."

"The things in the family are complicated. You are late, I don't know."

"When I was in Nine Heavens Universe, my godfather worshipped the old patriarch Liu Tao as his adoptive father. Later, the old patriarch was suppressed by an accident, and the sixth elder was in the position. He wanted to take over the Shadow Army, but was taken over by the great elder."

"My godfather said that the sixth elder is a jealous jar, and he is also very wary of him. The elders in the family are not a piece of iron bucket. As far as I know, the elder, the second and the third elders are the closest. The fifth elder and the sixth elder are the closest, and the elder Liu Tianhe has the best relationship with the elder Liu Erquan. As for the old patriarch Liu Tao..."

Having said that, Qian Liexian suddenly stopped talking, and Yang Qi was taken aback, and said, "Go on, I'm listening!"

"Say a fart, who doesn't know that you are thinking about my position as a caretaker every day."

Yang Qi stared and said, "Although I, Yang Qi, I am determined to be a master, I will not betray my brother."

Qian Liexian sneered and said, "When you were in Taixu Realm, you betrayed your original godfather Zhang Hao. Don't think I don't know."

Yang Qi was embarrassed for a while.

at this time.

The Shadow Army sent intelligence at the door.

Qian Liexian quickly finished reading, his eyes flashed: "Sura clan..."

He got up and left.

"Where to go?" Yang Xiao shouted.

"Is the deputy chief of the town's ambassador, you, the deputy town's ambassador, should be able to take care of it?!" Qian Lixian left a word, and the person had already left.

In the hall, Yang Qi lifted the table angrily.

"One day, I, Yang Qi, will slap you off, and be a gentleman!"


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