Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 897: Lord Huang is the tip of nine cows and one hair

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The big guys of the Tianmen in the later stage of the Star Yao-class all looked ugly at this moment, feeling that the big guy above was accusing Sang Huai and secretly calling them rubbish.

However, they did not dare to speak out. Here, the kings and giants did not speak, not to mention, there are stronger Lord Huang.

It is not their turn to speak.

One of the masters covered in red scales was the Taishang priest of the Red Scales tribe. He was extremely angry, but he controlled his emotions very well.

Head down, looking at the tea in the teacup, floating around.

But at this moment, a sound transmission suddenly rang in my mind.

Hearing this sound transmission, he couldn't help being startled.

"Senior Silver of the Silverscale Tribe asked me to fire at the giant above?!"

"Mother, this is for me to be cannon fodder!"

He was so angry and angry that he wanted to ignore it.

But at this time, the old silver ghost glanced at him faintly, the warning and threat in his eyes were obvious.

He gritted his teeth, stood up, arched his hand to Liu Fan above, and said, "Friends of the Taoist..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Fan interrupted him and corrected him: "Little guy, you have to call me senior!"

The expert with red scales couldn't help but flushed, and said angrily: "Look at my scales as red as fire, you should know that I am a violent temper!"

"I have a showdown, I'm here to smash the table today!"

After all, I found that the hall was silent and the atmosphere was strange.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai looked at him strangely.

"Come to hit our ancestor's place, who gave you the courage?" Liu Wuhai asked, the coercion of the half-step king roared in the hall like a hurricane.

And the ancestor Liu Fan's eyes also looked at the master of the Red Scales tribe, with a terrifying aura shrouded, as if an ancient sacred mountain was pressing on top, making him breathless.

The master of the Red Scale Tribe felt the crisis of death, was shocked, gritted his teeth, threw himself down on the table of the old silver ghost, and shouted: "Senior Silver, come on, stop pretending, if you pretend, I will die. La!"


Old Silver Ghost was angry, but stood up without losing his grace.

The masters of the Honglin tribe were moved, and Senior Silver was really righteous.

The kings and giants of several other tribes were all surprised. Does the old silver ghost want to single out the giant above? !


The old ghost smiled slightly, looked at Liu Fan, and said, "Hello fellow Taoist. Actually, I'm here to stop by. This man next to me, his old man wants to teach you!"

Master Huang secretly scolded the old silver ghost waste, only kicking the ball.

He abruptly got up, looked at Liu Fan, and said openly: "Friends of Daoist, it is true that you two children and grandchildren, if you stay in the longevity realm from now on and don't go to the Great Wilderness, then you will be an old man today."

"But what if they want to stay in the Great Wilderness?!" Liu Fan asked.

"Then there are three kings in the Jinlin tribe. Their existence violates the "Great Desolation Convention" set by the old man and needs to be suppressed by the old man and follow him to practice the Taoism together." Master Huang replied solemnly.

"The "Great Famine Convention" is for the peace of the Great Wilderness, reducing expeditions, preserving the power of the Great Wilderness, and not being obliterated by outside forces."

Liu Fan narrowed his eyes and muttered: "The outside power you mentioned refers to the enemy outside this cage world, right?!"

Master Huang was surprised, but he didn't expect Liu Fan to know the world of the cage.

But when he thought of Liu Fan's cultivation, he was relieved randomly.

Master Huang nodded and said, "No matter it is the longevity realm, the great wild, the monster realms, the Tianwu realm, and the other heavens and myriad realms, they cannot prove the realm of immortality.

"Because the worlds we live in are all in cages."

"During the Primordial Age, the ancestor Liu Changsheng thrived hundreds of billions of troops, and there were even ten great kings of Tianmen rank under his command. He wanted to break the cage, gain real freedom, and proclaim immortality, but he ended up with no bones."

"In the more distant era, there are still groups of strong people who have fought countless times and all have failed."

"It's not that they are not strong enough, but that the world of cages cannot be broken at all. We can only survive."

Having said this, Lord Huang suddenly raised his voice, "Besides, isn't it good to be alive? Why do you have to get the attention of the enemies outside and then die?!"

Liu Fan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What you said has nothing to do with my children and grandchildren in the Great Wilderness, right?!"

Master Huang sneered: "Friends, don't pretend, you dare to say that you have no ambition to plot a great wilderness?!"

"You are sneaky, incarnate your offspring to the Jinlin tribe of the Great Wilderness, and lure Jin Wentian from the Jinlin tribe to deduct you, deliberately seriously hurt Jinwentian, wait for Jin Wentian to sit down, Jinlin tribe will return Not in your bag."

"By that day, you are sitting in the longevity realm, but you have already dominated the great wilderness, and you control the longevity realm. The wolf's ambition to dominate the world is obvious, isn't it?!

"The old man is sure that the family known as the ancestor Liu Changsheng has already been targeted by you. Maybe it will not be long before the family of the ancestor Liu Changsheng will become your backyard."

After Master Huang finished speaking, everyone was stunned and took a breath. The temperature in the hall instantly cooled down, and a heavy snow fell.

The nine kings giants were shocked.

Master Huang had a calm personality, but if he dared to speak so decisively at this moment, he must have understood some terrible truth.

Liu Wuhai said angrily: "Spoof! Our ancestors weren't that kind of person!"

Liu Liuhai also scolded: "Yes! We have fought with the ancient family Liu family for tens of thousands of years. How many people have died, their family can become our back garden!"

Master Huang laughed loudly: "You two are still too innocent. How do you know how powerful your ancestors are!"

Liu Fan said with a faint gaze: "Friends of Daoist are talking and laughing!"

"Don't talk about the Great Wilderness, just in this longevity world, I don't know how many terrible old monsters are sleeping, I have this ambition, and I don't have this strength!"

Master Huang sneered, "No! You have this strength!"

Liu Fan smiled, looked at Lord Huang, his eyes were deep and majestic, and said with emotion: "You deserve to be a half-step emperor, this ancestor has no secrets in front of you!"

He called Lord Huang the "half-step emperor".

Master Huang's pupils shrank.

Liu Fan actually saw through his biggest secret at a glance.

The masters of the Star Yao-class Tianmen, Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, both looked blank, wondering what the Half-Step Emperor was.

But the old silver ghost and other nine kings and giants suddenly got up in shock, the tea cups on the table were overturned, and stormy waves were set off in his heart.

They all looked at Master Huang, and tremblingly said: "Master Huang, you, you..."

They were speechless, their faces gradually becoming bitter and awed.

"No wonder Master Huang can stabilize our head. It turns out Master Huang has already proven himself as a half-step emperor!"

"Half-step emperor, in other words, Lord Huang's physical heavenly gate is half a stone gate."

"Master Huang, the horror is so deep, so deep, is Gou Dao really the first in the eternal?!"

Several king giants sigh They are at a loss.

Lord Huang didn't pretend anymore, with a proud and domineering smile on his face, but modestly said: "The old man's Tianmen is half a stone gate, and half is a purple gold and red king's Tianmen, which is far from the real emperor!"

Yin Laogui and other nine kings, learned of Yin Laogui's cultivation realm, became more in awe, and heard the words: "Master Huang, your old man, don't be humble anymore. You are already very critical!"

"Yes, Lord Huang is a heifer standing upside down, so powerful!"

"I'm sure, since the ancestor Liu Changsheng, Lord Huang is the second emperor of the heavens and ten thousand realms!"

"Yeah, Lord Huang is just the tip of the hair!"


After some flattering bombardment, Lord Huang couldn't help but smile so that the corners of his mouth twitched even though he was able to control his mood. Finally, he didn't pretend and he just looked up and laughed.

The laughter shook the hall, restraining the divine light from flashing.

At this moment.

Liu Liuhai suddenly said: "A few fellow daoists, don't you think our ancestors are more powerful?"

Liu Wuhai also reacted and immediately agreed: "Yes! Our ancestors saw the realm of Lord Huang at a glance, and that is the real boss."

When the silver old ghost and the others heard it, they were stunned.

That's right, this seems to make sense.

Master Huang looked embarrassed and ashamed, and at the same time he reacted. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Then he turned to look at Liu Fan and found that Liu Fan was sitting and drinking tea with a leisurely look. He didn't even care about his appearance.

Master Huang suddenly felt horrified.

"Could it be that this guy is the real tip of the hair?!"

"No! Impossible, the old man is already a half-step emperor, how cowhy can he be?!"

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