Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 837: The origin of the longevity monster

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Yang Shouan hadn't used his Mad Bull God and Demon Fist. The Big Gray Wolf had already been beaten to beg for mercy. After the body was reorganized, the tail was clipped and shivered.

It talked about the time stone tools, and Yang Shouan's hooves stopped on top of its head, lingering evil spirits.

"Stone tools for years?!..."

Yang Shouan's pupils were startled.

"Yes, yes, that's the time stone tools!"

The Gray Wolf said hurriedly, and at the same time carefully removed Yang Shou'an's hooves from the top of its head and placed it on the ground. Then he let out a long sigh and continued to speak.

"Only three pieces of stone tools were produced in 300,000 years. Now the time is almost up, but I have a way to get us one hundred percent stone tools!"

"The time stone tools can evolve the physical heaven gate and open the door of detachment, Lord Niu, are you not tempted?!"

The Gray Wolf said quickly.

Yang Shouan raised his hoof, pointed at the forehead of the gray wolf monster, and said, "Tell me what you know!"

The gray wolf monster showed a pleasing smile and said, "Master Niu, don't worry, let's talk while drinking, and talking while eating!"

It got up, went to the tree hole to bring the wine, and cut the monster it caught and placed it on the ground. The monster was still alive, but Big Gray Wolf took a bite and ate it very tasty.

At the same time, it talked to Yang Shouan.

"The place where we are, the physical heaven gates of all monsters, are golden heaven gates, so this place we are also called the golden realm, Lord Niu should know."

"I was also the Golden Gate of Heaven back then. I only swallowed countless monsters, and then I was upgraded to Platinum Gate, Hulk Monster, White Phosphorus Tiger Monster, Alien Monster, and overlords of other places. Like me, I was promoted from killing. "

Speaking of this, the Gray Wolf looked at Yang Shou'an, showing a pleasing smile, and said: "Xian Son-in-law...oh no! Lord Niu, are you also a platinum heavenly gate?!"

Yang Shouan's bull's eyes glowed fiercely, and Big Gray Wolf immediately did not dare to ask any more, and hurriedly signaled to the little she-wolf monster beside him to pour wine.

The little she-wolf monster accompanies Yang Shouan, waiting happily, her tail sweeping Yang Shouan's tail from time to time, with a clear provocative meaning.

In this regard, the Gray Wolf Monster smiled and gave birth to a good daughter!

A little monster with a bull's head and wolf body, lying on the ground, watching Yang Shouan’s hooves curiously, sometimes quietly touching it, and taking a nervous peek at the cow dad Yang Shou’an, and finding that the cow dad is not angry, he was immediately excited and continued. Feel it.

It, at a young age, indulged in touching hooves...

Yang Shouan asked: "What is the level of the physical heaven gate?!"

The Big Gray Wolf replied, "The question of Lord Niu is good!"

"As far as I know, the physical heavenly gates, from low to high, are bronze heavenly gates, silver heavenly gates, golden heavenly gates, platinum heavenly gates, diamond heavenly gates, and the ones behind. I don't know anymore, maybe only the seniors of the longevity strangers know."

"Seniors of Longevity Monster?! Who are they?" Yang Shouan was curious.

The gray wolf monster immediately looked at the depths of the mountain with awe-inspiring eyes, and said: "The elders of the longevity monster are all in the depths of the mountain and rarely come out. It is said that it was a long time ago, maybe a million years ago. They appeared!"

"I heard my grandfather's grandfather say that although these longevity monsters have scales all over, they are actually human!"

"They once followed a man named Liu Changsheng, the ancestor Liu Changsheng, and fought against a terrible existence. They were defeated and captured and became food under the abyss!"

"Once, when food was placed, they woke up and fled."

Yang Shouan nodded.

In the cliff abyss, together with the tornado, countless humans will be thrown out like "food" for the monsters to enjoy.

Those human beings are all in a coma, even if the monsters bite and eat, there is no resistance at all, and those people can wake up and escape, their strength is absolutely extraordinary.

At this moment,

"They are the longevity heaven of human beings. They cultivated the physical heaven gate and grew scales, so they are called the longevity monster. But the frightening thing is that once their physical heaven gate is opened, they will have magical powers. Unlike us, they just become more in size. The bigger you come, but you don’t have any magical powers.

The gray wolf monster sighed for a long while, his face was full of sadness and envy.

Yang Shouan was surprised when he heard it, and suddenly realized.

No wonder the Gray Wolf Monster didn't use its supernatural powers when it was fighting with itself. It turned out that it had no magical powers at all.

But what about myself, why did the Heavenly Gate supernatural power appear when the bloodline returned to the ancestors? !

"Is it because I merged with the Big Bison?!"

Yang Shouan was puzzled, thinking for a long time but didn't understand.

"Fine, I will go back in the future, ask the ancestor, the ancestor must know!"

Yang Shouan pondered.


He realized that he had heard the great secret.

Especially Liu Changsheng was regarded as a great enemy by the ancestors, and the patriarch ordered himself to send shadow army spies into the ancient family Liu family to spy on Liu Changsheng's clues.

Unexpectedly, he was here today and had an unexpected gain.

"The ancestor Liu Changsheng, did he die in the end?!" Yang Shouan asked.

Big Gray Wolf said, "It seems to be dead, but the senior longevity monsters deep in the mountains firmly believe that Liu Changsheng is not dead. They have been sleeping deep in the mountains, waiting for Liu Changsheng to return to wake them up and fight again."

At the end, I added another sentence: "This is what my grandpa's grandpa said!"

"Ancestor, Liu Changsheng?! This is an extremely lofty title!" Yang Shouan sighed.

The Gray Wolf nodded and said, "That's natural!"

"I heard from my grandfather's grandfather that the human ancestor was really serious. He opened the door of detachment with the time stone tools, led a group of masters to kill in, and fought with the terrible existence, and then he was defeated!"

"So, the longevity monsters deep in the mountains are actually a group of masters who followed our ancestors back then. Can they not be strong?!"

Yang Shou'an was silent for a long time, digesting this information, and at the same time deeply glanced at the Gray Wolf Monster, and asked: "These things are all your grandpa's grandpa said. Then, your grandpa's grandpa, where is it now?!"

He will report this matter to his ancestors verbatim, so he wants to verify it personally to ensure the accuracy of the news.

"Where is my grandpa's grandpa?!"

The Grey Wolf awkwardly rubbed the wolf's paws, showing a sad look, and said: "This is an unfortunate story! My grandpa ate my grandpa's grandpa, and then I ate my grandpa again!"

Yang Shouan: "..."

"Your Big Gray Wolf is in the same line, it really is in the same line!"

"Hehehe, son-in-law... Oh no, Lord Niu passed the prize, passed the prize!"

Yang Shouan glanced at the smug gray wolf monster, and said: "I decided not to kill you!"

The Grey Wolf was surprised.

Yang Shouan said again: "But after taking the time stone tools, you have to go to a place with me and see a senior!"

"Which senior, who is it?!"

"Shut up, you shouldn't ask, you will know when you go!"

"Oh, good! Listen to Lord Niu!"

Only then did Yang Shouan smile.

When he was going to return to the world of longevity, he brought a piece of time stone tool, which was regarded as physical evidence, and then went to see the ancestor with this gray wolf monster, which was regarded as a witness.

Then, tell these things to the ancestors.

With the presence of human and physical evidence, the ancestor will definitely pay attention to this matter, and it is also a great achievement for himself. The ancestor Longyan Joy, might call himself the "Queen of God" of his old man!

The ancestor's queen **** cow!

When I think of it, I feel happy.

Yang Shouan was in a good mood, and he looked at the eyes of the Gray Wolf Monster and smiled.

As a result, he raised his hooves, touched the gray wolf monster's head, rubbed a lot of sparks, and was shocked that the gray wolf monster's head became cold. If the hooves were implemented, he would definitely have a headshot.

"Xiao Hui... By the way, don't you mind if I call you that?!" Yang Shouan asked suddenly.

The gray wolf monster complained in his heart, what kind of **** name this is, but his eyes were full of flattering smiles, and he wagged his tail, saying: "Yes, little gray, little gray, thighs and thighs... Oh no ham, this name is great !"

Yang Shouan smiled, this gray wolf monster seems to be able to be tuned, depending on the situation in the future, let's enter his own Shadow Army!

It just so happened that his Shadow Eighteen Heroes still lacked a leader.

"Xiao Hui, I ask you, just now you said, is there a way to get 100% of the time stone tools?!" Yang Shouan asked.

The gray wolf monster came to the spirit and said anxiously: "Yes!"

"Didn't you just say that our place is called the Golden Realm. There are too many masters in the Golden Realm, and there are longevity monsters in the depths of the mountains. Every time the stone tools are born, we overlords can only stare at them and cannot compete with those longevity. strange."

"But don't forget, the next door to our Golden Realm is the Silver Realm, the next door to the Silver Realm, and the Bronze Realm."

"With the strength of our overlords, we can completely crush the masters of the Silver and Bronze Territories and win the time stone tools."

Yang Shouan was surprised: "Between the Golden Realm and the Silver Realm, there is a big forbidden formation, right? How can I get there?"

In this world, the blood-colored clouds in the sky are covered by a large array of prohibitions, which makes people dizzy and vomiting blood at a glance, not to mention the large array of prohibitions between the two domains. That power, Yang Shouan can imagine.


The Big Gray Wolf chuckled, and said in a mysterious low voice: "It was impossible before, but hundreds of thousands of years ago, I and a few other overlord friends accidentally discovered a weak node of the suppression array, and we took turns obliterating it. The restriction of this node is now almost possible to smuggle from there."

Keywords: Almost.

Yang Shouan keenly grasped the key words in the words of the Big Gray Wolf monster, which meant that there would still be a certain degree of danger.

But the opportunity is here, and Yang Shouan intends to give it a try.

Wouldn't it be better if you could get more time stone tools and hand in one to your ancestors and keep another one? !

As for all monopolization, Yang Shouan eliminated this stupid idea for the first time.

How shrewd and wise the old ancestor was, he could deceive him? !

Besides, I am now being favored by my ancestors, even if he is not a big celebrity, he can be regarded as a "little celebrity". If there is a gap with the ancestor because of this, then he has picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon!

The loss is too great.

Yang Shouan thought in his heart, and his eyes flickered.

The Big Gray Wolf was quietly observing the changes in Yang Shouan's eyes, sneered secretly in his heart, that node did exist, but the danger was great.

When the time comes, let this idiot be cannon fodder!

The enemy against my gray wolf monster has not yet been born!

That night.

The Big Gray Wolf enthusiastically received Yang Shouan, drinking and eating meat.

At about the same time, the gray wolf monster said that he was going to pee, and gave her daughter the little wolf monster a wink, and then the big noisy bullhead wolf body little monster dangling from her mouth and avoided this place from a ~ The little female wolf monster understands the look in the eyes of the gray wolf monster. While pouring the wine to Yang Shouan, she slipped "accidentally" and fell under Yang Shouan's hind legs.

Suddenly, when he moved, Yang Shouan couldn't help but his eyes widened, and his body trembled like an electric shock...

At the same time, the little she-wolf monster let out a gentle low growl: "Oh, oh!~..."

Translated, it looks like this...

"You bad bull, small claws beat you bad bull, let you bully me, make you irresponsible, let you keep our orphans and widows here, and suffer..."

"You said, are you a bad guy?!"

"You have to make up for me tonight, oooo~"

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