Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 642: Give birth to 10 babies as soon as possible and step into the real Taixu realm (...

Liu Fan was serious, and Liu Tao nodded frequently and listened carefully.

"The Shangfang Sword I gave you a few days ago is a magic weapon of law. You use this sword as your heart to set up a killing array!"

Liu Fan solemnly explained.

"If you really bring an island with an owner, start the formation immediately!"

"Yes! Follow the ancestor's order!" Liu Tao replied loudly, looking nervous.

Liu Fan smiled, "You don't need to be too nervous, there are ancestors, what are you afraid of!"

Liu Tao immediately followed with a smile and said, "Yes, what are we afraid of? If there are ancestors, we will not be afraid when the sky falls!"

Liu Liuhai followed: "Yes, the ancestors were strong and tough, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"Okay, let's go down and get ready!" Liu Fan waved his hand. The flattery of his descendants was not nutritious, and he didn't want to listen.

Several descendants bowed and retired.

In the hall.

Liu Fan glanced at the ancestor system panel, and found that the ancestor system had begun to deduct the immortality, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"I can't fall behind, I have to practice hard, a day trip to the system universe, it sounds pretty good!"

Liu Fan pondered, trying to derive this system universe, and found that it turned out to be hazy.

"It seems that this system universe is very hidden!"

Liu Fan stopped struggling with this matter and concentrated on practicing supernatural powers.

He was clearly sitting above the main hall, but in the main hall, there were faintly countless Liu Fans who were entwined with Taixu Qi. They were practicing various magical powers, without any explosions, and did not reveal a trace of energy, as if they were in the second element world. .

This is the idea of ​​the ancestors, which can be transformed into tens of thousands of clones while practicing.

"The snapping magical power is good, and now after being promoted to the Supreme Void Realm, the power of this magical power has increased again! The pretense is even cooler!"

"Then, why do I refer to the magical powers of snapping fingers, and then deduce a new magical power, such as-Chi Chi magical power!"

"When fending off the enemy, clapping hands and quaking, the enemy thought I was quaking for him, but he didn't know that I was killing him, so he immediately exploded on the spot, how about?..."

Liu Fan's eyes were bright, and he felt that this magical power was feasible!

So, he sank, and tore a piece of different space in the hall, and began to deduct it, sometimes raising his hands and chirping, lightning and thunder, hurricanes raging, laws intertwined, and the void collapsed...

Outside the hall.

As soon as Liu Tao walked out of the hall, they came to the hall of the patriarch and held a small meeting.

"I'll leave it to Liu Yangyang to do the soaring passage. You don't need to worry about it for the time being!" Liu Tao said.

"The task of the few of us now is to find a suitable place as soon as possible and wait for our ancestors to move the island from the longevity world!"

Talking, waved, the void became a painting, and a holographic map appeared.

"This is a map of the Eastern Region drawn by Yang Shouan. It starts from the East China Sea in the east, reaches Shenlong Ridge in the west, reaches the Tongtian River in the south, and connects to the Misty Swamp in the north!"

"This map is the territory of our Eastern Region!"

Liu Tao said, pointing to the map.

The map is very detailed and can be zoomed in and out, so that you can see hills and groves, and some abandoned or newly built villages and towns are marked.

Liu Wuhai, Liu Liuhai and Liu Erhai watched closely and compared the places.

Liu Wuhai said: "I think we should find the highest and largest mountain as a place to settle the island, such as Shenlong Ridge!"

Liu Liuhai shook his head and said, "The mountains in the Eastern Region are all beautiful places. In the future, other people can start sects, and it can't be wasted like this! I suggest putting them on the plain!"

Liu Wuhai stared: "On the plain, then you might as well place it in the East China Sea. The islands match the sea. They are a pair!"

Liu Liuhai raised his eyebrows: "The East China Sea is too far away and it is inconvenient. This island is very likely to be a place for our future experience, just like the nameless island buried in Tianchi."


The two of them couldn't say who they were, spraying each other with stars, and the air humidity rose rapidly.

Liu Tao avoided two steps.

He looked at Liu Erhai who was silent, and smiled: "Er Hai, what do you think?"

Liu Erhai's lowest level of cultivation is the ancestral realm. Compared with Liu Tao and Liu Liuhai in the Prophetic Realm, and Liu Wuhai in the half-step Taixu realm, he can't help but feel a little inferior, so he rarely speaks out.

At the moment, being named by Liu Tao, Liu Erhai was nervous for a while and said timidly: "Say hello first, I'm not good, you are not allowed to laugh at me!"

Liu Tao, Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai promised that they would never laugh.

Liu Erhai took a deep breath, and then said: "This island, the ancestors will be transported from the longevity world, its importance is self-evident!"

"And the most important purpose, I think it must be to attract more practitioners to settle in the Eastern Region and practice!"

"In the words of our Liu family, it is to attract cultivators to settle down! Take root! Increase the permanent population of cultivators."

Liu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, Er Hai is right!"

"Now, the Southern Territory Moon Lake Shrine uses the Longevity Method to attract practitioners to join and settle down!"

"The Eternal Land of the Western Regions used to be the last barrier of the Human Race. Although it has just experienced more than 300 years of war, there are still a large number of practitioners, with many ancient sects and inheritances, which is very attractive!"

"Northern Xinjiang is the territory of the Shura tribe. I heard that they have mastered a terrible magical skill that can make people break through quickly! It also attracted the attention of many people."

"Therefore, in comparison with our Eastern Region, apart from the personal charm and prestige of our ancestors, there is nothing special about it."

Liu Erhai heard the patriarch's analysis and gave a thumbs up, still the patriarch could see through.

Then, Liu Erhai continued: "So, the ancestor brought an island from the Longevity Realm, it is very attractive, and it is our selling point in the Eastern Region!"

"The islands of the longevity world, not to mention the many opportunities on it, are the rare materials and the treasures, which are enough to attract a large number of people!"

"It is impossible for many people to go to the longevity realm, but it is a great honor to have the opportunity to set foot on the island moved from the longevity realm at this moment!"

Liu Erhai said, clapping his palms one last time, and said: "So, I think that the island that the ancestors moved should not be placed on the mountain, nor on the plain, let alone the distant East China Sea. "

"Instead, it should be placed in the sky!"

"Let the island become an island in the sky!"

"If the ancestors will carry the islands back in the future, we can continue to piece together in the sky, one by one, getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it is equivalent to the ancestor personally creating a longevity world of the imaginary world!"

The words fell.

Liu Tao took a breath, Liu Wuhai pulled off his beard, and Liu Liuhai's eyes fell to the ground.

All three were shocked.

After Liu Erhai's analysis and such a prediction, they seemed to see a sky continent floating in the clouds, like gods and immortals, ethereal and noble.

After the shock of the three of them, they all stretched out their palms and started to chir hard.

"Papa Papa..."

"Er Hai, you are simply a ghost. I really want to give you the position of patriarch!" Liu Tao exclaimed

"Er Hai's thoughts are simply shocking, a sky continent, a longevity realm floating in the imaginary realm! What a great idea!" Liu Liuhai's eyes lit up and looked at the sky.

"I suggest that if this happens, nominate Erhai as the best elder of the year, no one!" Liu Wuhai said excitedly, took out the dry tobacco pot, and personally ordered Liu Erhai a pot of smoke.

Liu Erhai was polite, but Liu Wuhai opened his mouth like lightning and forced it in.

Liu Erhai had no choice but to smoke with a happy smile!

Not to mention, it's pretty cool!

Liu Erhai's suggestion was accepted. Immediately, Liu Tao led a few people to arrange it, and the location the sky chose was next to the Heavenly Emperor City. They only needed to set up the formation and restraint in the sky.

in a blink.

Two days passed, and it was midnight on the third day.

The ancestor Liu Fan walked out of the main hall. At the entrance of the main hall, the four descendants of Liu Tao, Liu Erhai, Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, bowed their heads, and hurriedly saluted.

"Are everything arranged properly?" Liu Fan asked.

Liu Tao replied: "Everything is in order. The location where the island was moved this time is right there!"

While speaking, he pointed to a sky on the left side of Tiandi City.

There, the ancestor's colorful fierce sword hovered in the air, like a round of colorful sun, extremely gorgeous, and the half of the eastern region reflected was a colorful color.

In the surroundings, the void is dim, the formation and the divine light of restraint flicker, and there is a terrible breath.

This big formation and ban has enveloped a 100,000-mile area, and the venue is large enough.

One hundred thousand li is empty in all directions, and every ten li, there is a person sitting cross-legged. The lowest cultivation base is in the ancestral realm, and there are many dominating realms. There are members of the Liu family, and some people who have joined the heavenly court these years.

Among them, Yang Shouan, Ouyang Patriarch and others are impressively listed.

Liu Fan could not help being surprised when he saw that the venue was set up in the sky, and praised: "Yes, very good!"

Liu Tao hurriedly said: "This idea was proposed by Erhai."

He was very fair and pushed Erhai ahead of his ancestors.

Liu Fan was surprised, touched Er Hai's head, and smiled: "Er Hai, really is my ancestor's most intimate cub!"

This is extremely high praise.

Liu Erhai cried with excitement, shaking all over.

Liu Liuhai was jealous and jealous, but he still handed a handkerchief to Liu Erhai to wipe his tears.

Liu Fan stepped out and appeared in midair.

In the void, the tens of thousands of people guarding the venue immediately got a shock. They knelt down in the void and saluted: "See the Emperor!"

Heavenly Emperor City.

Countless people are looking up at the void. They were watching with curiosity as early as yesterday when the void field was set up. At this moment, seeing the Emperor of Heaven appeared in person, they were immediately excited.

Immediately, they all knelt down and saluted, looking feverish and in awe.

"Well, get up!" Liu Fan said, and with a wave of his hand, a mighty force lifted everyone up.

Everyone felt this continuous and vast power, and they admired Liu Fan even more.

At the same time, everyone looked up curiously, not knowing what the Emperor was going to do, such a big scene, and showing up in person, it's rare to see!

at this time.

Liu Fan soared into the sky and flew into the air, and then waved his hand, the light flashed in his palm, and the longevity monument appeared.

"Being beaten by Kakopaba beat Hashe Susala..."

Ancient, obscure spells popped out of Liu Fan's mouth, forming golden mysterious symbols in the void.

These symbols fell on the longevity stele, and the longevity stele immediately radiated divine light, and then quickly grew bigger, becoming towering and majestic, if an ancient sacred mountain fell, floating in the void.

Endless clouds support it, lightning flashes, and lightning strikes it constantly, hurricanes hit it, making whimpering sounds.

However, it doesn't move!


On the monument of longevity, a breath of vicissitudes, oldness, and time permeates, and the entire Taixu realm is vast, as if the oldest thing is resurrected!

This is the longevity monument has been completely activated!

The terrifying coercion and extremely terrifying aura swept the entire Taixu realm.

In Taixu Realm, countless people were shocked, and countless big men were awakened from the retreat and rushed out of the secret room.

They looked up at the sky and couldn't help but lose their color.

I saw the void of the Taixu Realm.

Suddenly a sun lit up, the light was as bright as day, it was clearly midnight, but it was dawn!

"No! That's a stele! It's a stele of longevity! There is another person beside the stele. That person is... that's the emperor of Celestial City!!!"

"Sure enough, he got this stele!"

In the Eternal Land, Lei Batian recognized Liu Fan and couldn't help exclaiming, but he gritted his teeth a bit.

To his side, Lei Song appeared silently, staring into the void, and seeing the stone monument, his pupils shrank and said: "Eternal life monument! He actually got the longevity monument!"

In Lei Song's eyes, there was a color of jealousy, a light of greed, and finally, his eyes were full of deep, not knowing what he was thinking.

Northern Xinjiang!

In the ancient city of the Asura tribe, countless people from the Asura tribe looked up into the void.

The light of the Eternal Life Stele is too blazing, and the cultivation level is not enough, and you can't open your eyes at all. Only the strong above the Prophet can see it.

Adadis saw it, his eyes widened, he didn't know what the stele was, but according to the information he had collected, he recognized the person in the sky as the Emperor of Heaven.

"Strange, what is the Emperor going to do?!"

At this moment.

An old man holding a copper bell appeared, like a ghost, silently.

"Eternal Life Monument?!..."

He was a little surprised, his eyes deepened in an instant.

Adidas respectfully asked: "Excuse me, God Elder, what is the longevity monument?"

The old man holding a copper bell did not answer turned his head and glanced at Adidas, and said: "The less you know, the better!"

"Go on and give birth to your child, give birth to a decapitant as soon as possible, and step into the real emptiness, that is what you have to do!"


Southern Territory, Yuechi Shrine.

On a crescent mountain, Nan Geyue wore a black gauze skirt, her **** and charming figure made her tongue dry.

But all around, no one dared to take a second look at the disciples of the Yuechi divine palace who were on guard, and they did not squint.

Nan Geyue looked at the Longevity Stele and Liu Fan in the void, her beautiful eyes seemed to be a pity and emotion, and there was a glimmer of hope for gloating.

"Is it finally going to use the Longevity Monument?! Moving the islands of the Longevity World is indeed very attractive!"

"It's just that the Longevity Monument is a nightmare monument, I hope you can live longer..."

"Hey! What a pity that a stunning male favorite!"


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