Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 632: Black wind ridge

Liu Wuhai's comfort did not make Adidas easy, he knew the horror of his clone.

With the cultivation speed of the clone, you may soon break through or even surpass yourself. At that time, you will be in danger.

Adidas asked: "Ali...that dad, there is one thing, I hope to help me."

"What's the matter?"

"I want to visit your ancestors and ask a few questions about the magical technique of holding a baby."

Adidas said hopefully.

Liu Wuhai frowned and said nothing.

Adidas waved his hand and a bunch of treasures appeared beside Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai said: "I can try to help you ask my ancestors, but I am not sure that his elders will meet you."

"After all, this fetal holding power was bestowed on Aguidole by the ancestors, and you asked her for it."

Adidas nodded, only wishing Liu Wuhai would do his best.

Liu Wuhai immediately bowed and bowed to the void, calling his ancestor respectfully.

Adidas looked surprised. He thought Liu Wuhai was going back to inquire. He didn't expect Liu Wuhai to ask Xu Kong for instructions like this.

After a long while.

Liu Wuhai still didn't get a response from the ancestor. He knew in his heart that the ancestor must have disliked Adidas and didn't want to manage this matter.

Looking back, he caught a glimpse of the hopeful look of Adidas and the pile of treasures that Adidas had given him, and he was reluctant to give up again.

So, with a move in my heart, I continued to call the ancestors.


Suddenly his face became agitated, his expression even more awe, his body was directly bent ninety degrees, he was listening, nodding his head from time to time, and his mouth made a sound of "Uhhhhhhhh".

Adidas was surprised when he saw this. Did Ali's father contact his old ancestor? His old ancestor was transmitting to Ali's father? I didn't even perceive the fluctuation of sound transmission at all.

"It seems that Ali's father's ancestor is a strong man, I am far behind him!"

Adidas hurriedly stood up, bowed and stood.

At this moment.

Liu Wuhai seemed to have listened to the teachings of his ancestors, and turned to Adidas and said, "Sorry, my ancestors are in retreat and cannot see you!"

Adidaston was disappointed.

Liu Wuhai said again: "But, my ancestors have a word for me to bring you."

"What?" Adidas said excitedly.

Liu Wuhai cleared his throat, learned the tone of the ancestor, and said with an old manner: "One drink and one peck are cause and effect. There is no good fortune or misfortune. If you can survive this catastrophe, there will be great opportunities."

Adidas couldn't help but froze.

He lowered his head to ponder for a while, and suddenly his body shook. With excitement, he grasped Liu Wuhai's hand and said excitedly: "Ali...that dad, I understand, I understand, your ancestors are too powerful. A word to break the mystery!"

"That's it, that's it, hahaha!"

Adidas laughed, stuffed all the treasures on the ground to Liu Wuhai, took out some more precious treasures, and gave them to Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai took many treasures in a daze and dazedly.

"I haven't contacted my ancestors at all. Those words were made up by myself. I don't know what it means. How can Adidas understand?!"

Liu Wuhai was confused in his heart, and at the same time a little proud. He wrote down the few words he had just said, and planned to say it whenever he met.

He left, and Adidas politely and affectionately sent Liu Wuhai to the outside of the pyramid. With that enthusiastic appearance, the eyelids of the second pharaoh Abuna, who was guarding outside the pyramid, jumped.

"I've been here for a long time, and I'm going back to Heavenly Emperor City. If you have anything, feel free to contact me." Liu Wuhai arched his hands.

Adidas nodded and opened the shielding formation of the ancient city of Shura. Liu Wuhai stepped out and disappeared.

Adidas looked at Abner and asked, "Where is Aguidole?"

Abuna said: "Ajidole is in retreat!"

Adidas nodded, knowing in his heart that Aguidole must be practising the power of holding a baby, but I didn't know that Aguidole had given birth to several babies.

"Ajidole's aptitude is slightly inferior to me. If you want to go smoothly, you should have given birth to the first child. Now maybe he has a great cultivation base and is preparing to have a second child!"

"After all, she is a woman. She is good at giving birth."

"I have to hurry up to heal my injuries, try to give birth to a child, and finally do it..."

A cold light flashed in Adidas's eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After Liu Wuhai's reminder, he already had a countermeasure.

"Abuna, get ready, the ancient city of Asura descends on the Taixu Realm!"


Abner responded excitedly and quickly arranged.

In an instant, the entire ancient city of Shura was excited, and everyone cheered.


It is daytime on the nameless island.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the opportunities on the island have basically been masters, and the remaining opportunities are in some fierce and evil places, which are very dangerous.


The Baidi brought a group of masters from the Baidi clan to explore a place of great evil.

Here is a black wind ridge, the black wind howls, making a harsh sound.

After the black wind blows the creature, that creature will become a black bone, and its flesh and blood will be corroded, which is very terrifying.

At the foot of the mountain, there were bones everywhere, human bones, and murderous bones. I don't know how many people died.


Suddenly, a pitch-black sword light burst out from Heifengling, exuding a terrifying kendo aura, tearing the sky apart.

"This sword is at least an ancient artifact, and it is stronger than the Baidi Sword!" Baidi's eyes were fiery, and the Baidi sword on his back trembled at the moment the sword light appeared in Heifengling.

The swords of other Baidi people around were also trembling.

"Establish a void passage, directly into Heifengling!" Baidi said, beside him, Bai Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan, two later prophets of the Baidi clan, jointly established the void passage.

Beside them, there is a large group of people from the Baidi clan, all in the dominating realm and half-step prophets. Obviously the people who can come here are the masters chosen by the Baidi.

"Boom Rumble"

Bai Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan joined forces to establish a void passage, Baidi protects the law, and warns of the abnormal movement in Heifengling.


The black wind howled.

"Dazhen, get up!"

A group of masters of the Baidi clan immediately activated the already prepared large formation


The Emperor Bai drew his sword, and the storm of sword energy rushed forward.

Obviously it was a black wind, but there was a clinking sound, as if countless weapons were fighting.


More black wind is coming, making the sky black.

"Quick, move faster!" Baidi's expression changed and he shouted.

Bai Yuxuan and Bai Zixuan madly input the power of the law, and the faces of the two girls are worried and serious. A void channel is formed in front of them, leading directly to the distant mountains of Heifengling.

The Baidi looked happy, carefully perceiving for a moment, cast a sword body clone, and entered the Black Wind Ridge along the void passage, without finding any danger, so he said: "You retreat and maintain the void passage, I will go in. !"

After all, he turned into a sword light, rushed into the void passage, and entered the mountains of Black Wind Ridge.


Suddenly, from the mountain, the White Emperor screamed, and then the White Emperor Sword exploded with white sword light, which was as bright as a nine-day galaxy, but it was instantly suppressed by a black sword light, and then completely disappeared.

"Painting the sky is a prison!"

The Baidi was roaring angrily, displaying the magical powers of his ancestors.

When everyone heard that the Emperor Bai had used the divine power of the Emperor, their expressions became more tense.

In the end, what danger was happening inside that allowed Bai Di to use this supernatural power.

Because the Emperor Bai said that this supernatural power of the Emperor of Heaven can leapfrog!

"Could it be that the ancestor of the Baidi met a strong man in the Taixu realm?!"

Outside, Bai Yuxuan, Bai Zixuan, and a group of Baidi tribes all changed their faces.

"I'll go in and take a look!" Bai Zixuan said anxiously.

"Ancestor, no!" A group of Baidi people hurriedly stopped Bai Zixuan, and Bai Yuxuan also said: "Our cultivation base and strength are far behind the Baidi. If we are all lost and trapped, what will the Baidi family do?!"

Boom boom boom!

There was a violent explosion in the mountains of Heifengling.

Then, the entire Heifengling suddenly "lived", and two vicissitudes of eyes appeared on the mountain, extremely deep and terrifying, a very strong pressure that surpassed the prophetic realm, and it was completely emitted.

The evil spirit is like the sky, and the evil spirit is permeated.

The black wind whistled, and cheerful thoughts faintly spread.

The people of the Baidi clan were horrified.

They never thought that this Black Wind Ridge was already psychic, and it was a terrible murderer!

"That sword must be the magic sword of this Black Wind Ridge!"

Bai Zixuan said, her expression horrified, her beautiful eyes full of anxiety.

Because in the mountains of Heifengling, the sound of fighting and explosions became inaudible, and the roar of Baidi became weaker and weaker, obviously in an extremely dangerous situation.

"I contacted Patriarch Liu and asked the Emperor for help!"

Bai Zixuan said.

Bai Yuxuan nodded and started to make contact. She looked at the person on the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Bone ancestor, Qingluan ancestor, pagoda ancestor...Huh?! Liu Wuhai???"

Bai Yuxuan turned to Liu Wuhai, and she couldn't help being silent for a while, her expression seemed to miss, but also at a loss, and a touch of complicated helplessness.

Before the Baidi, he told her and Bai Zixuan that Liu Wuhai returned and the Emperor was strong, and hoped that they could marry Liu Wuhai and let the Baidi clan become the relatives of the Liu hug thick thighs.

"Married to Liu Wuhai is equivalent to marrying a golden thigh!"

This is what Baidi said, although vulgar, it is true.


The two of them neither opposed nor recognized this marriage. The Emperor of Heaven was strong, and they were obvious to all, but Liu Wuhai was much weaker.

When I once saw him, he still dominated the realm. Now, in just a few hundred years, both of them are in the prophetic realm. Liu Wuhai is afraid that he will still dominate the realm, at most half a prophet.

"Hey!" Bai Yuxuan sighed.

Most women are like this, not only want to marry the handsome Prince Charming, but also want to marry the rich Prince BMW.

"By the way, I heard that Liu Wuhai is the emperor's favorite offspring. Why don't you let Liu Wuhai help me beg the emperor for help!" Bai Yuxuan's mind flashed.

She hurriedly dialed Liu Wuhai's sound transmission jade talisman.

On the island, the far north.

The sky is full of ice and snow, and there is silence.

Liu Wuhai escaped from the ancient city of Shura in the void and came here.

He looked at the flying snow in the sky with a look of joy.


Liu Wuhai knelt on the ice field, kowtow to the sky.

"Old ancestors, the children and grandchildren know that you are in retreat and it is not convenient to meet each other. The children and grandchildren are here, and they are kowtow to your old man!"

"Daughter does not forget the digger, honoring the ancestors is a lifetime thing for descendants of Wuhai!"

"Thanks to my ancestors for giving me the supreme understanding, I can have this opportunity to become the fourth pharaoh of the Shura clan and break into the half-step Taixu realm!"

"Old ancestor, I love you. When you leave the customs, I will light a cigarette for you, wash your feet, and rub your shoulders!"

"Listen to the sea, when he was visiting the clubhouse on the earth, he had a full-body SPA with an essential oil open back. When that time, his children and grandchildren will give you a SPA, so that your ancestors can experience the comfort of the clubhouse..."

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