Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 565: The fourth ancient sacred mountain in the hometown of eternity, you must be yours

Tiandi Palace is the most majestic and sacred place in Tiandi City.


Liu Tao, Liu Dahai, Liu Wuhai, and Liu Liuhai are reporting to their ancestors.

The ancestors ordered them to look for people who had fled from Baidi City. They sent 3,000 fighters, but the effect was minimal, only less than ten people were found.

"Other people either died or disappeared. The territorial map is too big to search." Liu Tao said, bowing his head, waiting for the ancestor's punishment.

Above the hall, Liu Fan asked, "Have you found Baidi City?"

Liu Dahai bowed and said, "If we go back to our ancestors, Baidi City seems to be being taken to flee. We chased it all the way and found that it had escaped into a forbidden land called Tiantianchi."

Liu Fan smiled and said, "In this way, many people in Baidi City are still alive."

"As for this forbidden place called the Funeral Lake, we will see if we go to see it!"

At this point, his face became serious, and he said, "Go down and prepare for the death squad. Our next goal is to bury Tianchi!"

"In addition, continue to strengthen the search intensity and scope, looking for people who may be alive."


Liu Tao, Liu Dahai and others got up and took their orders.

Liu Wuhai opened his mouth, just about to say something, but saw the ancestor suddenly raise his hand, his eyes were shining brightly, and he turned his head to look in one direction.

"Get down, ancestors, I have a guest here!"

"Yes, ancestors!"

Liu Tao was surprised when he heard that the ancestors actually had guests.

They were inconvenient to ask more, and bowed back.

"Dongdong, go down too!"

"Where the ancestors are, the children and grandchildren are there! Dongdong swears to protect the ancestors!" Liu Dongdong said firmly.

Liu Fan groaned and said, "You go find the cucumber and cut a plate of the tenderest cucumber for your ancestor."

"Received, ancestors wait a moment!"

Liu Dongdong just got up and left.

Outside the hall.

Liu Tao saw it sneakily, and couldn't help being surprised. Who was the visitor this time? The ancestors actually took everything away.

At this moment.

The gate of the Heavenly Emperor Hall was closed with rumbling, and the divine light forbidden was opened, isolating all perceptions.

Seeing this, Liu Liuhai's eyes stared, and he whispered: "Hold the grass! I dare to bet with Wuhai's ass, which was often beaten by the ancestor, the ancestor's visitor this time must be a woman!"

Liu Wuhai said strangely: "Liu Hai, why use my **** to bet?!"

"Also, what's the matter with the female guests? Isn't the female client fragrant? Our ancestors have been single for so many years, we deserve a grandma!"

Liu Tao rolled their eyes when hearing this.

Liu Dahai sighed: "Wu Hai, you have been in retreat for many years, and you don't know many things!"

"Not only do we have grandma, but also our little ancestor, besides, that moon **** general and the white lotus saint are all related to the old ancestor... well... you know!"

Liu Dahai made a finger-poke gesture, which was very wretched.

Liu Wuhai was startled, his eyes protruding, and said, "You mean, the ancestor secretly stalled horses during my retreat?!"

Liu Tao hurriedly reprimanded: "Wu Hai, pay attention to words, how can the love of the ancestors be called stallions! Go back and write me a review and submit it!"

"Also, we have to increase our rescue efforts. Although the ancestors did not criticize today, I want to criticize a few words here..."



In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Old ancestor Liu Fan stared at the void and said: "Since it's here, don't hide it, come out, fellow daoist with the eyes of the black Thunder God!"

The voice fell, ripples flashed in the void of the hall, and a thunder god's eye appeared.

It was floating quietly, staring at Liu Fan.

In the deep eyes, various terrifying visions were reflected, and a burst of energy filled the hall, causing a roar in the hall, and the divine light of restraint on the surrounding walls flickered.

However, Liu Fan did not move.

He even made a pot of tea, the tea level was quiet, without the slightest turbulence, no matter how the black Thor's eyes "make waves", the air is surging, and the tea level is as quiet as a mirror.

"Please have tea!"

Liu Fan smiled.

The black Thunder God's eyes remained silent, staring at Liu Fan carefully.

Liu Fan frowned and said, "If you are a female Taoist friend, I allow you to look at me like this. If you are a bad old man, I will blow you up if you believe it or not!"

The black Thor's eyes remained silent, but his eyes became deeper.

After a long while.

It sent a wave...

"You are very nice, you have rarely seen it since ancient times!"

Liu Fan smiled without responding.

He knew how strong he was, and he was immune to the praise of others.

After all, the flattery of children and grandchildren is not for nothing.

"Make a deal, help me restore my cultivation, and I will accept you as a disciple." The black Thunder God's eyes fluctuated.

Liu Fan looked calm and asked, "What then?"

"Then, go to the buried Tianchi to find my bones, go to the soul refining cave to find my soul, go to the Sea of ​​Death to find my blood, go to the Shenmoyuan to find my tools, and I will be completely resurrected!"

It speaks surprisingly.

The several famous forbidden areas in the Taixu realm mentioned by Yang Yi actually hide its bodies or weapons.

Liu Fan asked: "Who are you?"

"I am the hometown of eternity, Lei Zu, one of the three ancient saints!"

"Three Ancient Sages? Lei Zu? In your heyday, you should be the third of the four indescribable realms, Taixu realm, right?!"

The black Thunder God's eyes didn't answer, but the eyes turned up slightly, making a gesture of arrogance, tacitly acquiescing to Liu Fan's guess.

Liu Fan asked, "Are there any other requirements?"

The black thunder **** said with his eyes: "I will kill that cow!"

"Why? It's still small, and the beef is not fragrant!"

"Ten thousand years ago, this cow smashed the stove that I cultivated, smashed its legs, and smashed it into sludge, which made me fall asleep for thousands of years!"

Liu Fan was surprised and asked: "Now, you only have one eye left, and the furnace is dead. How are you doing?!"

The words fall.

The black Thunder God's eyes suddenly became darker, staring at Liu Fan for a long time, sending out a faint wave: "I intend to change the furnace!"

Liu Fan also turned his eyes to deep, staring at it, and said, "Is there something suitable?"

"No!" The black Thunder God's eyes replied, and the eyes became deeper and deeper, like an ancient pool without a bottom for thousands of years.


What a sensitive topic!


Liu Fan coughed violently, his chest hummed like a ventilator, and then suddenly red hair grew and the corners of his mouth coughed up blood.

But the moment the blood stain appeared, he instantly evaporated with divine power, as if he was afraid of being seen.

The black Thor's eyes made waves: "The old wounds are not healed?"

"No, I was angry by the unscrupulous children and grandchildren!"

Liu Fan's expression was three-point tired.

The black thunder **** stared at Liu Fan, looking up and down, especially on the red hair on his body for a long time.

"You are cursed ominously, do you want me to suppress it...cough cough cough cough..."

The black Thunder's eyes were talking, and suddenly it coughed violently.

Obviously it was just one eye, but there was a wave of coughing, and even red blood was left in the eye socket, the breath became extremely weak for a short time, and the eyelids were slightly drooping.

Liu Fan was surprised and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

The black Thunder God's eyes were weak and said: "I just woke up, the old wounds broke out, and my strength was greatly damaged. Now, I am afraid that even the strength of the dominance is gone!"

The words fell.

The air freezes instantly.

In the hall, there are invisible air machines undulating, tumbling to each other.

The emptiness was silently annihilated, a black hole appeared in the main hall, a frightening aura was stirring, and the wall was forbidden to shine like the sun.

Both of them are pinnacle powerhouses, and they have already weighed out each other's strengths without even having to do anything.

Liu Fan raised his head, his eyes coincided with those of the black Thunder God's eyes.

In the eyes of the two of them, there is plenty of energy and infinite divine power, and there is no sign of weakness.

Everything just now was amazingly acting for the other party.

Found this.

The two were speechless for a long time, but they both saw a touch of surprise and surprise flashing in each other's eyes.

"You are very good, you are qualified to be my Taoist friend!"

"You are also great, qualified to be my brother!"

"I am older than you..."

"I can suppress you now!"

The two looked at each other again, and then there was a rare smile in their eyes.

The black thunder **** sighed faintly, and said helplessly: "For hundreds of millions of years, no one dares to call me a brother, you are the first!"

"In the coming day, I will resume my cultivation. If fellow daoists have the courage to call me a brother, the fourth ancient sacred mountain in the hometown of eternity, it is you!"

Liu Fan smiled and said nothing.

In his deduction, the Lei Zu, one of the three ancient sages of the Eternal Land, is not bad.

And in the past epochs, countless times have cut the sky for humans, expelling countless powerful enemies from outside the territory.

Moreover, what is even more commendable is that when his life was dry, he never nourished his body with the blood of all souls, but took the risk of multiple reincarnations.

Liu Fan saw more of the indifferent power of those who saw sentient beings as ants, but Liu Fan was surprised by existences like the black Thunder God's eyes.

Therefore, when Thor Eye did not shoot at him, he did not shoot at Thor They all recognized each other's strength and acting skills!

As for the seizure of the furnace ding...emm...everyone is a big boss, who hasn't seized the furnace ding for several times? !

At this moment.

Outside the hall, there was a knock on the door.

"Ancestor, do you want to eat garlic cucumber or cold cucumber?"

Liu Dongdong's voice echoed in the hall through the restricted entrance.

Liu Fan smiled, turned around and asked, "Brother Black Thunder Eyes, do you want to eat garlic cucumber or cold cucumber?"

In the eyes of the black Thunder God’s eyes, a stunned color appeared clearly, and said: "Friends, tell me first, what is the difference between garlic cucumber and cold cucumber?..."

ps: 3 more, nine thousand words... it's nearly ten thousand words, you have the face to ask for votes, do you ask for support?

Continue tomorrow


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