Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 299 Let the bullets fly a little longer

The changes in the weather have given many overseas forces hope. They all thought that using meteorological weapons could change the disaster of climate change on the planet, so they applied to purchase meteorological weapons from Backer.

For Baker, things were developing exactly as he expected, so he was in a very good mood.

Facing these forces who came to seek assistance, they changed their normal behavior and behaved very generously.

In addition to accelerating the production of weather weapons, it also promised assistance to all forces. It is obvious that it is determined to completely cut off the development of the Human Security Alliance.

After all, if all other forces choose to defect to Byker, then the alliance for human security will be in name only and will no longer play any role.

In this case, Baik can be said to be more and more inflated, as if he sincerely regards himself as the savior.

And after Morrison completed the contracted weather weapon launch plan, he immediately called him back again and decided to officially promote it on a large scale in various regions.


Shengya City.

In the Commander-in-Chief's office, Back stood up from his seat with a face full of joy, came to Morrison and patted him hard on the shoulder, not shying away from his praise.

"You have done a very good job in negotiating the contract this time. I have also read the impact and incident reports on the Internet. This has had a very positive impact on us and shows that meteorological weapons can indeed solve the problem of climate variability on Earth and stars. , so your task will be very heavy next."

To be honest.

When he first proposed using meteorological weapons to deal with climate disasters on Earth and planets, Morrison had no idea whether this method would work.

It was just that I had to mention this in the face of pressure from Backer.

When performing the launch mission, he was almost in a state of confusion, not knowing what the final result would be.

But he didn't expect that the sky would be on his side this time. Not long after launching the meteorological weapons, the bad weather improved, allowing the people to see the long-lost sunshine.

This change is like a shot in the arm, which has greatly increased Morrison's confidence. Now even he truly believes that meteorological weapons can indeed save the earth and planet from climate changes.

So when faced with Baker's praise, I felt quite proud.

He immediately hurriedly promised: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, it is related to the safety of Earth Star. I will continue to work hard and resolutely complete this task."

"With your words, I feel more at ease."

Upon hearing Morrison's assurance, a bright smile appeared on Baker's face, and he affirmed casually before turning around and returning to his seat.

There was a pause for a few seconds, and then he started talking again.

"Recently, Xingyuan Technology has begun to build underground security bases on a large scale and invested an unknown amount of resources. However, it turns out that this approach is very stupid. We want them to know who is the real savior."

"More importantly, building underground security bases will inevitably consume them greatly. As long as we solve the problem of climate change on the planet as soon as possible, the status of global hegemony will still be in our hands."

"So next, I want you to start using meteorological weapons on a large scale in various regions, cooperate with other surrounding forces, and strive to completely stop the continued decline in the climate and temperature of the earth and planet. Are you confident in completing this task?"

After hearing what Baker said, Morrison naturally understood the importance of this matter, so he would not hesitate.

He immediately gave an unequivocal assurance: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I believe you will be able to see obvious results soon."

Before, being assigned such an important task, Morrison was a little unsure, worried that problems would arise and he would not be able to complete it in time.

But now the situation is completely different. The main reason is that the change in the contract gave him great confidence.

It is also worth mentioning that Morrison did not leave directly after issuing the military order, but added a few words.

"Currently, the weather weapon manufacturing factory is already working overtime. In addition, we have also contacted several qualified companies and will cooperate with them in the production and manufacturing of weather weapons to ensure that there will be no delay in use."

"Very good, I feel relieved with your words."

Originally, Baik was indeed worried about the supply of meteorological weapons. After all, they had promised to support other forces. If there were problems with the supply, it would inevitably affect all subsequent mission plans.

Fortunately, Morrison has already considered this problem and has worked out a solution, which makes Byker very satisfied.

After the matter was discussed, Morrison stopped wasting time. He chatted with Baker for a few more words and then left the office directly.

After all, launching meteorological weapons in various regions is a big task and requires various planning in advance.

In addition, Baker wanted to see results as soon as possible, so Morrison had no choice but to implement it as soon as possible.

So in the next few days, a large number of weather weapons were deployed to various areas and launched collectively. After the reports came out, the scene was quite spectacular.

More importantly, Dongjing Hanguo and other regions also joined in this action.

There is a strong intention to completely solve the problem of climate variability on the earth and stars in a short period of time.

After more and more relevant information and video footage were transmitted to the Internet, it naturally aroused heated discussions among overseas people, and the response became louder and louder, so that the original panic about the disaster completely disappeared.

But when these messages were transmitted to China, they caused quite a stir.

Originally, everyone was convinced that building an underground safety base was the best way to deal with climate changes on the planet out of trust in Xingyuan Technology. But now we see that meteorological weapons are becoming more and more effective, which makes most People's hearts begin to waver, and they feel that their persistence is wrong?

After all, no matter how much everyone supports Xingyuan Technology, if meteorological weapons can really be effective in preventing climate changes on the earth and planet, then their first choice must be meteorological weapons.

After all, the project of building an underground safety base is too huge, and it also requires humans to live underground. It may be difficult to see the scenery on the ground again in the future.

It is against this background that some more controversial voices gradually emerged on various platforms.

"After Nuoyue used the meteorological weapon, the weather has returned to normal. Does this mean that the meteorological weapon can really be effective? If it can prevent the occurrence of climate change on the earth and the planet, then did we choose the wrong plan?"

"Although I admit that building an underground safety base is a relatively conservative and safe approach, the amount of the project is so huge that it is still unknown whether it can be completed in just three years. If there is another plan, I might as well give it a try."

"I personally believe in Xingyuan Technology, but the voice of weather weapons has become louder and louder recently, and we cannot ignore it."

"As far as I know, overseas weather weapons have now begun to be used on a large scale. If it is not really effective, how can it be done?"

"Should Xingyuan Technology issue a statement to explain it to everyone?"

"It is estimated that weather weapons will not be used. The construction of our underground security base has already started. How could it be stopped midway?"

"No one can prove the true effect of weather weapons. What's more, even if the climate environment can be changed now, who can guarantee how long it can last. It is safest for humans to survive underground."

"With the strength possessed by Xingyuan Technology, there is no need to waste any effort to develop this kind of meteorological weapon. But since in this state, we still insist on using the plan of building an underground safety base, it is said that Xingyuan Technology should We have our own considerations, so we all should not speculate too much."

Niu Geng may not particularly want to pay attention to overseas situations, but there are more and more doubts and rhythms appearing on the domestic Internet, and Niu Geng has to find a way to deal with them.

The main reason is that the current situation is no different than before. Under the pressure of the huge sword of climate change on the earth and planet, society may be shaken at any time.

Once this situation occurs, it will inevitably affect the construction of the underground safety base, so it must be ensured that it is in a relatively stable state within the next few years.

But from an overall perspective, the best way to prevent the spread of meteorological weapons-related remarks on the domestic Internet is for Xingyuan Technology to directly explain that meteorological weapons are not enough to prevent climate changes on the earth and stars.

However, it will definitely be targeted by various overseas forces, and the situation will probably worsen by then.

In desperation, Niu Geng had to ask Xing Ling to conduct climate change calculations on cities that use weather weapons to determine when they would have problems.

Niu Geng is very aware that the impact of the use of weather weapons is definitely more negative than positive.

While it may seem like things are back to normal now, it's often the calm before the storm.

As long as a powerful natural disaster breaks out in areas where meteorological weapons have been used, everyone will understand that meteorological weapons are simply unworkable.

Using it will only worsen the situation.

Fortunately, Xingling never let him down in this regard, and he finally concluded that the negative effects of weather weapons would appear in about a week.

By then, there may be a huge natural disaster in Niuyue and other areas.

However, the occurrence of such a disaster can make all overseas forces realize that underground security bases are the most suitable solution, which is a good thing.

Unfortunately, Dongjing and other overseas forces failed to calm down in the end and rushed to purchase weather weapons and use them in their own areas.

I'm afraid it will end in the same way in the end.

It's just that their strength and resources are worse. If they encounter a natural disaster at such a critical time, I'm afraid that even if they adopt the underground safety base construction plan in time, the number of bases that can be completed in the end may be limited.

You must know that joining the Human Security Alliance will get the help of a nuclear fusion reactor to ensure that the underground security base can have energy to operate.

But others are not within the scope of help. The number of underground security bases that the imperial capital wants to build is already a terrifying number, so there is no room left to care about the development of others.

After Niu Geng learned the specific time from Xing Ling, his mood became much calmer.

It's only a week, so it won't delay anything.

At that time, everyone will have an estimate of which plan is the most suitable, and there is no need to emphasize anything else.

However, although Niu Geng was confident, other people in the company who didn't know about this situation were a little restless, especially Lin Wan, Qin Xiaoman, and Li Chao, the company's veterans.

After all, the operation of the company and the disasters faced by mankind are not on the same level at all.

After everyone sees that the plan that the company has been insisting on is gradually being rejected overseas, it is inevitable that they will become anxious and want to formulate a response plan in a timely manner.

However, Niu Geng behaved more like a Buddhist and always had a calm and unhurried attitude.

This made them quite anxious, and finally they came to Niu Geng's office together, wanting to inquire directly.

"Mr. Niu, there are more and more doubts on the Internet. Everyone thinks that weather weapons should be the most suitable solution. Should we do something?"

Lin Wan, who is relatively straight-tempered, spoke first when she came to the office and directly explained the difficulties the company was currently encountering.

The words just fell.

Li Chao, who was next to him, took over the conversation and said, "Mr. Niu, do meteorological weapons have any effect? ​​Can using them really avoid the occurrence of earth-planet disasters?"

Compared to the two of them being anxious, Qin Xiaoman may have been with Niu Geng for the longest time and knew that Niu Geng would never do anything he was not sure about, so he spoke in a leisurely tone.

"Mr. Niu, the company has not responded to the online comments for a long time. Have you already thought of a way to deal with it?"

As Qin Xiaoman said these words, Lin Wan and Li Chao's eyes suddenly lit up, and they both felt that Qin Xiaoman's words were very reasonable.

Faced with the different remarks of the three of them, Niu Geng was dumbfounded, but he also understood that everyone was thinking about the company, so naturally he would not blame anything.

Niu Geng himself didn't know much about weather weapons. The reason why he was so calm now was because of the results of Xing Ling's calculation.

Under this situation, he had no way to give Li Chaolin, Wan Qin Xiaoman and the others a detailed explanation. After thinking for a moment, he finally said: "You only need to be responsible for your own responsibilities. As for the rest, let Bullet If you fly a little longer, the results will naturally appear.”

As the company's senior figures, the three of them could not understand the meaning of Niu Geng's words.

Originally they were just worried, but now that they heard what Niu Geng said, they were completely relieved, so they responded directly without too much entanglement:

"We understand Mr. Niu, and we will handle the matters at hand and ensure that the construction of the underground safety base proceeds in an orderly manner."

After saying that, the three of them didn't stay in the office for long. Even though they turned around and exited the office, Niu Geng was quite relieved to see this scene.

You just need to wait patiently for the rest of the time. I believe that what Xing Ling said will definitely happen in a week.

Thinking of this, Niu Geng felt some sympathy for those overseas forces.

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