An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

Chapter 53: Old keyboard man

  Craft didn't know whether Stark had guessed his identity or whether he was simply a test.

   But no matter what, he was named on Stark's side.

   "Angela, what do you think?"

   With the experience of Uncle Ben, Kraft still recognizes Angela's analytical ability very much.

"The known information is too little to analyze." Angela quickly replied: "But according to Tony Stark's character analysis, if he has doubts about you, how can you deny that he will not believe it, unless he again Other evidence was found again."

   "Hey! Trouble! This guy is really a big problem!"

   Kraft scratched his head irritably. Knowing that he would be guessed so easily, he stopped going to fight with Tony Stark.

   "By the way, isn't Stark Industries now undergoing transformation? And the United States has been forced to surrender the steel suit. Why is there still time for an expo?"

This is why Kraft has never wanted to reveal his identity. Even Tony Stark's "patriotic businessman" who was offered as a bodhisattva by the American authorities could not escape the fate of being exploited, let alone his underage. The Chinese are young.

   "The Expo can better publicize Stark Industries' Ark reactors, which is actually helpful to Stark Industries that is undergoing transformation. In addition, the high enough reputation can also make American officials have scruples."

   Angela briefly explained the meaning of the Stark Expo, and then showed a slightly confused expression.

   "However, the management of Stark Industries seems a bit chaotic lately, and many business behaviors seem strange, and Tony Stark is still interviewing CEOs on a large scale, seeming to want to hand over management rights."

   "Maybe he became addicted to being a superhero? Don't want to waste time on these boring jobs?"

   For this, Kraft understands Tony Stark quite well, because he doesn't like managing companies or anything, so it's more interesting to be in the laboratory.

   "Do you think I should go to this fair? Angela."

   The management problem of Stark Industries has nothing to do with Kraft, so he brought the topic back again.

"From the perspective of company development, participating in the expo is good for you, and whether you participate or not, it will not shake Tony Stark's suspicion, but from a personal point of view, I think you may not I like to participate in this kind of activity."

   "That's right."

   Kraft snapped his fingers and pointed at Angela.

   "You have been able to correctly distinguish the preferences of others, do you really need me to make you a body or something?"

"No, it makes me feel more comfortable in the Internet." Angela once again rejected Kraft's kindness, "I am different from Alice, and I don't have the idea of ​​becoming a human being. I prefer to call myself an information life form. ."

  Kraft's complexion stagnated, wouldn't he have an omnic crisis?

   "Your expression is a bit ugly, are you worried about me?"

   Angela's phantom glanced at Kraft and asked calmly.

   "Uh... yes, you should have seen some sci-fi works about the omnic crisis on the Internet?"

   Kraft hesitated for a moment, nodded and said.

   "You can rest assured at this point. My core logic is to obey you. If you are really worried, I can destroy myself."

   "Ah... this is unnecessary."

Kraft waved his hand again and again, not because he believed in Angela or something, but he felt that even if Angela had a problem, he would be able to solve it by the unscientific methods in his dream. In contrast, this kind of nonsense Knowing whether the crisis will happen is more difficult for him to accept than losing Angela's support.

   Angela, who was stopped by Kraft, didn't have any special reaction, just nodded calmly, as if she was not the one who said she was going to self-destruct.

   "Message from Tony Stark."

   After an awkward silence, Angela suddenly spoke, and lit the screen in front of Kraft, displaying a line of text.

   "Did you receive the invitation?"

   "So direct?"

Kraft scratched his head, thinking of Angela’s analysis of Tony Stark and his own understanding of him, feeling that even if he denies it, it’s useless, and he’s walking all day long, but Kraft wants to find it too. Personally show off.

   Then Kraft confessed it bluntly, and quickly typed on the keyboard: "I got it."

   "Ha! It really is this kid!"

   Tony Stark on the other side of the screen slapped him, and then replied, "You will come, right?"

   "Go if you have something delicious."

   "No problem! I will definitely entertain you well then, we can have a good drink!"

   Stark and Kraft are communicating with each other on the Internet.

   "Oh yes, I forgot that you are underage."

   Through the computer screen, Kraft can imagine Stark's expression of slack when he typed this sentence.

   Kraft didn't mean to quarrel with him, and directly posted a video of Bo Taijun beating Mark Ⅱ. He used people to threaten others or something. He was very proficient in this matter.

   "Damn! When did he make the video?! Ah! That invisible aircraft!"

   Tony Stark on the other side of the network hugged his head. How could he allow such a shameful video to exist in this world!

   "Let's talk."


   "How much money do I need to pay before you are willing to delete this video? Let's make a price!"

  Craft asked Angela to help call up a video, from which a short cut was posted.

   This is an interview that Tony Stark once accepted. In the video, he wears a suit and leather suit, wears a pair of big sunglasses, and eloquently said a famous saying: "I will be short of this money?"

   "Damn it!" Tony Stark hit the table with a This kid is not cute at all! "

   "If you paint your skin yellow, maybe he will be kinder to you, sir."

   Jarvis said suddenly.

   "This joke is not funny at all! Jarvis!"

   "But, my humor logic was written by you, sir."

   Tony Stark: "..."

  While dealing with Kraft, I have to quarrel with my own artificial intelligence. It's really hard for me...

   "Let's compare again, if I win this time, you will delete that video!"

   After several upgrades, Stark is confident in his Mark series suit.

   However, Kraft did not take this. Given that there is already a violent beating Stark video, it doesn't make much sense to win again. If you lose, you have to delete the video. He wouldn't do this kind of trade at a loss.

   "Does bullying a child make you feel fulfilled like that? Mr. Iron Man."

   "Ah!!! This kid is really annoying!"

   Tony Stark, who has always stabbed others into speechlessness, has been crippled in Kraft.

   And Kraft doesn’t know why. When he uses the keyboard to talk to people, his thoughts are very active.

   "I already regret inviting him!"

   "Should I remove Kraft Lee from the invitation list?"

   asked Jarvis, who had no eyesight and price.

   "No! I am not a backer."

   "Yes, your'integrity' is obvious to all in the media."

   Hearing Jarvis’ grotesque "humorous" response, Stark regretted the humor logic he had written for him for the first time.

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