An Unparalleled Master of Martial Arts

Chapter 484: The evil child comes

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The matter was quite alarming, and even Chen Chen came to find out. Read 蕶 蕶 尐 说 网

After asking the ins and outs of the matter again, all the people were relieved. Gu Qingwan's anger did not come. Anyway, this matter can be settled with the participation of Master Chen Chen.

Seyou Gui said with a look on her face, "I don't know what's going on! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"You will almost kill me!" Lu Yun said coldly, "How could I not kill you!"

Seyou Gui quickly knelt down and said: "I really don't know what is going on. If I knew it was such a thing, I wouldn't dare to do it if I gave a hundred guts!

Hua Chen said at this time: "Then you talk about why you should do this. What happened?"

"I knew there seemed to be a voice!" Se Yougui said in fear.

"What sound?" Hua Chen asked.

"I don't know what's going on, anyway, I can hear that very terrible voice. It's like a ghost crying wolf!" Seyou Guina said.

Lu Yun said: "It's terrifying to cry ghosts and ghosts! Maybe the other party is not from nearby!"

"What's that?" Han Lin asked puzzled.

"I don't know very well!" Lu Yun said. "It's always a legend about the origin of all things on the **** wasteland."

Hua Chen said: "If you want to know, let me say it."

Everyone was looking forward to standing in a row, waiting for Hua Chen to tell them different legends.

The world is full of weeping ghosts and gods, a magical scene that only appears in legend. According to legend, when the Shenhuang Continent world first opened 20,000 years ago, there was a holy beast and then a monster.

The holy beast had some misunderstandings, so it was excluded from the race and became an independent race, so it became a family of monsters and beasts. And there is a holy beast, always facing the sky.

It was n’t really a normal thing 20,000 years ago, they just did n’t think about it. But without knowing where to start, it learned to think.

Then it slowly reached out to grab the food on the tree pole and became a holy beast that could stand on both feet. Very, such holy beasts are more and more.

They are all like this holy beast, they look very interesting.

Gradually, they discovered that this holy beast was picking and choosing when he was mating. Moreover, the posture of mating is also different from that of the same kind. When the baby it is born is also slightly different from the same kind, this produces a very strange thing.

That is the birth of man!

After the child was born, there was only a bunch of hair on the top of his head. This pair of hair makes him look like a freak, but when he looks up at the sky every day, eating, or even mating, he chooses.

The holy beasts of this group finally understand that they are a special group.

I do n’t know who started calling them this group first: "People!"

Because this word is a very good way to describe their walking style, with their feet upright. After three hundred years of development, they have never found the original ethnic group to mate.

Instead, they mate with their own people, this ethnic group, and evolved into a very terrible ethnic group.

Later, the demon appeared, because the demon mates with others, and there are people who directly sell their souls and become demon through various sacrifices.

In short, people are holy beasts who like to think very much. They are completely different from other ethnic groups. The born demons live on the four islands and live with the undead.

Regardless of any creature, it will become an undead after death. Only very special undead can become dead reanimated on the four islands. But there is still a part that becomes a hungry ghost.

An immortal hungry ghost!

These hungry ghosts are just a single one, and they are born after people die. Therefore, the holy beasts call people the most terrifying spawning species.

So people are disgusted, all the time by disgusters.

But it is the demon who can really dominate. They have the wisdom of human beings, the evil of demon beasts, and the instinct of holy beasts. Formed a physique that can be rejuvenated!

As long as the demon does not die, there will be no old death.

So the first jihad broke out on the continent of Shenhuang. But they found that the Hungry Ghost Road has immortality, and the demon belong to the beast road, and can be rejuvenated.

The holy beast is also classified as a beast.

The reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the undead can be brought back to life. There are only human beings, but their human path is only the martial arts that those demon and hungry ghosts have a chance to learn.

Just after the first ancestors have disappeared for a long time, mankind is facing a huge genocide disaster. And at this time, a child was born among humans.

The cry of the child turned out to be terrifying and weeping. Except for the human race, all the remaining races were disturbed by this cry, making them afraid to attack humans anymore.

So this child is called the Son, and his coming is also called the Son's coming. This son is a character that Di Xiezong and Tian Xiezong have to mention in the future.

Although Tian Quezong and Di Quezong have already made troubles, they all have a common god, Jiang Ye!

After listening to Hua Chen ’s story, Lu Yun asked: "Does it mean that after the human crisis, a son comes again to save the lives?"

Although Lu Yun sees the world from his own perspective, he feels that everything is happening in front of his eyes. But he also knows that if he really encounters a devastating disaster, his cultivation is not enough to save anyone.

Therefore, he would think of the Son. If the Son comes, then he can save a lot of energy and let him enjoy the next thing. Hua Chen shook his head and said: "I am afraid that things are not as simple as imagined! The Son came back to save the lives. Now, it comes down to deal with humanity."

"Also!" Lu Yun said.

"However, there is no final conclusion! Let this ghost be given to the dungeon disciple first, I will take a moment to study with Cheng You ~ ~, you do n’t want to participate. After all, time has passed Sooner, you have to go to Zhongzhou immediately! "Hua Chen said.

Lu Yun nodded and said, "Everything is up to you! But I still want to know, what will come this time. The terrifying power of the ghosts and gods that can make you cry!"

"It's a wicked son! He's coming!" At this time, a very familiar voice resounded.

Everyone's eyes looked at the door.

The man said with a smile: "Don't look at me with this kind of look, in fact, I know a little bit about everything. When the Son came, he repelled all the enemy troops and ended this terrible jihad. Then he established Tianqi Zong and Di lacked sect, and his two sons became the two sect masters in the world, Liu Fang Bai Shi. "

"So, this time is also related to them?" Lu Yun asked.

"It's about them, but it's not directly related to them. This time it wasn't the Holy Son, but the evil son. With the blood of the demon and human beings, one was the constitution of the demon emperor, and the other was the constitution of the **** waste, their The combination formed a very terrible child. "The one said," This person is a wicked child! "One

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