American Warehouse Taobao King

Chapter 793: Seven hundred and ninety-third [trial]

The    effect was quite good, all the pirates raised their hands and stood on the pirate ship, not daring to move. At this time, in order to prevent the other party from playing tricks, Captain Peterson asked for instructions, and Yang Yong decided to show all the defensive weapons on the Anna. The good guy Anna was like a Transformer at sea, with a screeching sound all over her body.

  The hidden weapons are all exposed, even short-range defense missiles, Phalanx and six-barreled Gatlings. These short-range defense systems are hidden in a variety of places, and even the two sides of the ship where the lifeboats were originally opened, where the lifeboats look like, are simply the six-pipe Gatling's position. At this time, those scared and silly pirates were trembling all over, almost not lying on the dilapidated pirate ship.

  My God, where is this yacht? This is simply an arsenal. Whose superyacht has so many weapons on it. Isn't this fishing? Isn't this catching them pirates? It's too disrespectful to the professionalism of pirates to have fun with them pirates.

   You are going too far when you say that you are an armed warship pretending to be a super yacht. Why are these pirate gangs so pitiful? In the face of these weapons, even if they borrowed ten courage, they would not dare to rob them. Now they have become prisoners of others. I don't know what these rich and powerful people will do to these miserable pirates.

   Throw them into the sea to feed the sharks, or take them back to their own country for trial, whichever the outcome. These pirates are saying goodbye to their families, and some even young men lie on the dilapidated pirate ship and cry bitterly, regretting why they joined the pirate gang.

   A good life is nothing but going to sea to rob and be a pirate. Now it's over, kick it to the iron plate, it's over, this time it's completely over, there's nothing left. Hundreds of meters away, you can hear these pirates crying on the pirate ship. The tragic appearance is really too far from the majestic pirates who can't hang up.

   At this time, Captain Peterson ordered Anna to stop slowly, and then shouted through the loudspeaker. "The pirate ship, the pirate ship, slowly approach me, slowly approach me. All weapons are discarded in the sea, and all weapons are discarded in the sea, otherwise the Anna will attack at your own risk."

   What are the consequences? Most of the crew could not understand English, so they played the content just now in Arabic again. But I didn't expect that after the first broadcast in English, the other party had already started to act. It turned out that the other party could understand English. The reason why I didn't answer earlier was because I was looting, so how could I answer the words of the lamb you are about to be slaughtered.

   Forget about weapons, even the ladder that was attached to the side of the ship was thrown into the sea, and Peterson led the army with a smile on his face. He came to the first deck to instruct the Yang family's bodyguards to ride on the rubber speedboat, and brought these pirates up first to discuss why he did this to satisfy the curiosity of his own boss, Yang Yong. I heard from the captains who used to go with them that they only heard from their peers how cruel the pirates in the Gulf of Aden were. They had never seen them before, and they were also curious about these pirates.

  Ten minutes later, ten pirates in ragged clothes and even eight without shoes were brought onto the deck. At this time, Yang Yong was wearing pajamas and slippers. After circling around these pirates who were squatting on the deck with their heads in their arms, and looked back and forth several times, he came to Peterson's side, shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"The gap is too big. I didn't expect the world to be peaceful and even the pirate industry to fall. Look at the difference between these pirates and beggars. I'm so disappointed. Those pirates who are all over the world and make all maritime countries terrified have disappeared. "

   These people say they are pirates, but they are actually refugees. Armed refugees and pirates cannot be linked, at best they are robbers at sea. Moreover, he was a robber who was beaten by his own domestic violence. Some young people were even scared to cry while squatting on the deck and did not dare to look up.

  Captain Peterson also smiled wryly, and beckoned behind him. The two members brought two chairs and a table in the middle. Put up the sun umbrella, and then the kitchen staff began to put a delicate breakfast on the table. Yang Yong asked Peterson to sit down for breakfast, and just after drinking a glass of orange juice, he asked the pirates who were squatting five meters away in English.

   "Where are you from? Why did you come out to loot early in the morning? I'm really convinced that your equipment is not very good, but you are very dedicated."

  The smell of the breakfast on the table made all the pirates growl in their stomachs, just as Yang Yong said. They were so dedicated that they came out to rob without even having breakfast, and were ready to rob and board the boat quietly in the early morning when humans were the most exhausted. Who would have thought that after waiting for several hours, no boat came over. Originally thought it was empty again today, but I didn't expect the Anna to rush out from the thick fog. They were so excited that they thought it would be this ending.

   Yang Yong's question, they did not dare to say a word, let alone let this rich man know who is the leader of his gang. So everyone squatted on the ground without saying a word. Yang Yong and others knew what they were thinking. They were afraid that they would be caught and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

  Yang Yong would not be so cruel, he just smiled and waved his hand, letting the chef who placed breakfast on the table spread some butter and jam on the plate of steaming toast on the table. Let these ragged pirates have enough to eat, at least give them some reassurance, eat it, don't be afraid, you are not a murderer, what will happen to them.

   Seeing that Yang Yong was so kind and giving them food, one of the tall and thin black people stood up from the crowd and bowed deeply to Yang Yong before speaking in English. "This kind gentleman, we know it's wrong. Half of our people died. The people on the boat didn't get any harm. We were forced to come out to loot. We also have families to support. Please let us go. "

Isn't    nonsense? If the family conditions are better, who will come out to rob and become a pirate? Sick, fun? Didn't you see that just a dozen people were torn to pieces and turned into fish food? Piracy is also a high-risk occupation. Yang Yong was also very polite when he heard this man. Although his body was tattered, he was in good spirits, and his eyes were more agile. He was not as numb as those people, and asked with a smile.

   "You are their leader, right? You are not afraid to stand up and let me know that you are the leader and throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

   Hearing this, the pirate leader was not only not afraid, but also said with a smile. "Dear sir, I am even less afraid to hear you ask this question. How could a gentleman just waste his life. I know we are wrong, and my boss is willing to accept any punishment. Please spare us poor brothers. They have It's only a 15-year-old child, just came out to eat and eat, and has never done anything bad."

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