American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon’s Wool Collection

Chapter 359 Eavesdropping on a woman’s heart

Peggy, you... are going to be late for class...

At dinner time the next day, Mike was going to go to the little girl's room to use the computer.

In order to facilitate the little girl's study, the only computer in the villa is in her room.

As a result, who knew that Peggy, who was never lazy in bed, hadn't gotten up yet today. Even though she was wrapped in the quilt, she probably didn't have a good rest last night and looked extremely tired.

The moment Mike entered the room, he smelled the faint smell of blood and a strange smell in the air.

When he realized something, in order to avoid the little girl's embarrassment, he immediately withdrew as if nothing had happened.

Then, Mike called the little maid Carly and asked her to go to Peggy's room to teach the little girl some physiological knowledge that girls should know.

Ten minutes later, little girl Peggy walked out of the room with a blushing face, accompanied by Carly. As if she didn't dare to face Mike's gaze, she quickly hid in the bathroom.

It was indeed a bit embarrassing for Peggy when she had her first period and was discovered by Mike.

The little girl, who is already thirteen and almost fourteen this year, seems to be able to remove the word little in front of her.

At the end of breakfast time, when Carly drove Peggy out, Mike went to the computer again.

Through his personal mailbox, Mike saw the information sent by Father James.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the mysterious incidents recorded by the church were many and more comprehensive.

A large part of them are records of church members performing exorcisms on people, and of course there is a small part that is of interest to Mike.

There is a magical remote control that can control life, there is also a magical ability that can hear women's voices, and there are other super powers that make people unable to lie.

The most surprising thing is that Mike even saw Mark's ability to return to youth in the data, which was also recorded in the data.

It has to be said that the power of the church is greater than imagined.

After screening, Mike finally focused on the lucky guy named Nick Marshall among many lists.

This man is the one who has the ability to eavesdrop on women's voices, and is now working in an advertising design company in Apple City.

Looking at the distance, that company is not far from Wall Street.

Nedee, come out with me~ Mike, who was very interested in mind-reading abilities, decided to get in touch with the man named Nick.

Let’s talk about Nick Marshall. Even in middle age, he still has a handsome face and is very popular with some women.

At the same time, he is very sociable in the company and is thriving. He is about to be promoted from senior designer to design director.

Reaching the peak of life~

However, just when Nick was feeling proud, the company's big boss suddenly hired an airborne design director, Darcy McGuire, from outside.

As a woman, Darcy not only has a beautiful appearance and capable style, but also surpasses Nick in terms of professional design ability.

In this case, in order to regain the man's lost face, Nick suddenly had to put himself into the role of Darcy.

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

As a result, Nick, a middle-aged man, not only began to imitate Darcy in his behavior, but even began to imitate Darcy's dress when he was alone.

This is difficult and perverted for a grown man.

However, hard work pays off!

When Nick imitated Darcy and tried out female products such as lipstick, mascara, hair removal cream, and facial masks, his piety seemed to have finally moved God.

Next, when he was learning how women took fragrant baths, God gave him an electrotherapy and also gave him the ability to eavesdrop on women's voices.

Later, by eavesdropping on Darcy's ideas from time to time, Nick once again gained a foothold in the company, vaguely intending to compete with Darcy.

In fact, Nick didn't know that when he first had the ability to eavesdrop on women and suspected that he was suffering from mental illness and consulted a psychiatrist, his various miraculous performances had already been noticed by the church.

Just because Nick's ability was not of much use to the church, the church only recorded the incident for observation and did not disturb Nick's normal life.

As for the deeper reasons for this, Mike also got the answer from Father James.

For lucky people like Nick who suddenly have superpowers, their abilities are not always fixed.

As time goes by, when these people complete their initial asking, God will immediately take back their superpowers.

This time is generally not too long, ranging from ten days and a half to a maximum of one year.

Therefore, due to various considerations on the part of the church, the church generally does not pay much attention to such lucky people who temporarily possess superpowers, as long as their abilities are not particularly outstanding.

Mike, who set off from the villa in the Tesla sports car driven by Nidhi, soon arrived at the advertising and creative company only a few blocks away from Wall Street.

Looking at the scale, the advertising company Nick works for is indeed quite “high-end”.

I'm Mike~ At the reception desk of the advertising company, Mike flashed his King Investment Company's business card and said, Make an appointment with your boss for me.

Okay, Mr. Mike. Please wait a moment, I will help you contact the boss. The beautiful receptionist looked at Mike wearing famous brands and the expensive sports car on the roadside, and she showed great affection.

It is worth mentioning that King Investment Company, which invested nearly half a billion yuan, has started its own investment business under Chris's coordination.

In order to facilitate the company's tax deduction at the end of the year, Chris has also begun to help Mike buy luxury goods.

The formal suit Mike is wearing now, the watch on his wrist, and the sports car outside were actually purchased with tax credits.

Welcome to my company, Mr. Mike. I am David, the boss of this advertising company... Not long after, the boss of the advertising company came to the reception desk in person.

Apparently, the beautiful receptionist had explained to her boss how precious Mike's identity was.

After some courtesy, David took Mike, a potential big client, to his single office.

Excuse me, Mr. Mike, what business do you want to handle this time? After offering two cups of hand-ground coffee, David got into the topic.

My King Investment Company needs to design a logo. I wonder if you can do it? Mike didn't go around in circles.

With such a big advertising company, Boss David must be very well-informed.

The size of King Investment Company is not small even on Wall Street, so boss David must have heard of it.

I wonder what your budget is? Sure enough, after hearing the name of King Investment Company, David's attitude became more friendly.

Between 200,000 and 2 million, it depends on how much your company can absorb... Mike said casually.

Even though David's advertising company is very large, whether the net profit can reach 2 million a month is still a question.

Therefore, Mike definitely counts as a big customer.

Please wait a moment, our company's design level will definitely not disappoint you. After David made the assurance, he said to the secretary on the side: Go and call Darcy and Nick over and ask them to put down all the work at hand temporarily. Just say I have important customers here.”

It seems that in order to retain Mike, a big customer, Boss David directly called in the two aces of the company.

Of course, this is exactly what Mike is aiming for, and Nick is exactly the person he is looking for.

Not long after, two elite business attire designers, a man and a woman, walked into the office quickly.

The woman standing slightly forward is still in her thirties and still has charm. If she were a few years younger, she would definitely be another beautiful woman.

The middle-aged man who was half a step behind her had a bit of ambition in his eyes, his hair was unusually thick, and he did look a bit handsome.

This man is Mike's target this time - Nick Marshall.

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