Mike, when are you going to leave?

Little George asked at the Cooper family dinner table.

Tomorrow morning. After getting the scooter, Mike naturally wanted to go back quickly and get the inheritance as soon as possible to feel at ease.


It's just that little George seemed to have misunderstood something. He thought Mike's return this time was a simple self-driving trip.

Little George, who was still excited about the test drive, continued with interest: I don't know what kind of car I can buy with the money I have. I also want to take advantage of this summer vacation to go out and experience a lot...

The crystal ball business last Christmas allowed little George to make some money. In addition to the pocket money he usually saves, he estimated that he had about three thousand yuan in hand.

Seeing that Mike was going to do such a cool thing as a self-driving tour, he couldn't sit still.

Therefore, little George also plans to buy a car and take a self-driving trip, which sounds cool.

Next, he excitedly discussed the used car model he wanted to buy.

Three thousand yuan is not much, but it is enough to buy a second-hand car.

If you're lucky, you might be able to buy a 50% to 60% new second-hand pickup truck, or an off-brand SUV or something.

That's enough, little George. You don't even have a driver's license now. We'll talk about buying a car later. Mary, who was already in a bad mood because her youngest son left, felt inexplicably irritated when she heard the topics discussed by her eldest son.

I have asked Robin for help with the driver's license. I should be able to get it in the next two days. Now I only need a car... Little George, who was in the fantasy of a self-driving trip, did not notice his mother's emotions. exception.

He was still talking about cars and self-driving tours.

Robin is Pastor Jeff's second wife and works in the transportation department. It will be very convenient and fast to ask her to help you apply for a driver's license.

Mike's current driver's license was obtained with the help of the other party through internal connections.

Stop talking about the car. You're not allowed to go anywhere this summer. Mary didn't care about the driver's license or the car. As a mother, she was stubborn and unwilling to accept that her children would have to leave her side.

I'm afraid every mother has experienced this feeling.

This is about the car... Little George still didn't understand why his mother was so crazy, but due to the power that the other party had accumulated over a long period of time, although he was dissatisfied, he only dared to mutter a few words in a low voice.

Mike, have you made all the preparations before the trip? Grandma Connie asked with concern on the way back from dinner.

Everything is ready. Just buy some supplies for the road tomorrow. Mike answered.

There is nothing to prepare for traveling alone. Just bring two sets of clothes and buy some food and drink on the way.

Go to bed early, pay attention to safety on the road, and remember to call me anytime if you need anything...

Back home, Grandma Connie was still telling Mike about his travel arrangements.

Perhaps it was because she saw Mike and Peggy leaving one after another, and Grandma Connie, who had already regarded them as family, seemed a little depressed now.

Uh-huh, I understand. You should also go to bed early... Mike accepted the other party's concern, and at the same time took out the Ferrari car key and said: Also, during the few days I am away, please help grandma take care of my car. A Ferrari.”

OK, leave the Ferrari to me... and take care of it. I guarantee there won't be any problems... Grandma Connie's mood suddenly improved as she touched the key to the Ferrari.

After seeing this, Mike smiled and shook his head, went to the bathroom to wash up briefly, and then returned to his room to rest.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he received a call from Collins.

Collins, what's wrong with you so late? Mike asked.

Since the last time Mike and Collins spoke on the phone with the help of little Sean. In the following days, the frequency of contact between the two gradually became more frequent.

Both online chat and phone chat are available.

It's just the first time I received a call from a girl so late.

Mike, do you know that my brother received an invitation from the University of Mississippi? Collins asked tentatively.

The girl had already mentioned the fact that the big man Michael got the college admission notice with barely passing marks after hard work in previous chats.

Moreover, Mike also knew that Collins also received an offer from the University of Mississippi with excellent results this year.

Unlike special sports admissions, girls can easily apply for the university's financial management major, which is a very popular major.

You told me about this before, so what? Listening to the girl's hesitant tone on the phone, Mike couldn't guess the other party's intention.

Because Michael and I were both admitted to the University of Mississippi, to celebrate, my father is going to take our family to a beach vacation in Hawaii... At this point, Collins paused. Then, as if he mustered up a lot of courage, he invited: I would like to invite you to go on vacation with our family. Do you have time?

Sun, beach, girls...

This is indeed a good opportunity to get closer to each other.

What's more, Collins is a very good girl, well-educated, smart, and most importantly, very beautiful.

Coupled with the fact that the family is very rich, this is a complete treasure girl.

Mike was not stupid. In the many previous chats between the two of them, he had clearly felt the girl's special affection.

It's just a pity that Mike has more important things to do this summer than vacation.

Sorry, Collins. I'm going back to Minnesota recently, so I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up on our vacation together. After explaining the reason, Mike said softly: I wish you and your family a happy vacation~

Okay, okay. You go about your business first. We can make an appointment next time when we have a chance... Collins' voice revealed a deep sense of disappointment.

It is not difficult to understand. After this summer, the girl will travel to Apple City to go to college.

If nothing else happens, the two people who are separated by two places may not have the chance to meet each other in the next year or even in the future.

Collins, who was just beginning to fall in love, obviously couldn't accept this situation.

But there is nothing the girl can do about this situation.

So, after chatting for a few more words, she hung up the phone without interest.

Mike, of course, understood what Collins was thinking this time. If conditions permit, he is quite willing to have an in-depth communication with the other party.

Just like that, now is not the time.

Let's talk about it when we have the right opportunity...

Mike, who had not been short of girls by his side so far, after a little lust for Collins's body, fell asleep to gather energy for tomorrow's trip.

At the same time, little Sheldon, who went to Professor John's house, also successfully fell asleep.

He was very picky about his resting place, but he slept very peacefully this time.

In fact, little Sheldon is very satisfied with his new life.

Professor John, who has been single for many years, has unique habits in life.

While welcoming the arrival of little Sheldon, he adhered to the principle of not disturbing each other.

Even today's dinner, the two of them shared meals.

And this lifestyle is exactly what little Sheldon wants.

However, two geniuses with eccentric personalities and this weird way of getting along are obviously not a long-term solution.

Especially when there is a child who needs to be taken care of at all times.

It was midnight, when little Sheldon was woken up and wanted to go to the bathroom. Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, he couldn't help but feel nervous in his heart.

It's okay...I can do it...just turn on the light...

Little Sheldon, who should have sought help, chose to solve the current troubles on his own in order to maintain a life of non-interference with Professor John.

But since he had little ability to live independently, he groped for a long time in the dark. Not only could he not find the light switch, he also hit his head in panic.

This is...blood...

The sticky liquid on his hands told little Sheldon that he was in big trouble that he couldn't solve.

Fear suddenly surged into his heart, and he shouted at a loss: Help!!! Professor John!!! I need help!!!

Professor John, who was sleeping very lightly, was awakened by the cry for help. Hearing the anxious voice of Little Sheldon, he ran out in a daze.

What happened? Sheldon~

Concern leads to chaos. In the panic, there was a collision in the corridor, followed by Professor John's cry of pain.

My leg! My leg seems to be broken!!

Don't worry, Sheldon, I'll come find you right away...

Professor John, who endured the pain, still did not forget to care about little Sheldon.

It was just the movement in the corridor that made little Sheldon, who was in the dark and confused about the situation, even more frightened.

A nine-year-old child, even if he is a super little prodigy, will still cry when he is scared.

Still crying loudly and loudly...

For a moment, Professor John's house became lively with cries mixed with cries of pain.

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