Lasting for more than a month and five games, Melford's spring invitational this year came to a successful conclusion on the day it defeated West Deke High School.

And Mike's star-making plan did not end there.

With the success of his victory over the runner-up team, the newspaper gave him a special column in the sports section.

With continued publicity and subsequent poster releases, Mike has become a well-known sports star in Texas.

Moreover, when he received the first poster bonus, he also fulfilled his previous promise to his teammates and took everyone outside to have a good time.

The current Melford team has firmly established itself as a strong team after a good performance in the spring invitational tournament.

The team members are also popular on campus because of this.

And Mike, who had the most outstanding performance, became the hero of Melford High School.

For this reason, Principal Tom represented the school and specially held a commendation meeting for him.

Time flies, and more than half a month has passed.

During this time, Mike noticed that his Level 4 professional rugby skills were no longer improving during the sparring sessions with the Melford players.

Yes, bullying rookies every day will not improve your professional rugby skills at all.

Therefore, Mike, who is unwilling to waste time, plans to apply to Coach George to leave the team today.

On the same afternoon, Mike saw Captain Aaron on the playground, whom he had not seen for a long time since he was out for a trial.

After the spring invitational tournament, several scouts from local Texas universities took a fancy to his football potential.

According to contact with the college team, Aaron had been on leave for more than a week by the time he came to try out.

However, looking at the happy look on the opponent's face now, it is obvious that this trial training has a good result.

Hi, little George... Captain Aaron, dressed in regular uniform, greeted the team members with a smile.

Finally, he came to Mike and said, Mike, I have something to discuss with you.

You said it. Mike responded.

I'm ready to quit the team, so I want to pass the captain's position to you. I believe that with your leadership, the Melford football team will get better and better... When it came to business, Aaron's expression became much more serious.

It's clear that he has a deep affection for Melford Rugby Football Club.

Now holding the captain's armband, he feels a bit like he is leaving the team alone on his deathbed.

But, isn’t this a coincidence? Things came together in a hurry~

Sorry Aaron, I'm afraid I can't be the captain. In fact, I am preparing to apply to coach George to leave the team today. Mike did not take over the captain's armband as Aaron thought.

At this time, Aaron also noticed that Mike was not wearing training clothes today.

With his eyes flashing, he was silent for a while, and then said: Forget it, let's leave these problems to the coach.

As the captain of the team, Aaron is very aware of Mike's strength.

The opponent's superb skills can help teammates quickly improve their skills.

This is equivalent to unilateral poverty alleviation ~

Of course, if the person involved is unwilling to do so, Aaron, the former team leader who is about to retire from the team, can't say much.

How was your trial training? Mike changed the topic to a lighter topic.

I was lucky. I passed the test at Abelin University... However, I still need to think about how to pass the high school graduation exam... When talking about his future college plans, Aaron was both excited and distressed.

Abelin University is a very high-ranking university in Texas. Even if you join this university as a sports student, you still need to get passing grades in at least cultural classes.

One sentence explanation: You first need to have a high school diploma.

Although Captain Aaron is not a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs, he has neglected cultural classes, so it is a little difficult for him to successfully obtain his high school diploma.

Of course, this is not too difficult.

No, in order to gain more insurance for the high school graduation exam, he is here to withdraw from the team so that he can have more time to study.

Aaron, you're back. How was the trial? Before the outdoor workout started, Coach George came to the training ground and saw Aaron who was back at a glance.

The trial training was very successful... Aaron first informed the coach of the good news and then continued: Coach, I want to quit the team and concentrate on preparing for the graduation exam.

It's okay, go ahead~ Coach George took the captain's armband from Aaron, patted the opponent's shoulder affectionately, and encouraged: I hope to see you in the professional arena in the future.

Many people on the team know about Aaron's dream of becoming a professional player.

And everyone also knows that he has been working hard in this area.

As for quitting the team.

Many of the twelfth-grade students who are about to graduate have already dropped out of the team early, which is not a big deal...

After all, no matter what you want to do in the future, it is always a good thing to have a guaranteed high school diploma.

By the way, Mike. What's going on with you? Coach George, who was holding the captain's armband, also noticed Mike next to Aaron.

It was almost training time, and Mike, without protective equipment, was very conspicuous.

I feel that my rugby level has reached a bottleneck, so I would like to apply to leave the team and take a break. Mike responded euphemistically.

In high school, football was one of Mike's specialties. Therefore, he has no intention of testing the bottom and quitting the team.

He has full confidence in his own strength, and he also thinks about returning to the team to have fun in the future when the team is playing.

Although this approach is unfair to ordinary players who work hard, who knows that Mike has such willful strength.

This... Coach George's face became tangled. He was about to hand over the captain's armband to Mike.

However, he also understood Mike's situation.

The world of geniuses is always different from ordinary people.

After some thought, Coach George said: Your strength has reached the level of a professional player. There is no need to rush to break through. You can just rest for a while. When you want to return to the team, just let me know. I will reserve the position of captain. …”

Coach George also watched the situation in the Spring Invitational Tournament.

It can be said that after encountering a strong team, the entire team relied on Mike to support them.

This kind of partial model is actually very detrimental to the long-term development of the team in the future.

After all, it’s not every year that a player as strong as Mike comes to support the Melford team.

So Coach George also thought about taking advantage of Mike's absence to train other players.

At least we must do it so that no one can hold Mike back in the summer league in the second half of this year.

Mike, where are you going next? Aaron asked after walking out of the training ground.

I'm going to the Mathematical Olympiad study room. There's someone waiting for me there. What about you? Mike answered.

Teacher Sharon's Mathematical Olympiad study group has not been disbanded. Mike, who is on the Mathematical Olympiad team, can naturally go there to kill time.

And because there is still a long time before the Mathematical Olympiad competition at the end of the year, the Mathematical Olympiad team did not organize a training camp.

Therefore, in the Mathematical Olympiad study room today, it is likely that there are only Mike and Katie, who was angered by being passed early.

Of course, Lina from the gymnastics team might also go shopping when she has time.

A small world of three people...

It’s wonderful to think about.

I'm going back to the classroom to study. Aaron didn't notice Mike's bad intentions.

Okay, let's say goodbye here. Mike came to the teaching building and said goodbye to Aaron seriously.

Okay, I'll keep in touch when I have time~ Aaron, who is about to graduate, will have fewer and fewer opportunities to interact with members of the rugby team in the future.

Suddenly realizing this, he felt a little sad on his face.

It can be said that the two people who left the team at the same time have very different moods now.

After a while, the two parted ways in the teaching building: one went to the twelfth grade classroom to study, and the other went to the Mathematical Olympiad study room to have a tryst with the girl.

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