The situation just now was all a mistake in my decision-making. Don't feel any psychological pressure...

During the timeout, Coach Cotton took all responsibility for the previous tactical mistakes.

He wanted to use this method of taking the blame to calm the players down.

After all, the previous defensive mistakes were too low-end and would definitely have a huge impact on the players' confidence and morale.

If this major situation is not handled well, it may even cause the St. Mary's football team to never recover.

From a practical point of view, there are indeed big problems with Coach Cotton's previous defensive strategy, but the players who implemented this defensive strategy on the field also need to bear a certain degree of responsibility for this mistake.

Based on this situation, even though Coach Cotton was trying his best to comfort the players, everyone's faces still didn't look good.

The jeers from the audience seemed to overwhelm the young players from St. Mary's High School.

Their young faces all had complex expressions of confusion, self-blame, and even anger, all with unclear meanings.

Seeing the current situation of the players, Coach Cotton also felt very tired.

He thinks that his coaching ability is not bad, but he doesn't know why when deciding the tactics of this game, he always feels like being suppressed by the opponent's head coach's IQ.

For a mature head coach, this sense of gap is very uncomfortable.

In the next game, we will resume the birdcage prevention and control tactics. However, if conditions permit, I still hope that you can pay more attention to the opponent's No. 23...

As the one-minute timeout ended, Coach Cotton, who suppressed his distracting thoughts, issued new tactical requirements to the players.

It can be seen that Coach Cotton was very conservative in his tactical choices this time.

Big Michael, come on ~ you will always be the best!!!

When the St. Mary's football team came back on the field, little Sean, holding a SLR camera on the side, made a loud cheering sound.

The big man Michael, who originally looked remorseful, turned his head and showed a naive smile after hearing the little guy's cheers.

And when he turned his head again, his eyes had become firm.

In the rest of the fourth quarter, the Saint Mary's players, who had just made a big joke, inevitably became timid in both offense and defense.

Therefore, the team also made several small mistakes one after another.

As for Melford, under the leadership of Mike, they became more and more courageous as they fought.

Anyone can see that the momentum of the two teams has become polarized.

As time went by, the Melford team, which had a strong desire to attack, also opened up the score little by little.

Driven by this general trend, the players of St. Mary's High School gave up their resistance one after another.

However, among all the bad players at St. Mary's, big Michael became an anomaly.

He silently executed the tactics from beginning to end. Although he was knocked down by Mike again and again at the end of the fourth quarter, he got up again and again and continued to execute the coach's tactics firmly.

It was clear that the big, inarticulate man had not given up on the game.

St. Mary's High School doesn't seem to be full of losers...

Actually, that big guy's strength isn't bad either...

Infected by the big man Michael's perseverance, the audience outside the court talked about him and taunted the St. Mary's team much less.

Similarly, the big man's performance was also noticed by his teammates.

First I don't understand, then I appreciate...

Finally, the players at St. Mary's High School seemed to be infected by the big man's will. One by one, they spontaneously followed each other and joined the competition.

Next, the St. Mary's football team, which has experienced ups and downs and solved the knot, seems to have been sublimated as a whole.

It's just a pity that they met Mike who was executing star tactics.

Mike, who had no worries, could still easily rush into the opponent's end zone again and again when facing the Saint Mary's team that had regained its morale.

Accompanied by enthusiastic cheers from the outside, when Mike held the ball again, he knocked over several defensive players of the opponent and rushed all the way into the opponent's end zone.

The whistle sounded to end the game.


The Melford team won the normal game with an absolute advantage.

Immediately, with the audience cheering and cheering heartily, the scene turned into a sea of ​​excitement.

Some people in the crowd threw the items in their hands into the sky to celebrate, some waved their fists on the spot to vent their emotions, and more people hugged their friends next to them...

Mike, who was the hero of the team's victory on the field, was holding a football and waving his arms gently towards the audience who were shouting his name wildly outside the field.

This feeling of being in the spotlight is actually not bad.

At the same time, Mike, who had enjoyed a wave of admiration from the audience, saw from the corner of his eye that the big man who had just been knocked over by him outside the end zone had not gotten up.

Big man, are you okay? Mike stepped forward to confirm the big man's condition.

Mentally, I was thinking about whether I couldn't hold back my strength and crashed someone before.

I'm fine~ The big man Michael got up after he recovered. After seeing the person in front of him clearly, he said seriously: You... are very powerful!

The big guy seemed to be impressed by Mike's strength, but he was not good at words and couldn't think of any good words to praise him.

You're not bad, I'm very optimistic about your future... Mike smiled friendly.

He had a pretty good impression of the big guy.

Before the two could communicate more, the Melford players, led by Little George and Captain Aaron, excitedly lifted Mike up.

Then, a group of people excitedly carried Mike around the field, accepting a new round of cheers from the audience.

After a warm celebration, when Mike came down to the sideline surrounded by all the players, Jack and two TV reporters squeezed over.

Mike, do you still recognize me? Compared to his sloppy appearance last year, Jack, now wearing a tie, looked much more energetic.

Of course, Jack. Congratulations on becoming the leader of the reporter team~ Mike greeted skillfully.

Because they had the experience of working together to make money last year, the two also had several phone calls afterwards.

It's nothing, I'm just a team leader... When it came to the progress at work, Jack couldn't hide the proud smile on his face.

Although Jack is now only the team leader of the sports reporter group, he can be considered a leader in terms of organization.

Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. Jack, who was showing off vaguely, got down to business: I want to take some photos for you.

Making posters? Mike asked, adjusting his hair.

No, we will discuss the poster later... Jack explained: I am going to publish a special news issue for you, and I need to use your photo.

Jack, who placed his treasure on Mike last year, also relied on this to consolidate his position in the TV station.

In return, he planned to help Mike become famous.

Of course, as an adult, Jack also has some selfish motives.

That is, if he succeeds in helping Mike become famous this time, he is likely to be able to take a further step in his position in the television station.

It can be said that this time, Jack still chose to put his treasure on Mike again.

So that's it~ Mike didn't hate the feeling of being famous, so he cooperated and made a handsome pose.

Then, Jack directed his men to set up the machine and took several sets of photos of Mike.

Tsk, tsk~ Looking at the handsome image in the camera, Jack praised: Believe me, you will soon become a Texas football star...

In fact, compared to being a football star, Jack still has nothing to say. That's why he thinks Mike is more suitable to be a star in Hollywood.

As long as he is willing to do so based on his appearance, it is not difficult to charm a large number of female fans.

I'll lend you some good words~ After completing the photo-taking task, Mike was about to walk towards Lina and others.

Wait, Mike... Jack whispered: See those people in peaked caps over there? They are scouts for various college football teams. If you want to develop in football, the next invitational tournament You must perform well...

The high school spring invitational game can be said to be another March Madness. Scouts from various universities will also take this opportunity to observe high school students they think have potential.

When the graduation season comes in June, these scouts will introduce those high school students with potential to their universities.

Thank you for the reminder~ Mike glanced at the college scouts in the crowd and didn't take it to heart.

On the one hand, he is only in eleventh grade this year and has not yet graduated. On the other hand, it was because he had never considered entering college as a sports student.

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