The students who are most stressed about the final exam are those students with average grades.

The remaining two weeks are not long or short, but they are enough for many people to cram in the hope of getting a satisfactory score in the final exam.

In this way, their winter vacation may be more comfortable.

In this high learning atmosphere, time came to noon.

Even in the cafeteria, you can see many students holding books and studying intensively.

Compared to them, the people at Mike's table seemed much calmer.

Mike, Katie, and Gretchen are good students and don't need to prepare much for the upcoming exams.

To people like them, it was just an ordinary quiz.

As for Regina and Karen in the devil figure group, there is no room for decline in performance, and there is also no possibility of improvement.

The two people who have never taken learning seriously, even if they want to improvise now, they can't find the direction at all.

Mike, has anyone from the record company approached you recently? Regina, who was eating lunch, suddenly asked.

Several small economic companies have contacted me, but the conditions are not very good. Mike said casually, and then asked: What, do you have any ideas about becoming a star?

Having said that, for people like Regina who are born for the stage, becoming a star is indeed a good way out.

I do have thoughts about this, and the 'Miracle' record company has contacted my family. My mother is also very optimistic about me becoming a star... Regina seems to have thought about her future.

After explaining her situation, she sincerely suggested: Miracle Records has the intention to sign our group. If you are willing, I can help you connect.

Now is the era of rapid discovery in the record industry, and Miracle Records can rank among the top ten in the record industry and is a very promising company.

The fact that Regina can connect with such a big company shows that she has the talent to be a star.

And her current proposal is a good choice for everyone.

I'll forget it, I'm not very interested in becoming a singing star. Mike shook his head slightly and refused.

For ordinary people, being able to sign a contract with a big company like Miracle may be a good thing. But for Mike, signing with an entertainment company is a constraint.

He has many ideas and plans for the future and is in no rush to define himself.

Regina seemed to realize this, and although she was a little disappointed with Mike's rejection, she didn't say anything more.

Then, she looked at the other three girls in the Devil's Body Group and asked: What about you, do you want to sign to Miracle Records together? By then we might be able to make the name ' Devil's Body Group ' resoundingly To thousands of households...

Listening to the bright future described by Queen Bee, Karen immediately said with interest: Does it feel good to become a household name?

Karen has a fairly comprehensive understanding of herself. She has no special talents except her figure and beauty. Becoming a star is indeed a good way out.

Moreover, a small economic company approached her some time ago, and she is also considering this matter.

It is naturally the best to be signed to a major record company like Miracle now.

Very good~ Regina seemed happy to see Karen joining. Then, she looked at the remaining two girls and asked, What about you?

I need to go home and discuss it with my parents. Gretchen said.

But judging from the girl's expression, she was already moved by Regina's proposal.

Gretchen, who has a soft personality, actually doesn't have many opinions on major matters. After seeing the choices made by her two best friends, she naturally subconsciously wanted to be consistent with them.

In a way, it might be a good thing for Gretchen to form a team with the Queen Bee with a strong personality.

Katie, the only one at the scene who had not yet responded, thought for a while and then said, My parents won't allow me to become a star, so I'm sorry, Regina.

She received family education since she was a child, and her personality tends to be conservative. She is not very interested in becoming a star in the spotlight.

In fact, she is very smart and would rather become a scientific research talent.

If possible, it would be a good choice for girls to become wild animal experts like their parents.

Regina was also a little disappointed with Katie's rejection.

The relationship between the two girls can be regarded as one of mutual acquaintance without fighting. Since the misunderstanding after the start of school was resolved, and with Mike as the communication bridge, the two have now become very good best friends.

Okay, I respect your choice. Regina was actually not surprised by everyone's choice. Finally, she said one more thing: Mike, Katie, if you change your mind in the future, you can always tell me. I will help you contact the company again.

Although Mike and Katie had already made up their minds, looking at Regina's enthusiasm, they still nodded, accepting each other's kindness.

In the afternoon, Mike accompanied Katie to the Mathematical Olympiad study room in accordance with his previous agreement with Teacher Sharon.

Compared to the students outside who were scrambling, everyone on the Mathematical Olympiad team looked relatively relaxed.

There is a saying that is right: If you know mathematics, you know it, and if you don’t know it, you don’t know it.

And the few people who can join the Mathematical Olympiad team obviously have no problem with their intelligence. As long as they are not lazy, they will not be bad in other subjects.

Therefore, for everyone on the Mathematical Olympiad team, the final exam is not a big deal. On the contrary, it was the Mathematical Olympiad competition at the end of the semester that made them even more interested.

In this relatively relaxed atmosphere, Teacher Sharon entered the study room with a large amount of information.

When she saw Mike come to the classroom as scheduled, she nodded with satisfaction, and then said: I hope the upcoming emergency training for the Mathematical Olympiad team will not affect your final exam.

The Mathematical Olympiad team members, who were the top students per capita, rarely saw Teacher Sharon joking, so they all showed knowing smiles.

Okay, I won't say any more. Teacher Sharon soon entered the state of a tutor: Kevin, come up and send these materials to everyone.

I'm happy to oblige~ Kevin, still dressed in hip-hop style, stood up with a smile and took the information.

After everyone got the materials, Teacher Sharon explained: The materials you have are the question sets that were tested in the Mathematical Olympiad competition in previous years. In the next two weeks, I need you to do it again based on the knowledge points in the materials. More in-depth research.

After giving everyone instructions on their study tasks for the next two weeks, Teacher Sharon named them individually: Mike, Katie~



The two of them looked up at the podium at the same time.

The rules of this year's Mathematical Olympiad competition have changed. In addition to the taking turns answering questions in the first round, there will be a 'sudden death match' format in the second round, with a one-on-one answer format, and one question determines the winner...

After introducing the new competition system, Teacher Sharon looked at Mike and Katie and continued: As this year's new faces, you are likely to be selected by people from other schools to participate in the sudden death challenge.

So, I want you to be better prepared over the next two weeks. As for any knowledge points in the information that you don’t understand, you can ask me at any time...

Because of last year's Mathematical Olympiad, Melford Middle School lost to Marymount College in the championship and runner-up competition by a narrow margin.

Therefore, Teacher Sharon, who wants to avenge her shame, attaches great importance to this year's Mathematical Olympiad competition.

Also because of the new competition system, she also has great expectations for the two new players, Mike and Katie.

Don't worry, Teacher Sharon, I won't let you down in this competition~ After feeling the teacher's expectations, Katie immediately promised.

In the previous flyer incident, the girl did something that was sorry for Teacher Sharon.

Although after that incident, Teacher Sharon never blamed the girl.

However, Katie, who felt guilty, still wanted to use her performance in this competition to make up for some of the mistakes she had made before.

Seeing the girl's energetic appearance, Teacher Sharon on the podium also nodded happily.

It's okay for me. Mike said confidently: I hope people from other schools won't pick me in the sudden death competition.

Although saying this is a bit like Versailles, Mike does have the confidence that no one can beat him in the Mathematical Olympiad League.

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