A song doesn’t last long.

After the performance of the new song, Regina and others greeted the audience and prepared to leave the stage.

The audience immediately gave warm cheers, and among these cheers, there were also lingering sounds of Let's do it again.

Then, the calls for one more song became louder and louder.

It can be seen that the audience likes the performances of Devil Figure Group and Mike and others very much.

After a while, Damien, who was backstage, also came to the edge of the stage with a microphone.

He didn't take it too seriously when watching the excitement. He held up a microphone and greeted the audience loudly: One more song~

At this point, on the stage of the school Christmas party, the atmosphere bottomed out and reached its peak.

Seeing that she was so popular, the Queen Bee showed a happy expression. The other three girls on the stage were in similar condition to the Queen Bee.

Obviously, the girls are at an age where vanity is extremely strong, and they are still unable to be normal about the enthusiastic pursuit of the audience.

But after having fun, the girls also had trouble with the audience's request for one more song.

What should we do? How about we do another dance performance... Regina quietly discussed with the team members around her.

Ai Xue, a fashionable hot mom, privately choreographed many novel dances for her daughter and her devil-may-care group, such as lap dances, twisting dances, piggyback dances, etc.

Those dances are used to cope with the upcoming performance, so it's not a big problem.

The girls, who quickly had an idea, looked at Mike standing aside.

You know, although Mike has watched girls dance these dances, he has never learned them.

Now it was obviously a bit embarrassing for him to do those weird dances with the girls.

Mike, do you have any good suggestions? Regina asked for advice.

Apparently, she was also aware of Mike's difficulties.

Why don't you sing Jingle Bells again, and I'll accompany you. Mike immediately suggested.

This well-known Christmas song is very suitable for today's stage.

The girls, who had just released a new song, their eyes lit up at the same time when they heard Mike's proposal.

Obviously, the suggestion to sing another Christmas song is very consistent with the status of the singers of the girls of the Devil's Body Group.

Therefore, the program of singing Jingle Bells was immediately decided.

Then, as the familiar beat of the electronic keyboard sounded, the audience realized that a new performance had begun.

The noise gradually subsided...

Then, the girls' clear singing voices, accompanied by the music of the electronic keyboard, rang out.

However, although the sound of the electronic keyboard can imitate many musical instruments, only Mike helped to score the song, which still made the girls' impromptu song performance a bit monotonous.

Teacher Sharon next to the stage was obviously aware of this. So, she quietly sat in front of the piano next to the stage.

With the addition of piano music, the girls' song performances instantly gained a layered feel.

Immediately, many audience members in the audience, who were emotionally aroused by the music, also joined in the chorus.

The song Jingle Bells is originally a well-known Christmas song that everyone is familiar with.

So, in the second half of the song, there was a scene of everyone singing in the auditorium.

Thank you everyone~

After singing the entire song, the girls from the Devil Figure Group thanked the audience again and left the stage happily.

Performing on this kind of stage is a pleasure for the girls.

It's just that they don't have much in stock. If the audience is asking for one more song, it's not easy to deal with.

After all, the song performance comes first. If the girls perform a strange dance, it will definitely destroy their beautiful image in the hearts of the audience.

Therefore, the devil-shaped group who left the stage immediately after singing the second song can be regarded as quitting as soon as possible.

On Mike's side, he nodded to Teacher Sharon who had just helped him and others perform the song next to the stage, and then followed the Devil Figure Group off the stage.

[Piano experience +166], [Culinary experience +88]... [Zoology research experience +66], [Photography experience +99]...

When Mike returned to the background, he had many more experienced light balls in his hands.

These light groups were contributed by Teacher Sharon, Grandma Connie, Katie's parents, Ai Xue and others.

Obviously being able to contribute a light group proves that these people are very satisfied with the performance just now.

Mike, we did it!!!

Regina came backstage, cheered and hugged Mike tightly.

Later, the other three girls in the devil figure group also stepped forward and hugged Mike one by one.

Again, the biggest contributor to the success of this show is Mike, who has done a lot of work in front of and behind the scenes.

Hey, Mike, I just saw it. Your performance was very successful. Congratulations~ Kevin, who had performed a rap performance before, did not leave the backstage.

After seeing Mike and others finish their performance, he came over and sent his blessings.

Thank you~ Mike nodded to Kevin, who was dressed in hip-hop, and then wanted to give a commercial compliment: Your rap... is also very unique...

However, he couldn't find any better words to praise his poor rap performance.

I knew you were different from other ordinary people. Kevin did not realize that Mike's words were insincere. After receiving the compliment, he seemed to have found a soulmate and said happily: Brother, you still understand me...

As he said that, he wanted to have a long and cordial conversation with Mike.

But after seeing the unkind looks from the four girls with devilish figures, he awkwardly said goodbye: Mike, I won't bother you. We'll talk next time when we have time.

After Kevin, the light bulb, left, Regina immediately suggested that everyone go to her house to start the second private party of the day.

It's less than four o'clock now, and there's still enough time for a few people to celebrate before Christmas Eve arrives at midnight.

Next, under Regina's beautiful Christmas tree, Mike watched the girls perform a restricted-level costume dance performance.

On this special day, Christmas skirt suits, reindeer suits, sweetheart candy suits, etc. all have unique charm.

Soon, Mike, whose interest was piqued, joined the dance.

Then, as the dance progressed, the stage for several people moved from the living room to the bedroom.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and Mike, who had experienced various styles of dance, walked out of the room with the girls.

On Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, if nothing unexpected happens, everyone will spend it with their families.

This unwritten ritual is equivalent to keeping the year old.

Mike, on his side, will naturally go back to stay up with Grandma Connie and the Cooper family.

In Regina's living room, Ai Xue had already returned.

At this time, she was watching the party scene she had previously photographed on the projection screen TV at home.

Seeing a few people walking out of the room, she stared at Mike specifically and said meaningfully: Do you need a special cocktail to replenish your body?

Obviously, this hot mom with an open personality must have heard the huge noise in her daughter's room.

No. Mike refused: It's time for me to go home~

Even though he was thick-skinned, this situation still made him feel a little embarrassed.

Before Ai Xue could say anything bolder, Mike said goodbye to the other party and left the living room.

I'll give it to you~

Seeing Mike leaving, Regina and the other three girls immediately chased him out.

At the entrance of the villa, after watching the three girls drive away, Mike got into Regina's red sports car.

On the way, Mike first made a holiday greeting call to the Dennis family in Minnesota.

Then, he, who had been sitting in the girls' cars during this period, began to think about what kind of car he should buy next year in the passenger seat.

For men, owning a mobility scooter is very important.

And it just so happens that after spring tomorrow, Mike will be old enough to drive.

It just so happened that he had enough spare money to buy a car he liked.

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