American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon’s Wool Collection

Chapter 188 People with weird personalities will die alone

After a tiring day and great mental exhaustion, Mike went back to take a quick shower after dinner at Cooper's house and was ready to rest.

But not long after he lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Who? Is it Peggy? Mike asked aloud as he sat up in his pajamas.

Normally Grandma Connie wouldn't come to Mike's room at this time of night.

Besides Grandma Connie, there is only Peggy in the family.

Aren't you asleep yet? Peggy opened the door and entered the room skillfully. After seeing Mike wearing white pajamas, he asked knowingly.

On Mike's side, he found the little girl sitting next to him without any notice. He couldn't help but frowned and asked, What's the matter with you?

In front of Mike, a man with considerable acting skills, the little girl couldn't hide her troubled appearance.

Oh~ Peggy said indifferently, I'm a little curious about the songs you created...

Is that the reason? Mike shook his head helplessly, took out a piece of manuscript paper from the pocket of the clothes he changed into, handed it to the little girl and said, Here, this is the new song I wrote. If you want, you can take it back. Study slowly.

Faced with Mike's obvious farewell behavior, Peggy didn't seem to feel it. After taking the manuscript, she said: I'm just a little curious about your creative ability, so I can help you check it...

Then, she had no intention of leaving at all. She sat on the edge of the boat and started studying songs.

For a highly intelligent person like Peggy, it is not difficult for her to appreciate the quality of songs even if she has not specifically studied music composition.

On the other side, Mike, who was about to go to bed, saw the little girl carefully watching the new song, so he couldn't help but drive her out.

So, he squinted his eyes and half leaned on the pillow, waiting for the other party to finish his appreciation.

Fortunately, the little girl reads very quickly.

After a while, Peggy, who had finished studying the new song, looked up and said, It's a very good Christmas song. Is this for the girl who sent you back?

Yes, this is a song written for the Devil's Body Group she belongs to... After Mike admitted, he whispered as if he was whispering: Actually, the girls of the Devil's Body Group want to use this song to sing in school A blockbuster at the Christmas party.”

With a creative genius like you, their wishes can be easily realized if nothing unexpected happens. Peggy lowered her head and said something sinister.

At this time, Mike finally discovered that the little girl's mood was very wrong.

It's like a child at home who sees an adult giving candy to another child and becomes jealous.

If you want, I can also write a children's song specifically for you. It's not difficult... Mike said immediately.

A situation like Peggy's is easy to appease in Mike's opinion.

Since the other party feels it's unfair, why not just give the other party a candy as well?

Children's songs? Peggy, who was already in a relaxed mood, realized that the other party was treating her as a child and resisted and said, Thank you, I'm not very interested in singing.

Okay~ Seeing the other party's reaction, Mike didn't mention the song again.

Then, he put away the manuscript paper that the little girl had thrown aside. Seeing that the other party had no intention of leaving, he asked again: Is there anything else?

I... Peggy, who has a high emotional intelligence, has actually noticed that Mike is a little impatient. After thinking for a moment, she found an excuse and said, I want you to teach me how to play computer games.

This was a reasonable reason to allow the two of them to stay a little longer. Therefore, the more the little girl spoke, the more confident she became.

Computer games? Now? Mike obviously failed to keep up with the other person's brain circuit.

Do you have time during the day? Peggy said: I want to play the game you played last time, it seems to be called Super Mario or something~

The little girl supplemented and perfected the excuses she made.

Mike realized that he really hadn't taken much care of Peggy during the past few weekends.

So, he agreed: Okay, you go and turn on the computer first, I'll be back in a moment.

Then hurry up~ Peggy glanced at Mike arrogantly and left the room with satisfaction.

Computer games are just emerging now. Although they are not attractive to Mike, they are a new thing to others.

Even Grandma Connie was addicted to computer games for a while after she learned to play them.

Here, Mike put on a thick coat. When he came to the cubicle, Peggy in front of the computer had already opened the game interface.

Half an hour later, under Mike's guidance, the little girl successfully reached the bottom of the level and rescued the princess.

Jump...jump...oh...what a pity...

As the plumber Mario fell into the lava, Mike, who was directing from behind, let out a sigh.

When playing this kind of operational game, sometimes the atmosphere is so great that even people watching from the sidelines will find it very interesting.

Moreover, Mike finally discovered that Peggy, who has a super high IQ, is also very talented in gaming.

It doesn't matter, try it again. You can definitely pass the level... Mike encouraged from behind.

How about you demonstrate it to me again. Peggy turned her head and said with a smile.

Mike, who watched other people's operations for a long time, was also somewhat interested. So, he sat down in front of the computer and boasted: Look how I can use my life to save the princess!

Then, watching Mike's various wonderful operations, Peggy, who was leaning aside to watch the battle, unconsciously smiled on her face.

Another half hour passed, and as the villain operated by Mike successfully rescued the princess, Peggy next to her also gave a timely cheer.

In fact, the little girl had the ability to pass the game by herself before, but she had her own little ideas and cleverly used a flaw.

This is how the next plot begins.

[Intelligence main attribute +1]

On the other side, Mike, who had become addicted to gaming, accidentally got a light ball with attributes from the little girl, which made him smile.

Is there such a benefit to playing games with you?

Mike immediately said: Peggy, if you want to play other games next time, you can come to me again. I will teach you and I will teach you~

Okay~ Peggy responded happily, and then asked: Aren't you going to continue playing today?

No, it's already very late today. Mike closed the computer, looked at the little girl who was still very interested, and persuaded: You should go to bed. Children don't get enough sleep, but they won't grow up.

Peggy, who was already aware of her body shape, nodded in agreement after hearing Mike's threatening speech and said: You are right. In order to grow up quickly, I really should go to bed now.

After sending away the little girl who was behaving strangely, Mike also went back to his room to rest.

After everyone fell asleep, on the other side of the Cooper's house, little Sheldon, who had gone to his room early to lie down, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Still thinking about the researcher's figure, he couldn't sleep that night.

Little Sheldon, who had never had this kind of insomnia experience, knew very well that he needed sleep now, but the more he wanted to fall asleep, the more he couldn't fall asleep.

On the contrary, his mind was extremely active, and the scene of Dr. Link rejecting him during the day was uncontrollably playing over and over in his mind.

So, little Sheldon, who finally couldn't stand the torture anymore, got up and went to the landline phone and dialed Dr. Link.

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