On the other hand, Peggy, who has both high IQ and EQ, cannot do this. The super high emotional intelligence makes this little girl think very maturely.

She has the thinking of an adult but does not have the ability to solve problems. This may be the source of her distress.

In the museum's fast food restaurant, George's father, who was temporarily freed from the trouble of little Sheldon, ordered a butter-fried chicken drumstick for himself.

The fast food restaurant TV also happened to be showing the highlights of last year's Super Bowl.

Although he would have to drive back later to take Little Sheldon and Mike back, George was unable to enjoy his favorite beer.

However, being able to eat chicken legs covered in butter and watch a football game already made him feel very comfortable.

George~ At this time, a surprised voice sounded from behind George.

Peggy's mother, Ms. Linda, looks much more haggard than she did a few weeks ago.

George, who was happily enjoying his alone time, looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him and said in surprise: You are...that...

Obviously, the last failed family gathering did not make George remember Ms. Linda's name.

I'm Peggy's mother Linda~ Linda reminded with a smile, and then naturally sat down opposite George.

I remember you, Ms. Linda. George, who was interrupted during his weekend relaxation time, responded: By the way, your husband......

Barry~ Ms. Linda reminded again with a smile.

Yes, where is Mr. Barry? He's not with you. George asked perfunctorily, his eyes already turning to the game on TV.

At this moment, the football game on TV was playing in a wonderful place. Although he had already seen it once last year, George still found it interesting to watch the replay.

You mean Barry? Ms. Linda, who had a smile on her face just a moment ago, suddenly darkened when she mentioned her husband and said, Who cares!

After saying that, the smile returned to her face, as if it had just been an illusion.

On George's side, although most of his attention was on the football game, he still saw Linda's change of face before.

Are you okay? George, who had a gentle personality, could hardly turn a blind eye to Linda's recent changes.

I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. Ms. Linda maintained a decent smile and said, Sorry for disturbing your weekend time. You don't have to worry about me~

Okay~ George obviously saw that there was something hidden behind the other person's smile. But he just wanted to spend his weekends simply and didn't want to interfere in other people's family affairs.

Generally speaking, things like conflicts between husband and wife are very troublesome when you think about it.

George, who didn't want to meddle in other people's business, picked up a chicken drumstick again while watching TV. After the dipping saucer was covered with butter, he stuffed it into his mouth comfortably.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Ms. Linda opposite, watching his every move.

That kind of look that wants to talk but refuses to give up makes people very uncomfortable.

So, George raised the chicken drumstick in his hand, diverted his attention and asked, Do you want one?

No, I need to stay in shape. Ms. Linda also realized that her behavior of staring at people was rude. Then, she said apologetically: Go on, don't worry about me.

Then she looked away and picked up the menu on the table. It looked like he was about to start ordering food.

However, Ms. Linda, who had been looking at the menu for a while, suddenly became frustrated and said with a cry: Apple pie, they actually have apple pie... We also came here with Peggy last year, and then went to Victoria. Gas...

It was clear that Ms. Linda was thinking of something bad.

On George's side, although he really doesn't want to interfere with the other party's affairs, Ms. Linda's current state makes it difficult for him not to pay attention.

Look at the guests around you and the eyes that are looking over here. George reluctantly put down the buttered chicken legs and asked formally: Linda, if you have anything to say to me, I can be a listener.

You know, it's not a gentleman to ignore a crying lady.

Although Ms. Linda's emotions were not caused by herself, in order to spend the rest of the time comfortably, George still planned to try to comfort her.

Did you know? Barry and I are getting divorced. Ms. Linda confided while shedding tears silently.

That's a pity~ George echoed and asked, Why is this happening?

We have big differences because of Peggy's education... Ms. Linda wiped away her tears and talked about the conflict between herself and her husband.

Finally, she asked for help: The situation in your family is very similar to ours. How do you and your wife deal with the children?

When asked about this, George was very vocal. He shared: We keep our differences of opinion and never argue about things like this.

How is that possible? Linda asked in surprise: What if you have opposite opinions?

This will never happen. George said with certainty.

In fact, the situation of the Cooper family is very similar to that of the Barrys, but there are some differences.

Mary of the Cooper family has a strong personality, while George has a gentle personality. As a husband, George often takes a step back when faced with conflicting issues.

This is also the main reason why the Cooper family can always live in harmony.

The situation of the Barrys is different. It can be seen that his wife Linda is a strong woman.

As for her husband, Barry, although he seems taciturn, he is also a very assertive person on the inside.

In this way, if two people with the same tough personalities live together for a long time, conflicts will inevitably arise.

If it hadn't been for their genius daughter, they might have been able to make do. But Peggy's appearance caused the couple's long-suppressed conflicts to explode collectively.

Ms. Linda obviously realized some of the reasons for this. She looked at the gentle-looking George opposite and said, You are a good husband.

Hmm~ George smiled, not denying this.

Can you tell me about how you and your husband get along? Linda wanted to find some solutions to the conflicts in her own family from the Coopers' way of getting along.

Okay~ George obviously realized Linda's intention. He was kind-hearted and wanted to share some more experience with the other party.

But before he could speak, Ms. Linda shrank under the table in panic and said, Don't tell others, I've been here...

After saying that, Linda crouched down and hurriedly left from the side door of the fast food restaurant with George's confused expression.

Although he didn't know what was going on with the other party, when he saw Trouble leaving, George breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the butter chicken drumstick again and was about to put it into his mouth.

Hey, George, what a coincidence~ Another familiar voice came from the main entrance at the back.

It's a coincidence, Mr. Barry~ Seeing the man sitting opposite him, George said hello helplessly.

Do you have any guests here? Barry asked, looking at the water glass left on the table in front of him.

No, not really~ George finally understood why Linda had that reaction just now.

It is normal for a couple who are having conflicts to not want to see each other.

George, you know what. Linda and I are preparing a divorce agreement. Mr. Barry, who sat down, also looked like he wanted to find someone to talk to.

That's really bad~ George, who had obviously heard about this before, still pretended to be surprised.

Actually, our conflicts have already started to appear... Mr. Barry rambled on about his troubles.

The other party had already done this, and to show respect, George had to put down the butter chicken legs again and become a listener again.

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