Is Mike interested in going to see my rehearsal? Although he was rejected twice, Mr. Randy still did not give up his plan to recruit Mike into the drama club.

All he wants now is to have more contact with Mike and let him see the charm of performance, and maybe he will change his mind.

After seeing Mr. Randy's enthusiasm, Mike also had some thoughts of his own.

Judging from the current situation, Mr. Randy, who has always been full of enthusiasm, is the easiest person to contribute skills and experience at this stage.

Although [Acting] skills are of little use to Mike, who would dislike him for knowing so much.

As the saying goes, if you have too many skills, you won't be overwhelmed.

Seeing Mike's gaze, Mary smiled and said, If you want to go, just go over there and have a look. Your help is no longer needed here.

Mike's data has been measured and the clothing styling has been basically finalized. So if he continues to stay at Angel House, he really has nothing to do.

Please come with me, and I will take you to see my newly designed program. You will not be disappointed... Mr. Randy also saw that Mike had something on his mind, so he led him to The Haunted House while the iron was hot.

As for The Haunted House, it has already been divided into seven compartments by Mr. Randy. In each cubicle were several actors temporarily brought in from the street.

It can be seen that Mr. Randy had already made a complete plan for his program before going to find Mary.

Starting from the Pride unit, Mr. Randy deliberately made up a short plot for each unit in front of Mike to better express the seven deadly sins.

Next, after his brief training, the extras were soon able to perform their plots in a convincing manner.

What do you think of my program? Mike. After arranging seven short plots in a row, Mr. Randy asked with a slightly proud face.

Mr. Randy is indeed proud of being able to complete the program so quickly and still look presentable.

It's okay~ Mike replied reservedly.

In fact, he was sighing in his heart at Mr. Randy's professionalism.

Just because during that period, Mike continued to gain a lot of performance experience from Mr. Randy.

Now his acting skills have successfully reached level three, reaching the threshold of a professional actor.

From an analogy point of view, Mike can now directly act as the leading actor in some idol dramas or soap TV series.

So from a certain perspective, Mr. Randy's level of professionalism in acting is even more professional than George's level in football.

After all, when Mike and George learned rugby, it took them a long time to upgrade their rugby skills to level three.

Here, after seeing Mike's dull reaction, Mr. Randy thought that the other person was questioning his professionalism. So, he said: The program is not complete now. When it is added with background music in the future, the effect will definitely be better...

Mr. Randy, who only thought about how to get Mike into the drama club, never thought that the other party behaved so mediocrely because he wanted to get more out of him.

Then, Mr. Randy continued: I just have some inspiration for the background music of the show. Now, let's compose it!

As a performer, Mr. Randy has a crazy energy in him.

Next, Mr. Randy, who was full of executive power, took Mike to a makeshift music room.

This music room is not big and the environment is not very good, but it has all the necessary instruments.

Soon, Mr. Randy, who was in working mode, forgot about Mike's existence.

He first composed a few short pieces of music on scratch paper, and then tried playing it on different instruments.

[Music +88]……[Music +66]……

Looking at Mr. Randy, who was constantly scribbling and correcting in front of the instrument, and Mike, who had gained a lot of experience, he finally got to know this drama club teacher who had exposed leg hair all over again.

In terms of art, the other party is definitely a true genius.

And with the continuous accumulation of experience light groups, Mike's music level quickly reached level two.

The music level here includes not only singing skills, but also the ability to compose and compose music.

In addition, Mike already has the two characteristics of [Memory Palace] and [Absolute Pitch]. If he wanted to now, he could rely on the complicated music library in his mind to become a creative genius in the field of music.

As the afternoon progressed, Mr. Randy's creation was interrupted by Mary's arrival.

Is it past noon? Mr. Randy scratched his dangerous hairline, then looked at Mike, who had been with him all morning, and said awkwardly: Sorry, I was too focused just now. Let you Missed dinner time…”

Yes, Mary came here just to ask Mike to go home for dinner.

It doesn't matter, I think it's worth it to see a wonderful live creation process. Mike said with a smile.

In fact, he now has a little respect for Mr. Randy, who has been focusing on creation all morning.

Seeing Mike's expression, Mr. Randy also smiled in relief.

Then, seeing that the situation was suitable, he did not forget his original intention and invited Mike again to join his drama club.

I'll think about it again. This time, Mike did not refuse directly.

You should consider your situation carefully. Mr. Randy also realized that in school, Mike had very good results in academics and sports.

And for an all-rounder like Mike, if he wants to plan his future course, he really needs to think carefully.

The fact that people are afraid of getting into the wrong line applies everywhere.

Afterwards, after bidding farewell to Mr. Randy who continued to create, Mike followed Mary and went home for lunch.

As for joining the school drama club, Mike had only been polite to Mr. Randy before.

The path of a musician or artist has never been in Mike's mind.

In his opinion, these professions are fine as hobbies when there is nothing to do, but forget about them as their main job.

In the next few days, Mr. Randy, who has finished composing the background music, will call Mike when he has time to watch his rehearsals together.

As for the performance of Seven Deadly Sins, with the addition of background music, the atmosphere was indeed much better.

Time flies and it’s Halloween day. The festive atmosphere on the streets of the town has added many horror elements.

Pumpkin lanterns, either hideous or cute, are also placed at the doorsteps of residents.

On Mary's side, because she has to be responsible for the Halloween activities after church, the Cooper family's dinner has been brought forward a lot.

It is worth mentioning that Grandma Connie did not attend this family dinner because of her date with Professor John.

At Cooper's house, when Mary served the last pumpkin pie, little Sheldon also dressed up and walked out.

Shelly, come and eat~ Mary urged her younger son, who was deliberately showing off in the restaurant.

Don't you see, who am I? Little Sheldon, who attracted everyone's attention, turned around and asked like a grown-up.

Today's look has been carefully designed by Little Sheldon.

At this time, he was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater and a small brown suit.

The shiny 37-point oil hair and the shiny leather shoes make him look very mature.

You're dressed like this... Little George thought for a moment and said in a bad way, Are you an evil scientist?

Little Sheldon, who originally had some illusions about Little George, couldn't help but rolled his eyes after hearing what the other party said and said, That's not right~

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