Wait until Professor John comes to the podium and prepares to give a lecture. Little Sheldon turned to look at Grandma Connie in confusion and asked, Grandma, have you known Professor John before? Why do I feel that your relationship... is very close.

Thinking about the previous performance of Grandma Connie and Professor John, Little Sheldon found a very appropriate adjective.

You are still young, you shouldn't care about these things. Listen carefully to the class... Grandma Connie answered in a covert manner. At the same time, her eyes were intentionally or unintentionally looking at Professor John who was sorting out lesson preparation documents on the podium.

Apparently, Grandma Connie also had some interest in Professor John.

In fact, the two did not know each other before, but Professor John struck up a conversation with him in a gentlemanly manner in the corridor just now, which made a very good impression on Grandma Connie.

As for Professor John, because of his smart brain, he has always been successful in studying and working.

But in terms of relationships, because my personality is too rational and I am not good at communicating with women, I have never enjoyed the taste of love.

Professor John, who thought he would die alone, was attracted by Grandma Connie's charm when he first saw her.

This also shows that love knows no age group.

Next, Professor John, who was physically and mentally attracted to each other, would always look at Grandma Connie unconsciously during lectures.

This behavior greatly affected the quality of his lectures, making Little Sheldon very dissatisfied.

His eyes were on Professor John and Grandma Connie. After looking back and forth several times, he seemed to understand something.

Then, little Sheldon whispered to Grandma Connie: Grandma, can you leave the classroom first?

Why? I think college classes are quite interesting... Grandma Connie has a lot of emotional experience, but she has never met a big boy as innocent as Professor John, which makes her feel very strange.

However, when she turned around and saw the dissatisfied look on her little grandson's face, she understood what the other party meant after a moment's thought.

Realizing that I was here really affected Professor John's lectures. So Grandma Connie took advantage of the other party's writing on the blackboard and quietly slipped out of the classroom through the front door while half-crouching.

When Professor John finished writing on the blackboard and turned around, he found that there was no trace of Grandma Connie, which made him lose his mind for a moment.

However, as a qualified university professor, Professor John quickly returned to normal.

Next, without the interference of Grandma Connie, the teaching process became smoother.

After more than two hours of teaching, Professor John met Grandma Connie again as she wished. She came in to pick up Little Sheldon and the two of them.

After some ideological struggle, Professor John boldly took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Grandma Connie again.

On the other side, after listening to a satisfactory college physics course, little Sheldon also found that he had found a new goal in life. He wanted to learn more physics knowledge.

Under this circumstance, little Sheldon became more and more fond of John, the erudite physics professor.

Mike, what do you think of Professor John? A magical idea appeared in Little Sheldon's mind. He wanted to bring John and Connie together.

If the two become friends, not only will little Sheldon be able to learn school physics more easily, but the Cooper family will also have a smart person.

In Young Sheldon's opinion, having more smart people in the family might change the Cooper family's stupid genes.

So, in a way, little Sheldon is also worried about his family.

Professor John is quite nice. However, I think Grandma Connie can handle her own affairs... Mike held two [Intelligence Attribute +1] light groups in his hands and said with a smile.

That's right, when Professor John chose to approach Grandma Connie, a light group with the main attribute of intelligence erupted from his body.

Therefore, Mike also had a very good impression of him.

However, Mike did not intend to get too involved in Grandma Connie's personal relationship issues.

After all, feelings are very personal and mysterious, so just let them take their own course.

Moreover, Grandma Connie is an expert in relationships. She definitely knows what she needs better than anyone else.

On the way back, Grandma Connie seemed to be in a very good mood.

Grandma, what do you think of Professor John? Little Sheldon didn't give up yet and tried to bring John and Connie together.

John? Very gentlemanly and very funny... Grandma Connie replied.

Thinking of John's clumsiness when asking for her contact information, Grandma Connie couldn't help but smile.

Then what do you think about letting Professor John join our family? Little Sheldon took advantage of the situation and asked.

Join our family? Grandma Connie was stunned for a moment, and then understood her grandson's intention.

Immediately, she said: We have only known John for a short time, and it is too early to talk about this issue now. Let's continue to observe.

Although Grandma Connie did not give a clear answer, looking at her current appearance, Professor John would definitely be successful if he took the initiative.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunshine shone on the earth, an old man riding a bicycle came to the door of Grandma Connie’s house.

Yes, Professor John, who was about to arrive at Connie's grandma's home address, couldn't help but miss him, and took advantage of his weekend break to come to the door.

And because he found out that Grandma Connie was very interested in Chinese food, Professor John directly brought a cooking pot and various Chinese seasonings.

Professor John, who has been to China for academic exchanges, also has in-depth research on the food culture there.

Oh, John, why are you here? Grandma Connie opened the door, and when she saw the person coming, her face showed an expression of surprise.

I heard that you like Chinese food, so I plan to show you my skills today. Professor John pointed to the cooking pot on his back and said with a smile.

Actually, you don't need to bring cooking utensils. I have them at home. Grandma Connie smiled and shook her head.

Although Professor John is now taking the blame, which is a bit funny. However, Grandma Connie still felt the sincerity of the other party.

And, since Mike makes some stir-fries from time to time, he has a ready-made wok at home.

Really, that's great~ Professor John didn't feel there was anything wrong with his current image. Instead, he seemed very happy because he had a common topic with Grandma Connie.

When Mike got up, what he saw was the scene of two old people working in the kitchen.

Mike, you're up. Go and wash up. You'll be able to try the Sichuan spicy chicken that John made for us in a while. Grandma Connie greeted with a smile.

At this time, Professor John, who was busy cutting chicken pieces in the kitchen, also took the time to poke his head out and say hello: Mike, I heard from Connie that you are also very knowledgeable about Chinese food. We can communicate when you have time.

Okay, Professor John. Mike was not very surprised by Professor John's arrival.

After all, judging from the other party's performance yesterday, it was obvious that he was fascinated by Grandma Connie.

Then, after Mike finished washing up, he saw the two elderly people still playing happily in the kitchen.

As for the Sichuan Spicy Chicken, I'm afraid I have to wait until noon to see if I can eat it. After all, it is a big dish.

Grandma Connie, I have an appointment today, so I'm leaving first. I wish you a good time~ Mike had no intention of staying at home and being a light bulb.

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