Little Sheldon, whose musical dream was shattered, quickly turned his attention to the school drama club.

He won the praise of his drama teacher Mr. Randy with an emotional monologue of King Lear.

Sheldon, I have never seen a young actor as talented as you... Randy stood up excitedly in the rehearsal room and invited: Welcome to join our team.

Hmm~ Little Sheldon raised his little head slightly after receiving the compliment, with a somewhat proud look on his face.

In any case, drama is also a kind of art. Little Sheldon has given up his dream of music, but he has not given up his pursuit of art.

So Mr. Sheldon, are you willing to participate in our next performance as the 'protagonist'? Mr. Randy asked with interest.

The drama club has a large-scale stage performance every month, and now there is less than three weeks until the next performance.

It has never happened before that a new person can take on the responsibility of the protagonist in such a short period of time.

It can be said that Mr. Randy is really optimistic about little Sheldon's talent in drama.

Of course, if you need it. Being valued by others gives little Sheldon a sense of accomplishment. Finally, he asked, What's the show we're going to do next?


Three weeks passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the drama club's public performance.

Why do I have to come to school on Saturday? Little George complained dissatisfiedly as he walked into the campus.

Yes, the drama club's performance was on the weekend, and the location was in the school's large conference room.

Most of the audience who came to watch were drama lovers who lived nearby, and the other part were parents who came to support their children's performances.

The Cooper family belongs to the second type, and Grandma Connie and Mike were also forcibly invited to watch Little Sheldon's first play performance.

Watching the drama performance this time can be regarded as a small family group activity for the Cooper family.

Mike, do you think Sheldon will play a tree today? Missy happily chatted with Mike.

In fact, Missy doesn't care at all about what Young Sheldon plays. Just being able to stay with Mike on the weekends already makes the little girl very happy.

You know, usually Mike's weekend time is mostly occupied by girls such as Katie.

Probably not~ Mike, who rarely had free time, said: I heard that Sheldon's role this time is very important.

Without waiting for Missy to speak again, Grandma Connie who was traveling with her said with a smile: Actually, I have exclusive news here. Shelly will be on the stage as the protagonist this time.

Not to mention that little Sheldon was close to Grandma Connie. During this period, in order to hone his acting skills, he had asked Grandma for advice on acting many times.

Grandma Connie also found out some inside information about the show from her grandson.

In fact, Grandma Connie, who knew some of the chaos in the show business, was very dissatisfied with young Sheldon's participation in the drama club.

However, seeing her grandson working so hard for the performance, Grandma Connie still showed her support.

Sheldon wants to play the leading role? How is it possible... Little George, who heard the inside news, voiced doubts.

You know, generally speaking, those who can play the leading role on the drama stage need long-term training in acting skills.

Okay, stop talking. We're here. Before arriving at the door of the school's large conference room, Mary stopped her eldest son's nagging and said, Anyway, we will know the truth in a while.

The school's large conference room, which can seat more than 500 people, is now half full. The Coopers didn't have much trouble finding a good front-row viewing spot.

Backstage, little Sheldon was preparing for the performance. As the performance time approached, he became increasingly nervous.

Wearing an Annie skirt, he held a purple-red wig in his hand and looked at Mr. Randy in embarrassment.

Can I stop wearing this wig? It makes me feel uncomfortable, Young Sheldon asked.

No, no, no~ This is just a prop, you need it... Mr. Randy said, stepping forward to help the other person put on the shoulder-length wig.

Then, he walked around Little Sheldon admiring it and praised: Perfect, you are the 'Annie' in my heart~

Little Sheldon, who is over nine years old, has not yet begun to show his male characteristics. He has a white and tender little face. After some dressing up, he looks like a cute little girl.

This also fits the identity needs of little Annie.

Okay~ Looking at the admiring expressions of many actors next to him, Little Sheldon accepted his new image.

Then, while waiting for the performance, he was inevitably disturbed by the noisy sound from the front desk. Immediately, he came to the curtain, carefully opened a corner and looked out.

The dense audience in the audience instantly caused little Sheldon to have a sudden panic attack.

Sheldon, what's wrong with you? Mr. Randy, who was paying attention to the situation backstage, noticed something was wrong with little Sheldon.

I, I can't do it... Little Sheldon, who was trembling all over, was even stumbling when he spoke.

Relax Sheldon, it's nothing... Mr. Randy understood very well what little Sheldon, who had not received formal actor training, needed now.

So, he continued with an encouraging voice: Liberating one's nature is a compulsory course for actors. Just treat the audience below as cabbages...

Chinese cabbage?

After being comforted by the other party, Little Sheldon calmed down a little. But when he thought about performing in front of so many strangers, he felt at a loss and said: No, no, I still can't do it~

Little Sheldon took off his wig. His forehead was covered with sweat because he was too nervous.

At this moment, as the drama club's performance time came, a female announcer came onto the stage and began to announce: Now, please enjoy the drama performance brought to you by the drama club. The play is Annie~

Accompanied by sparse applause from the audience, the Cooper family all looked surprised.

'Annie'? Connie, are you sure Shelly is the protagonist of this play? Mary asked, her eyes widening.

I don't know, maybe. Grandma Connie replied uncertainly.

The play Annie is widely circulated in America. Almost everyone knows that the protagonist of this play is a woman.

The thought of her youngest son dressing up as a little girl made Mary feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe I remembered it wrong. Seeing her daughter's unhappiness, Grandma Connie immediately explained more.

Of course, Grandma Connie is also praying that her little grandson must not be the protagonist.

On the other hand, little George and Missy on the side were full of expectations for little Sheldon's women's clothing style.

Even Mike was unusually interested.

The combination of the two words Sheldon and women's clothing is very dramatic when you think about it.

The performance on the stage has also begun. As the play Annie progresses, it is finally the turn of the protagonist Annie to appear.

Oh, it's so cold, my sheep...

Accompanied by the rough lines, the bloated Mr. Randy, wearing that funny purple wig, appeared on the stage.

He used all his strength to play the role of a poor shepherd girl.

It's just that his tall figure doesn't match the thin and pitiful shepherd girl at all, and it just makes people look irritated.

In Texas, where machismo is prevalent, Mr. Randy's current behavior can be considered very dedicated and courageous.

By the way, what's my next line? Mr. Randy, who had not experienced rehearsals in advance, took advantage of the gap in the movement, bent down and whispered to the actor dressed as a little sheep for help.

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