American Manga God

Chapter 711: Nova Corps kills

Thanos has never been an idiot. As a very patient and powerful old man, he will never look at problems with the most optimistic mood.

Regarding the space gem before, Thor, whose IQ has been offline for a long time, actually discovered his extremely hidden secret hand in the space gem, and teased him. It's a fact that Thor was beaten up by mistake. It's also a fact that Thanos ran for nothing but couldn't get the gems, and even Thor let him go.

One failure is enough to make Thanos vigilant.

Not to mention twice in a row.

"There is a group of people plotting against me. The other party is not an ordinary person. He clearly knows where the Infinity Stones are. He knows better than me." Thanos said leisurely.

Ebony throat couldn't calm down: "Who would it be?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be a member of the Avengers. Asgard has no allies at all. The Warner Protoss has long since declined. I thought it was Tony Stark before, but now it looks more like the mysterious new Karma. Taj Supreme Mage May Strange!" Thanos said with great certainty.

If you can't guess this, Thanos will be in vain.

It was Mei Juncao who rescued Thor not long ago, and it was Mei who led the New York battle. For this guy who opposed him so thoroughly and was not lacking in ability, Thanos finally took care of him.

Once upon a time, less than the opponent of Yatianfa, he was not put in the eyes of Thanos at all.

Mei Jiexao has always been hiding his strength, so Thanos would at most regard Mei as someone who was more scheming.

Thanos suspects Mei's integrity, plus Mei's status as a supreme mage, that's enough.

Just when Thanos wanted to send someone to test Mei's integrity, Nova Corps arrived.

"Nova Corps?" Thanos frowned upon hearing the deathblade's message.

When he frowned, his forehead was full of vertical lines, which looked the same as the vertical wrinkles on his chin, and it looked more and more like a purple potato.

"Our troops are fighting back, but..." General Deathblade did not continue.

But what?

It's just that I can't beat it!

The dark order under Thanos is indeed awesome,

The cannon-fodder-level humanoid combat weapons like the Chitarui biochemical soldiers are always in units of millions. Qitarian dragons, more than a thousand casually dispatched in a small-scale battle.

This makes Thanos basically flat push no matter what race he plays.

The possibility that Thanos or Obsidian will make a move is really small.

However, even such a dark sect was still beaten by the Nova Corps into a tortoise grandson.

Because there are many people in the dark sect, there are more people on the opposite side!

There are about 2,000 interstellar civilizations in the entire galaxy who have joined the Nova Corps. Although the high-end combat power is not good, the total number of conventional fleets is overwhelming compared to the Dark Order.

The first to enter the field are the fleets of several civilizations of the scavenger system. These guys with low attack and high defense, even their ships have the typical characteristics of picking up garbage.

Looking at the spaceships they picked up from the junkyard and pieced together, no two of them were exactly the same.

Standard spaceship?

There is no drop!

The only thing they can be proud of is the weight system of the spaceship. No matter what you put on the shell, the spaceship can still fly in a straight line...

Of course, their role is nothing more than 'stack the thickest armor and get the most poisonous beating'!

Their only existence value as vanguards is to attract the firepower of the Dark Order.

There was no reason for the dark sect not to attack these guys. As a result, a round of laser cannons went up, and the metal flew all over the place.

Actually this is an illusion.

Guys from the scavenger family like to play with spaceship shells the most. A medium-sized spaceship can be made into the size of a dreadnought for you.

It's like a Wuling Hongguang Bread wraps you a double-decker bus and asks you if you're convinced.

Compared to its gigantic size, its firepower is negligible.

Anyway, as long as you hit him, you lose.

Next came the spaceships of the Second Eye Witch Star. These spaceships are all in the shape of water droplets. On one ship, there are no angular parts, all of which have a streamlined appearance.

As the ultimate example of long-range attack, these spaceships, which are all controlled by the legendary witch, follow the path of the spiritual system, and the long-range firepower is fierce. There is firepower but no defense, that is, their ships.

Under the cover of the spaceships of the scavengers, their ships were pulled back nearly a thousand kilometers.

Then there is the main fleet of Xibei Cat Star [Tiandao Palace]. Its main ships are all controlled by intelligent AI called 'dementia core'. Each core looks like a beauty on the earth, but its name is the very name of the earth during World War II. famous ship.

For example [Unicorn], [Rodney] and so on.

Anyway, if you accidentally **** the humanoid's dementia core, you will **** the boat.

Of course, this fleet has the most powerful firepower.

The two wings are Xiaolongxing's [Terrorist] fleet. In addition to conventional firepower, all kinds of spiritual power are extremely polluting.

In addition, various fleets with messy functions kept appearing in flickering pieces. When they jumped out of space and folded, they immediately launched a mindless charge towards Thanos' fleet.

On average, the single-hull warships on Thanos' side have higher combat power and more unified command.

But there are so many people and ships on the opposite side.

When Xia Jiba fought, the dark sect couldn't handle it.

The fleets coming from all directions have the momentum to drown the main force of the Dark Not only that, the Nova Corps has more elites and more bunkers.

This is a fact.

Thanos has many subordinates from various planets, and there is no shortage of numbers, but there are not many guys who really fall into the eyes of Thanos. Facing the Nova Corps from Xandar, his miscellaneous soldiers have no good way.

Originally, in interstellar warfare, the power of individuals should be very small.

In the face of a giant fortress like the Temple II, the size of a celestial satellite, let alone a person, even a ten-kilometer-long cosmic dreadnought is just a little bit small.

However, the bullies of the Nova Corps shook the general trend with very small individuals.

The Qitarui Void Army, overwhelmingly smashed the fleet of the Xandar Legion directly under the Nova Legion.

There are not many boats, just a dozen or so.

However, these small shuttle-like airships passed through the gaps of thousands of laser cannons and missiles.

The first Chitarian dragon arrived in an instant. This huge biochemical monster the size of a skyscraper stretched its stubby neck towards a small airship and opened its mouth full of sharp fangs.

As long as it was bitten, the little airship would definitely not be able to make a "crunch" sound, and it would become a wreckage in the universe.

Unfortunately, something suddenly rushed out of the airship and swept past Yalong.

In Yalong's vision and perception, his target suddenly disappeared.

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