American Manga God

Chapter 527: cooperators

Peggy was the former director, and the US team was known to everyone, so a few ground crew members were in a daze.

The wily Peggy shouted on the spot, "I have an urgent mission. Which transport plane is ready?"

"Ma'am, you can use the No. 7 machine." A black uncle pointed to the one in the corner, very miraculously: "It's just that the 'girl''s communication system is a little out of order."

Peggy immediately understood: "Everything is careful."

Another pun.

Run up quickly, sit in the cockpit and start the plane.

Amid the roar of the Quinn transport plane, Captain America couldn't help but on the walkie-talkie: "Do you trust him?"

"I saved his dad, and I'm his godmother in a practical sense."

At this time, Steve felt more and more that his own girl was awesome. He founded S.H.I.E.L.D. and had her people from top to bottom. Even if she was forced to mix sand on her head, there might even be a problem with the current director, Alexander. The mark she spent more than 60 years on S.H.I.E.L.D. is not so easy to remove.

Historically, the US team arrived here, almost alone.

With the immortal Peggy in this life, it is not easy to escape.

It wasn't until the plane took off that Alexander's voice came through a secret communication loop.

"Emergency! Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers run away, stop him immediately. Shoot if necessary!"

Alexander is really stressed right now.

If he insisted that one of them betrayed, it might be justified. But adding the two together is too difficult.

Whether it's Peggy or Team America, they're all living legends.

Except for the Hydra people, who would believe them to betray!

But since they are flying away, they can make a fuss.

With one look from Alexander, the people below understood.

A male voice suddenly sounded on the radio: "Emergency! Emergency! Two hostile organization personnel disguised as Ms. Peggy Carter and Captain America infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. Immediately launch Plan 3 and intercept it!"

Many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. were stunned.

Pretending to be Peggy and Captain America?

is it possible?

To enter S.H.I.E.L.D., I don’t know how many security procedures I have to go through on the way. At the very least scans, fingerprints and eye iris checks won't work.

Everyone will be suspicious.

But at this time, Gears of War 4 flew out. Behind him were two Quinjets scrambled.

War Machine No. 4 is the original Iron Man Mark 10, which was handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it is controlled by the crossbones.

Meanwhile, Sharon Carter in the building was being questioned about Nick Fury's death when he suddenly broke into several special forces armed with Mp5 submachine guns.

Sharon was dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Peggy was very hard. She still miscalculated, mainly because she didn't realize Alexander had a problem at first. He was sent from Washington, and to put it bluntly, he was the candidate used to check and balance her.

The spy organization must serve the country, and Peggy alone holds the power. So is this Peggy's spy organization or the country?

Looking back now, it is estimated that several candidates selected by the senator at that time had problems.

She didn't expect this, and she made a wrong step, step by step.

At this moment, the other party did not hesitate to dispatch War Machine No. 4 to deal with the two of them, which is definitely a shame.

No wonder Nick said that he couldn't trust anyone. He, who was in charge of practice recently, must have found something wrong, but these days, in order to avoid suspicion and to prepare for marriage with Steve, she had to let go of power and gave the other party the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Peggy regretted it to death.

When the US team saw War Machine 4 coming, he immediately realized that his Kun-style transport plane would never be able to carry it or run away.

"I am going out!"

"Where are you going?" Peggy was anxious.

Captain America replaced the answer with action, and he opened the rear hatch of the transport plane.


The US team smashed a flying shield towards No. 4, which was 100 meters away.

Crossbones laughed wildly: "Idiot Captain America actually wants to smash my war machine with a flying shield!?"

In the communication circuit, there were several laughter from the Hydra.

The next moment, Crossbones couldn't smile.

If it was just the flying shield thrown by the arm strength and skill, the gorgeous S maneuver of Crossbones was enough to dodge.

Not many people know that this is a Holy Light Team!

Holy Light is not a very explosive force, it is the spiritual force of justice to promote various Paladin moves.

In many cases, the bonus of Holy Light to strength is not as good as the [Rage] of Warrior Professionals or the [Energy] of Rogue Professionals.

There is one case that is exceptional——【Zhu Xie】!

Against evil targets, Holy Light has incredible bonuses.

Crossbones is definitely a bad guy.

As the backbone of Hydra, he has an extraordinary recognition of the concept of Hydra and absolute worship of the Red Skull.

When he usually concealed the fluctuations in his heart, it was not so obvious.

Today, he revealed his evil intentions and minions, and he aroused Holy Light's reaction when he was so immortal.

A Holy Light Flying Shield was so good that it actually revealed the effect of tracking missiles to the US team.

"Bang!" a voice.

The dignified Iron Man series flew a shield two hundred meters away and smashed it down.

Such nonsense, can you believe it?

Alexander, who saw it on base cameras and drone surveillance, was going crazy.

"Are you a pig?" Alexander yelled.

What is even more exaggerated is that this shield even has the stun effect of [Retribution]. Dangtang No. 4 was plunged into the pool of the road on the road from the gate of S.H.I.E.L.D.

All the Hydras were dumbfounded.

Originally, the crossbones after being stunned for a while still had a chance to rush out of the water, but who knew that the moment he fell into the someone gave him a shot.

If I had to use one word to describe this gun, it would be: Flying Immortals from the Sky.

No one knows where this shot came from, only that it was a very strange net. The special 'bullet' fired by the grenade launcher turned into a wire mesh as soon as it hit the No. 4 fuselage, entangling the No. 4 fuselage tightly.

While letting the crossbones fall into the water, he couldn't adjust his posture at all.

The Iron Man series is so hard, and several injectors must be adjusted to the same direction to generate propulsion in the correct direction, otherwise, you will be pitting yourself.

Crossbones is so miserable, the whole set of mecha spins in the water.

If the models behind the Iron Man series are not waterproof, it is estimated that he will drown.

Here, the US team used unscientific flying shields to clean up the two chasing Kun-style fighters, and finally saw the cooperators.

"Natasha!?" Captain America narrowed his eyes, looking at the **** figure.

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