American Manga God

Chapter 484: plan to escape

Thor raised an index finger: "First, we must convince Heimdall."

Heimdall, the strongest guardian, the true eye of infinity. Not much escaped his sight as he stared around, not least Thor.

Seeing Heimdall in a private tavern, the guardian looked very frustrated, he took off his golden wing helmet and put it on the table, sighing: "I couldn't find the enemy, I couldn't stop the enemy's invasion, Your Majesty Turned the rainbow bridge into a storage cabinet again. I can't even stop my sister from being caught, what use is my guardian..."

Asgardians know that Heimdall's sister is Sif.

Well, these two are nothing alike.

In May Day's eyes, Heimdall is a black man with golden pupils, and Sif is a white man with black eyes.

Thor smiled bitterly: "What if I told you, my good friend May, that he has the ability to save Sif?"

Heimdall was a wise man, and he immediately understood what Thor meant: "Your Highness, this is Your Majesty's strict order. And I have sworn to report every treason to Your Majesty. Besides, you only need to wait ten days. "

"Ten days!?" Thor's voice suddenly lit up: "At most three days, the mother and the queen will be completely dead. No matter how strong the magic circle the father left on Sif, it is impossible to withstand three days. Our wide area The shield has been completely scrapped, and it will take at least a year to rebuild. Most of our anti-aircraft artillery and warplanes are lost. Once Malekith gathers the Curse Warriors to kill, our infantry will also be lambs to be slaughtered."

"Your Majesty..." Heimdall was still hesitating.

"You know what my father said? He said 'if that's the case, we will fight to the last Asgardian'. I asked him what's the difference between you and Malekith, and he said 'the difference is that he will Win the final victory!'. Father, he doesn't care about the casualties of the people, the safety of his mother, and the life and death of Sif!"

Thor slammed his fist on the table: "Yes! He's a perfect king! But I'm not! Not now, and never will be! I just want to protect the people, Sif and the queen!"

"Your Highness, the risk is too great."

"No matter what we choose, there is a great risk. Even if a large army is assembled, there may also be a large army waiting for us."

On Heimdall's dark face, the muscles were twitching, and he was undoubtedly persuaded, and only owed the last fire.

At this time, May's integrity appeared: "Heimdall, you swear to report every treason. What if Thor wants you to report yourself in front of Odin?"

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, but did not respond for a while. For three seconds, Heimdall slumped and picked up the golden helmet symbolizing his glory and stroked it a few times: "When the time comes, I will report myself."

It's done.

Thor was excited.

Next, Thor took Mei Jiexao to the three warriors of Asgard, and in a secret room, the five sat down.

"My friends, what I'm going to tell you next is the act of treason. Even if we succeed, we will be exiled. If we fail, we are doomed."

Thor's opening remarks, Mei Juncao wanted to complain. Odin is your only son, is it really possible to hang you? If you still commit treason at every turn, you are going to be the king of gods. Who is betraying who?

Ostager laughed firstly: "Isn't it exile? As long as we can survive, the big deal is that we all go to Earth, and May he will take us in?"

Mei Jiecao spreads his hands: "If I'm not dead, I can eat enough and drink whatever I want."

Fandral and Hogan raised their hands together: "This is not enough!"

The friendship accumulated over countless years, the three warriors of Asgard did not hesitate at all.

Thor tapped the back of the table with the back of his right index finger: "Okay, now the key point is: the Rainbow Bridge can't go through, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube (space gem) is sealed under the protection of Odin, and is guarded by a team of powerful heroic warriors. There is only one presence, Sgard, that can make sure we get out around Heimdall."

The three warriors said in unison, "Rocky!?"


Fandral frowned: "How do you make sure he'll help us?"

"I have no way of making sure. I'm only fifty percent sure."

Mei Jiecao said: "In fact, it is still the end of the gathering of the ladder, and I can get you out of Asgard with 60% confidence, but how to find the dark elves, or the Wattheim where their lair is, I will no solution anymore."

"Then let's find Loki." From the bottom of his heart, Brother Hammer trusts his scumbag brother more.

There is no way, the short-lived friendship of only two years is not as good as the friendship of thousands of years.

Mei Jiezuo shut up.

Brother Hammer met Loki in prison.

Loki was well-dressed, wearing his green-edged black-bottomed robe, standing in the cell, with a golden divine power barrier, stretched his neck, and looked like he was looking for a fight.

"My brother, are you here to gloat? Laugh at me..."

"Enough Loki." Thor said coldly, "Stop using illusions."

Loki's figure suddenly froze and disappeared lightly, revealing his true face in the cell.

All the furniture was smashed to shreds, and a lot of books were torn to shreds. Luo Jizun was like a lunatic in a mental hospital, sitting in the corner with a haggard look, his eyes were blank, his hair was messy, and his clothes were torn to pieces. How many pieces, there are traces of blood on the left sole.

"You see my true face now, brother."

Thor walks around the other side of the cell, closer to Loki.

Loki said, "Is she going to die?"

"I'm not dead, if I don't do anything, it's fast." Thor squeezed his wrist: "I didn't come here to mourn for my mother in advance with you. I can give you one last chance, Save our mother, and avenge the man who hurt her."

Loki noticed that Thor used the word 'mother', not the queen. He knew exactly what that meant. This has nothing to do with kingship, it's pure nurture over thousands of years.

Loki was suddenly moved, and he was a little stunned: "Do you believe me?"

"No, I don't believe it. My last relationship with you has been used But my mother always believed in you, and she was the one who saved you from my father."

Loki's hands were shaking: "What if I betray?"

Thor calmly: "I'll kill you...without hesitation."

"Haha!" Loki sneered.

"Help us get out of Asgard, and I'll give you this chance to save your mother. When it's over, I'll bring you back here."

I have to say, Thor is really bad at negotiating. This is also related to his upright and unwilling to deceive character.

It was such a sincere Thor that moved Loki and evoked the last spark in his heart. Of course, only part of it.


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