American Manga God

Chapter 204: combined pollution

Never underestimate a person's desire to survive.

It's like someone named Mei, who is obviously an ordinary person, but has become a magistrate.

It's like the **** of the hand joining together. After receiving the news that Bo Tu was beaten to death by Daredevil, he came here without looking back.

Hearing Jin Bing's voice, Alexandra took a step forward: "No matter what conflicts we have had before, at least now we have a common enemy - the guy who claims to be Strange, isn't it? We have no way out, Same with you. That little **** Naches has got Strange and he'll be there sooner or later."

Jin Bing sat on a two-meter-wide sofa with his huge buttocks, and felt that he was sitting tightly on the leather sofa by himself. Even sitting there, he was still like an insurmountable mountain.

Next to him, a few beauties in coquettish dresses helped him wipe his sweat, Jin and waved his hands, and the women all went down.

Kim Bing smiled: "No, no, I'm different from you. I'm a famous entrepreneur, and I've never played dirty bombs. Since Mr. Strange can use the [non-compromise method] to stage a good self-defense show , why can't I have a good talk with him under the framework of the government."

"You're crazy!?" Madam Gao lost her voice: "You actually want to get a pardon by surrendering yourself?"

Jin Bing's routine is obvious. He is a criminal predator, but he is not the only black boss in the world. If he stabs all the information of his opponents out, the US government will be ecstatic, accept and protect Jin Bing. .

It's not impossible either!

In the early years, he, whose real name was Wilson Fisk, used his natural evil mind to slaughter other gangs, and finally firmly controlled most of the American gangs in his own hands.

His "underworld empire" has gradually become a reality from a dream. He changed his real name to "Jin Bing", which made people talk about it, and at the same time as getting everything, Jin Bing also had a loneliness that he had never had before. At that time, a woman named Vanessa entered his life, and soon Jin Bing And have their own children "Richard? Fisk".

While Kim was immersed in a normal life, Richard was assassinated.

The death of his son turns Kim, who is thinking about retirement, into a terrifying beast again, and he frantically takes revenge on all his foes. Almost triggered World War 3 (mainly with his opponents all over the world).

After calming down, he finally understood that as a "king", especially the "king" of the underworld. It is never possible to get a normal life, and the family wife is a stumbling block to his dominance. Knowing this, Jin and personally broke his wife's neck.

Over the years, Kim's hatred for his rivals has never diminished.

If there is really no way to go, Jin Bing will definitely sell his opponents before he dies, let them rub their hands to the maximum extent, or even be killed and buried with him.

He is such a crazy man!

Alexandra laughed, she raised her slender hands and applauded gracefully: "Okay, let's go, let's see if the great king of the underworld will hide in the toilet for ten minutes. How do you live in a safe house with a camera, and then whether the other party will be concerned about the US government not killing you?"

Mrs. Gao also woke up and showed a mysterious smile: "Let's go."


The two old women of the Hand Club turned and left in tacit understanding, and the men who were guarding the door did not know whether they should be blocked.

Jin then spoke: "Let's talk about the reasons why I have to accept you."

Alexandra didn't make things too stiff, and glanced at Mrs. Gao.

Mrs. Gao slowly took off the glove of her right hand, revealing a palm that seemed to have been caught in a fire and lost its skin and only muscles.

Jin Bing and his subordinates all looked sideways.

Alexandra said in her very political, standard and articulate tone: "65 years ago, a magician as a Soviet general chopped off Mrs. Gao's limbs. Today, 65 years later, he Appeared in front of Mrs. Gao as the controller of an American consortium. And someone happened to call Bullseye to attack him. Of course, our Hands also bumped into it somehow."

After Jin Bing heard this, the corners of his eyes kept twitching.

What a **** coincidence.

If this Strange was weaker, it wouldn't matter at all.

But the two of them were almost possessed by the devil, and they offended them to death in one breath.

What's even more interesting is that they all believed that Mei was a Maozi, a Maozi left over from the Soviet Union, but they dared to fight and do anything!

If the other party is Maozi, the asylum of the US government is nothing. Minutes after the government squeezed out Jinbing's intelligence, it was happy to see Jinbing get killed. In their words, it saves taxpayers money.

"Very good, we now have the basis for a talk." Jin Bing's meat bun face showed a terrifying smile...

In the outside world things are further fermenting.

There was a dirty bomb on the Manhattan pier, and the number 300 heavily armed ninjas died. Although this matter was forcibly pressed down by the government, it was not announced, and the entire port area was forcibly blocked, regardless of the so-called 'freedom of the press'.

This is too amazing. If the world is told that there is a dirty bomb in New York, the financial center of the United States, it is estimated that the US stock market will plummet for a month, and it will fall into a dog.

The old beauty hated the hand union.

More than 300 elite soldiers plus a low-level nuclear bomb, are you going to fight to overthrow the government?

Underworld or something, it's something that a National Guard can handle. The difficulty is that the other party is hiding in New York, which has a floating population of tens of millions. If there is no clue to this kind of mess, anyone who encounters it will have a headache.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is also under considerable pressure.

The one-eyed dragon Nick Fury finally made a phone call: "Hello, tell the other party that S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to end the Hand, no matter what method. I'll attach the conditions to the document."

The other party was silent for three seconds and hung up the phone.

If it takes days to ferment, things may become even more exaggerated.

In fact, it took less than 24 hours for the **** to reach Jin and the camp, and at 1 o'clock in the middle of the next day, Mei killed with Bullseye and Erica.

"You said, Jinpian will be here?" Umemugi asked Bullseye with a blank expression when he got out of the car.

"This is Jin and one of its properties, but if Jin and intends to resist the enemy head-on, he will be here." Bullseye seems to have beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Then let's go in."

There were only three people, but they entered through the main entrance grandly, as if they were not three people, but three legions!

No one felt that in the distance, a pair of eyes were watching them quietly...

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