American Manga God

Chapter 186: toss bullseye

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Not to mention Erica, who was just 18 years old, even Ambassador Naches had no better idea. As a former member of the underworld, no one knows the horror of this organization better than himself.

The ambassador sighed and said in his heart: Perhaps only this more powerful consortium can bless our father and daughter.

Regardless of the injury, the ambassador knelt down deeply.

"Father!" Erica exclaimed, holding her father up.

"Then leave it to Mr. Strange. As long as Erica doesn't get hurt, I'll do anything."

Mei Jiexiao glanced at the ambassador. To be honest, he didn't look down on this bad old man at all. The person he really likes is Erica.

Only Erica has the potential to step into the realm of heroes.

Of course, he didn't need to say such explicit words. From the original history, Erica became sad, heartbroken and desperate after losing her father, and even eventually became the carrier of Heikong. Mei Jiexao knew very well that as long as he held Ambassador Naches, Erica would not be able to escape.

"follow me!"

Originally, Erica had no problem, but when she saw that Mei Mumu even brought a half-dead guy like Bullseye, it was a little bad.

"Why... take him?" Taking a few breaths of fresh air, Erica asked herself weakly.

"Oh, nothing else. I don't have the habit of doing nothing after being slapped in the face. I'll keep that guy useful." Mei Jiezao sent the driver he hired temporarily, and just drove a car that originally belonged to the bodyguard. car, carrying bullseye.

Before driving, Mei Jiexian took out a dog collar-like thing from somewhere, and put it on the bullseye neck, which was out of breath and lacked any strength, and smiled: "Guess what it is?"

Looking at the collar flickering with electronic flashing lights, there was a deeper fear in Bullseye's eyes.

"Crack!" With a sound, Bullseye was chained like a dog.

"Sir, will he..." Mei Jiezhao's driver was frightened.

"Oh, Donnie, it's alright. That guy is just an incompetent killer. He knows what he's doing, he's not going to die. Here's $10,000, as long as you take him and follow my car. Drive to the destination, this is yours, I will give you another 90,000 after the event."

The arrangement was made here, and Erica's voice came from behind Mei Mumu.

"Sir, my father needs treatment..." Erica looked nervous at her father, who was still bleeding.

"Well, it does need treatment."

Naches' body is not bad, but the puncture injury to four places on a big man's body is indeed very painful.

The miraculous scene appeared again.

No one could see where Mei Jiexao took out a simple medical kit. It has everything in it, unopened gauze, sutures, and even a special hemostat.

Several people were stunned to see that Mei Mumu first gave Naches the blood, and then sewed the wound perfectly like an embroidery.

"Okay, go back and take some anti-inflammatory medicine to make sure that the wound is not inflamed and purulent." Mei Mumu kept a very confident smile from beginning to end: "What? Have you never seen a surgeon?"

Uh, you are so stubborn, and you are a surgeon yourself?

I'm afraid it's not a murderous doctor, right?

The reverence of the people present for Mei's integrity could not help but increase a little more.

In this way, May drove her own Lincoln, took the Naches and his daughter and left, followed by his driver.

As for how to deal with the aftermath, it is up to Mayor Phillips Jr.

The United States is a strange place, and the public's protection of personal privacy has reached an almost pathological level. If in China, there are cameras all over the street, enough to make anyone invisible on the main street. But on the Laomei side, the number of cameras is really not too many, as long as you drive inland, you can quickly get rid of all surveillance.

As a traveler who is focused on doing things, Mei has long remembered the surveillance in New York. In addition, it was produced by a certain day, and there are voice navigation prompted by cameras in various places. Someone Mei took the driver to a small garage in the suburbs and made arrangements.

Seeing that Mr. Mei was already prepared, what was all an anti-reconnaissance trick, Erica almost wondered if she and her father had entered the wolf's den first, and then jumped into the fire pit.

However, there was no accident, and the two of them had no choice.

To a place where the outside is a private club and the inside is a secret base. Mei Mumu first placed Naches and his daughter in a small villa in the back garden, checked Mr. Ambassador's wounds, and asked the servants to provide them with a change of clothes. Then he went to Bullseye to talk about his concerns.

I have to say that a guy who can have a name in the Marvel world is a bunker with physical fitness.

Before dragging Bullseye back, Mei Mumu casually stuffed this guy's intestines into his stomach. Unexpectedly, after an hour of delay, he was still alive.

"Ah, don't worry, I'll perform an operation on you. Uh, although I'm not a doctor who specializes in gastroenterology, hepatobiliary, and pancreas, believe me, the so-called general practitioners in the black market are not as skilled as me."

This is not May's brag.

The original owner of his body was a top surgeon. Even if he has traveled, the memory is still there. When he wore it back to the boring days of the 1940s, he picked up this craft in his own spirit.

Now he can't guarantee that he's already that top-notch neurosurgeon. There's nothing wrong with being a good surgeon.

It's just that Bullseye feels like he's living in hell.

His hands, feet, and neck were all chained to a special operating table, and then Mei Jie **** this guy and operated on him without giving him anesthesia.

There were so many times that he wanted to struggle and let himself bleed to death.

No matter how Bullseye struggled, Mei Mumu insisted on cooperating with the range of his movements and continued to perform the operation.

Bullseye cried: "You kill me! You kill me! You devil!"

"Yo!" Mei Mumu smiled mysteriously, and his voice suddenly became old: "This old man is not a devil!"

hey-hey! Say it! Finally said this golden Mei Jiedao continued: "If I want to torture you, I will cure you first, and then cut off the thing at the fork of your thigh. Then send it to you. You go to Thailand, get a complete set of operations. When you're a perfect woman, you end up calling all the gangsters in New York to patronize your business. Don't worry, I'll let you wear your ridiculous bullseye hood."

"You still said you're not a demon!?" Bullseye's heart fell into the deepest depths of the endless icy cold hell.

He has done countless cruel things for money.

Before killing the target, torture the opponent, how cruel it is.

He just didn't expect that this kind of retribution would fall on him one day.

He only had a little arrogance, and disappeared with the knife light that swiped over his younger brother intentionally or unintentionally.

(=Old iron, please remember for a second) Reading Network

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