American Manga God

Chapter 134: Want to be religious?

Mei Mumu can only helplessly pay attention to every change in the long river of time, every little bit of time passing by.

Maybe it was 1942, when he was close to the world, and he could see it more clearly.

Something miraculous happened, he... actually saw himself.

A Meimumu who is exactly like him, first invested in the long river of time, and entered October 1942.

"This is..." Mei Mumu was shocked.

The voice of the young lady sounded: "You know now how terrible it is to mess with the timeline. The power of two time gems is enough to disrupt the flow of time in this world. If there are three, it is likely to cause a time hole, or even time. Fragments. When the main timeline of a world cannot be connected to a complete line, then the world may collapse."

"Crash..." Meimumu muttered to herself like a dream.

He seemed to have seen countless star clusters, galaxies, and the planets inside, one by one, like **** dropped into a blender, and then mercilessly shredded into pieces.

"Host, you have to protect yourself and become stronger, I can understand. But you must be careful not to encounter another you. The consequences of this may not even be predicted by the God of Creation."

"I see."

In the next second, he turned into a streamer, immersed in the time point that was a little further away than the previous Meimumu.

March 1942.

This is a time when Germany is equally fierce and prosperous.

With the undeclared war against the Soviet Union at 3:30 a.m. on June 22, 1941, the situation of World War II was the worst at this time.

Although this caused the escalation of World War II, the Soviet Union was fully drawn into World War II, the anti-*** alliance expanded to the four major countries of Britain, France and the Soviet Union, and Germany was caught in a two-sided war, but at this point in time, the Soviet Union was suffering huge losses and no longer enjoyed the benefits of a fisherman. .

For example, on this day, major mainstream newspapers in the United States just announced the fall of Zhitomyr in northwestern Ukraine.

And the old beauty, who was secretly in Pearl Harbor by the Japanese army, screamed while clutching her blood-stained chrysanthemum, and finally decided to roll up her sleeves and end the fight.

Three months after Japan officially declared war on the United States and put it into action, the United States entered a state of total war. Almost all industries began to be adapted for military use, and all docks and shipyards were requisitioned.

The National Conscription also kicked off.

A large number of young men of school age were at the recruiting office, shirtless and wearing a white towel, waiting for the recruiter to be called.

Finally, a name was clicked.

"Rogers!" The recruiter with Mediterranean hair looked straight ahead.

Huh? no one!

"Rogers!!" He was a little angry.

"I...I'm here!"

At this time, the recruiter realized that in front of the new high podium he was leaning against, there was a short and thin figure directly below: "Uh, sorry!"

There was a burst of laughter around.

It is indeed full of laughter. Among the young muscular men with an average height of 1.8 meters, this young man with a height of 1.6 meters and 37 points of golden hair is too short.

"No, it's fine." The short young man's face was quite embarrassed. If anyone could see his eyes clearly, he would find more pain and unyielding passion.

The recruiter didn't mean to laugh at the young man, but his sharp eyes swept the audience.

The military rank represented by his collar is a big killer. He has the right to refuse any young man to join the army. This is the greatest murderous intent for young people who are eager to join the army to defend the motherland because the motherland is undeclared. All silent.

The recruiter bowed his head and asked while looking over the medical report of the young man named Rogers.

"Where's your father?"

"Died from mustard gas poisoning. He was in the 107th Army Division."

"Where's the mother?"

"Nurse in the tuberculosis area of ​​the infectious disease hospital, unfortunately she was infected, terminally ill..."

The recruiter sighed in his heart: Another war orphan.

He can fully understand the mood of this thin young man. In fact, his inner balance has been tipped, and he has infinite sympathy for this young man, but he sighed after seeing the report.

He frowned then.


scarlet fever.

Rheumatic fever.


Chronic or frequent colds.


Irregular heartbeat.

Fatigue easily.

heart disease.



Seeing this, the recruiter has only one thought left - how did this child survive until now?

If the child is forcibly sent to the battlefield, what is the difference between killing him on the spot? This is simply execution! He probably won't be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Without hesitation, the recruiter said, "I'm sorry, boy."

Rodgers tried to win: "I just need a chance."

Unable to bear further attacks on the child, the recruiting officer emphasized: "You can't enlist in the army just by looking at asthma."

Rogers slumped in an instant: "Then... can you do something for me?"

Is this a plea, or is it a detour? Curve to save the country?

Unable to bear the torture of his conscience, the recruiter decided to crush Rogers' last unrealistic wish: "I'm here to help you. I'm saving your life."

After all, the recruiter did not hesitate to give Rogers the lowest level of disgrace to Rogers in the assessment of the US military enlistment - 4F!

Rogers lost all expression on his face, and his thoughts flew into the distance. You can't even hear the laughter around him.

Among the sturdy muscular men, the ribs on his chest are really dazzling.

No one noticed that outside the recruitment office, a pair of black eyes were staring at Rogers. Immediately, these eyes retracted his gaze, and then showed a satisfied expression to the handyman next to him who was doing odd jobs at the recruiting office.

"You did a great job putting him on a high platform."

"Sir, agreed to pay."

"Of course, I won't be missing you." The mysterious dark-haired young man, very generously, took out ten dollars and handed it to the This is only 30 to 40 cents for a meal In this day and age, $10 is a small fortune.

At this time, Rogers had put on his clothes and walked out of the draft station in a daze.

The **** who had just secretly called someone to change the recruiter's desk suddenly stopped Rogers.

"Hello! Sir, do you want to be religious?"

Rogers was in a very bad mood, but he was a polite boy and didn't go back on the spot. He looked at him and saw that he was a white man with black hair and black eyes, holding a badge he had never seen before, and he was a little strange.

The badge is a shield inlaid with gold, the white shield is pure white, and the shield is surrounded by brilliant golden light. It doesn't look like some cult of the Giant Sun God.

Rogers asked tentatively, "What sect is this?"

"This is the Holy Religion of Silver. As long as you join the Knights of the Silver Hand, you can have new hope, and the power you want—"

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