American Manga God

Chapter 116: subversive fact

Completely a child who did something wrong, Natalia rested her hands on her belly and pinched her ten fingers quietly.

"Is there anything you want to say? I remember that I reminded you over and over again. After entering the red house, I am not your brother, but your chief instructor and your leader."

"I... I know. But that **** obviously lost, and he came to my brother's place with a shameless face, trying to use dirty milk... er, to deceive my brother's inheritance by improper means, I... I can't be angry, so... At once……"

Plum wood supports the forehead.

What kind of broken relationship is this?

Natalia has a crush on him, of course he knows, but the two are not in a relationship yet!

Obviously he didn't do anything just now, but this kind of sadness that seems to be a married man cheating and being caught, is it a god?

Mei Mumu walked over, like an older brother, lovingly stroking Natalia's splendid red hair. Natalia, who consciously did something wrong a moment ago, blamed herself even more: "I'm sorry, I should trust my brother."

Gently gave Natalia a brother-sister hug, and Mei Mumu pressed her shoulder: "Is there anything else you want to ask? I don't usually have the chance, but today I secretly turned the monitors into deaf people. Do you want to? Just ask."

Natalia seemed to be afraid, but she still mustered up her courage: "Brother Meijie Cao, you... you are doing this very dangerously. You are stealing the future of the motherland!"

It is absolutely taboo to turn agents into their own exclusive use and cultivate independent forces. Whatever Soviet hero you are, if you touch Stalin's sensitive nerves, you will be shot.

"I have doubts about the justice of the Soviet Union. Since the night I rescued Yakov, I have heard another version of the statement from the Polish officers." encounter.

After Yakov was captured, of course his father's mind was in his mind, and he felt that the Red Army was the liberator of the world and the savior. This was rightfully mocked by Polish officers. They used a lot of evidence to prove the brutality of the Soviet Union in Poland.

This turned his thinking upside down.

Later the Poles also accepted the mysterious young Soviet officer.

After being rescued by Mei Mumu, on the way back, he also asked similar things to his fellow intelligence officers from time to time. Of course, no one dared to answer Stalin's eldest son.

Of course, Mei Mumu knew that what he said was unwarranted. He took out a document that should not exist in this era, including a copy and an original, and handed it to Natalia.

It was a top-secret file 50 years ago that was released by Russia around 2000 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in his world.

Natalia read quickly, and the more she looked, the more uncomfortable and sad she became.

The above records a series of moves by the Soviet Union in recent years.

Before World War II, the Soviet Union had already started its expansion in full swing. The first was the establishment of the Soviet Union. The three countries of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia were forcibly included in the Soviet Union at the latest at the end of World War II.

In addition, the Soviet Union provoked the Middle East Road incident in 1929 and occupied the Middle East Railway in an all-round way. This was the beginning. In 1939, the Soviet-Finnish war was provoked, and the eastern part of Finland and the ports were seized. Germany invaded Poland, the Soviet Union sent troops to Poland to help Germany fight, and Germany divided Poland equally.

In addition, the Carpathians in northeastern Romania were also illegally occupied by the Soviet Union. By 1941, the western border of the Soviet Union had completely moved westward, and the mainland was not on the border. The German blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union also crossed this new frontier.

These are facts that can be known with a little inquiring.

What shocked Natalia the most was "Katyn Massacre".

This massacre, also known as the "Katyn Incident" and the "Katyn Forest Massacre", was the result of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police agency, under the approval of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, between April and May 1940, against the captured prisoners. Organised massacre by Polish prisoners of war, intellectuals, police and other civil servants.

In the spring of 1940, some 22,000 detained Polish soldiers, intellectuals, politicians and public officials were killed by Soviet troops (4,421 of them were executed in the Katyn Forest outside Smolensk).

In 1943, Germany, which found the bodies of Polish soldiers, claimed that the killing was done by the Soviet Union, which was denied by the Soviet Union.

At this point in time where Mei Mumu was, this incident just happened.

However, in the time and space of the earth where Meimumu is located, it was not until April 13, 1990, when then-Polish President Jaruzelski visited the Soviet Union that the Soviet Union officially admitted to taking full responsibility for the Katyn incident, calling it "Stalinist" One of the serious crimes”; in April 2010, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the release of the historical documents of the Katyn incident held by Russia, which is the first time Russia has released the relevant materials of the Katyn incident to the public.

What Meimumu is showing Natalia now is the consent letter for the execution of the Katyn incident with Stalin's autograph. Because he took top-secret information from another world, but it just happened in this parallel world now.

This kind of psychological impact is the biggest ethical subversion for an orphaned female agent who is only 14 years old.

Who knows what it will be like to serve the country and punish the brutal German invaders?

"Actually, there is no difference between Germany and the Soviet Union in essence. They are both hegemonic countries. The Soviet Union was invaded, but it was only because the struggle for hegemony failed, which gave people a bite. Don't say that who is not a thing."

The situation in the Soviet Union is more like the Japanese being turned against each other. After all, the Germans did not declare war, but why didn't the Soviet Union have a war plan for westward expansion? It's just a little later than the German guy's It turns out that the German guy will start first.

Mei Mumu used his psychic abilities while bewitching Miss Black Widow.

The bonus brought by the mysterious bloodline in his body has a strong erosive ability in spirit, which can make it easier for the other party to accept his statement.

What's more, what he said was the truth, and he was not afraid of being verified wherever he got it.

"Brother, is what you said true? Look into my eyes, I won't allow you to lie to me!" Natalia had tears in her eyes.

Mei Mumu looked at Natalia with sincerity: "Why am I lying to you? How could the Soviet Union be so big back then? Before the Russian Empire was formed, it was just a small Grand Duchy of Moscow. Where is the most extensive territory in the world? Are you here? Are all ethnic groups admiring Russia and choosing to join?”

This kind of truth is the most powerful killer!

This little girl, who was seriously brainwashed by red thoughts, was the most shocked.

Natalia fell softly and collapsed in Mei Mumu's arms.

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