American Manga God

Chapter 107: Xuan does not save

Has Mei Mumu made a move?

Of course not!

With his hands behind his back, there were more than ten instructors and more than 30 students in the audience, all of whom saw that Mei Mumu did not 'shot' at all.

The only thing he did was dodge Yelena's fist and sprint, flashed outside Yelena's right armpit, and then came to her back like a ghost.

The distance between the two is not even five centimeters.

Mei Mumu was just lying on Yelena's back, and her body was hidden in a blind spot beyond Yelena's field of vision.

The human field of vision is 180 degrees, and the range that can actually keep the focus on it is often only 120 degrees. The rest is out of the corner of the eye and can't see clearly.

Humans have no eyes on the back of their heads, so of course they can't see what's behind their heads.

Anyone who knows the goods can see that Meimumu has completely sensed Yelena's sight just now, and his body has been kept in the opposite position of Yelena's pupils. It was like playing hide-and-seek around the pillar, hiding where Yelena couldn't see it.

This move is easier said than done.

First of all, the speed of the person behind you must be higher than the speed of the person in front of you turning, turning your head, and moving your eyes. You must also have an amazing perception ability to know the direction of the other party's line of sight.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to follow Meimumu like a shadow.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yelena would have died a hundred times as long as Mei Mumu was willing.

Yelena was covered in goose bumps after being blown by the heat. Of course she realized what was going on, but she was so confused that she couldn't even believe it was the truth.

As soon as his body softened, he sat slumped on the ground in the posture of a duck, sweating all over his body, his eyes were slack, his mouth was half-open and half-closed, as if he was saying something, but not a word came out of his mouth.

Mei Mumu bared his teeth and thought, "Shouldn't I play this girl bad?" This girl is rubbing her nose and face. If it wasn't for my girl, she wouldn't have survived two chapters in the novel. I just hit her, can I blame me for this?

In other words, this is the [Shadow Step] that was very much admired by players before he crossed. This thing is worthless to put it bluntly, it is just relying on experience, perception and speed to crush each other.

As for speed, uh, double [self-acceleration] to find out.

After the speed is doubled, the burden on the body is also greater, but Meimumu rarely uses it.

"Hu Chi! Hu Chi!" There were so many people in the entire hall, no one spoke, only a cold voice.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Mei Mumu is so young and has gained such a high status. Who is not jealous?

Even if his final promotion was due to his great deeds and retirement at the same time, he was a brigadier general who died in battle and was promoted to two ranks, but a chief under the age of 20 is very popular.

The instructors maintain the dignity of Mei Mumu, even if they are not jealous, but who doesn't want to see the skills of the legendary hero?

Now everyone sees it.

Even if it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone also realized that only such a ghostly skill can take the life of a German general among the ten thousand troops.

At the same time, all the instructors, students, even Yelena, who had just been hit hard, stood up and bowed to Mei Mumu.

Whether it's judo or kickboxing, all the etiquette is universal.

A bow is the greatest respect to the strong and the master.

Everyone shouted in unison with the loudest volume: "Thank you, Chief Instructor for your guidance!"

Not as a leader, but as an identification with the strong.

Mei Mumu left, with pride and calmness, with the awe-inspiring eyes of the Maozi on his back, he left the training ground with his hands on his back.

Since the time traveled to 1942, what Meimumu has really exercised is her own physical fitness.

Under the hail of bullets for a long time, using [self-acceleration] to maintain activities beyond one's own physical fitness will certainly put a burden on the body. The benefits are also obvious, that is, the reaction and agility of the whole person are exercised.

This is what Mei Mumu values ​​most.

After traveling for so long, he has figured out a way. At a certain point in time, or in a certain plot time and space, the fate offset point that one can get is obviously limited. If it is not for Marvel heroes, or important villains, there are very few offset points.

Considering that the lottery is likely to draw out useless things, the offset point should save money. So there is no need to improve the offset point, which is the most valuable.

At the moment when there is no strong enemy for the time being, Mei Mumu has been suppressing his desire to draw the lottery, and he did not spend the last time he reached the offset point on the spot.

However, as time came to the middle of the 43rd year, a new order came, and Mei Mumu knew that the practice of saving character and offsetting points could not continue.

"Do you want to get the little devil's human experiment data?" Mei Mumu was a little pained.

Work or something.

It's impossible to drop!

All his life, he felt that he could not work part-time!

My lord, I am someone who is going to be a Dharma god. Even Stalin wanted me to die?

However, the energy of the [Eye of Agamato] obviously still has a lot of energy. According to his and Miss Tian Ping's calculations, it can last at least half a year. When the time is up, he will go back to 2016 when he fought against Dormammu. You can go back in time again only after recharging from the time gem on the main timeline.

If you don't get more Fate Offset, you always feel that you won't be able to pay back your money.

"Let's draw a lottery!"

Mei Mumu immersed his concentration in the spiritual world, and immediately saw the huge disc again. Fragments of Destiny are appetizers, basically ready to use.

In addition to the lottery, the fragments can also be used for strengthening. For example, the first-level magic collection package of "Dungeon and Dragon" that was drawn before can be strengthened through the fragments and designated to exchange for higher-level magic. All the fragments of Mei Mumu before are basically used to exchange for this, and they can be exchanged to level five in one breath.

That leaves 20 points of offset.

"This... come to 1 o'clock first to see luck?" The designated lottery is not bad, but it feels a bit expensive. If you can draw the best with ordinary points, wouldn't it be cool?

People are like this. Although they know that the odds of winning the welfare lottery are 1 in 100,000,000, they always think that it is woo woo! "The turntable spins at high speed.

When the thing that should be a character card was drawn out and kept spinning, Mei Mumu was overjoyed when he saw the epic purple light.



Let me just say, ordinary draws can also have good goods.

and many more! Something seems wrong.

I clearly remember that the back of the card of [Apprentice of Magic in Dalaran] is a mage in a robe. Why is this guy... wearing armor?

Mei Mumu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot on the spot.


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