American Manga God

Chapter 99: he came!

Chapter 99 He's here! (Second more)

Chapter 99 He's here! (Second more)

Hydra is the Hydra organization!

The famous villain organization in the Marvel world, its logo is a skull and six octopus-like snake feet below.

The slogan is "Cut off one head and grow two to replace it". It fits the image of Hydra in mythology, and realizes this slogan with its endless miscellaneous soldiers.

At the time of World War II, Hydra was affiliated to Germany, and its leader was the famous Red Skull in the Marvel world.

Red Skull's shoes are now named John Schmidt!

Mei Mumu didn't know, because he messed up three generals, which directly led to the Hydra on the stage of history earlier than the original history.

This did not prevent him, as a senior manga fan, from discovering that the guard's sleeve was lined with the small Hydra armband at the first time under the system scan.

When they need to identify their companions, they often have a small gesture, as if inadvertently showing their badges. Those who can understand and use the code are their own people, otherwise they are outsiders.

This guard, naturally, is from Hydra.

He seemed a little puzzled, but whispered to the last sentence: "Long live Hydra."

This kind of heavenly king covering the earth tiger, the play of the pagoda town Nima, was played by the heavenly dynasty a thousand years ago.

Now it was Mei Mumu's turn: "Cut off a head..."

"Grow two more heads to replace them!" The guard no longer doubted, and whispered: "Go in and find Captain Gomez Miller, he will be on duty tonight."

Next, check what the **** pass is, it's just pretending.

Seeing that Mei Mumu took out a pass valid only in the urban area of ​​Berlin, the guard rolled his eyes, and there was a sentence in his heart that mmp should say or not. You are so sloppy, it's hard for me to do it too!

Of course Mei Mumu doesn't care, anyway, this poor baby will be shot most of the time after tonight.

But in the end, the guard made a gesture that only his own people understood to the guard in charge of the gate.

"Kara!" The huge pulley began to pull the heavy steel gate open to the left and right.

"Drive." Mei Mumu calmly asked the driver to drive in.

Mei Mumu swaggered into the concentration camp like this, and the intelligence officers who were watching this scene from a distance were stunned.

Don't think that Maozi's rescue plans are often very comprehensive and almost foolproof.

In fact, they are also very hard.

In the history of that world, in 1943, Hitler tried to exchange Yakov for the German Field Marshal Paulus, who was captured by the Soviet army in Stalingrad, but Stalin refused. Stalin asked the Red Cross of neutral countries to tell Hitler: " I don't like exchanging a general for a soldier."

In reality, however, Stalin did not abandon his son in German concentration camps, on the contrary he was very disturbed. In 1943, Stalin twice sent relevant personnel of the Soviet Military Intelligence Bureau to rescue Yakov. Needless to say, it naturally ended in failure, and also lost many elite intelligence personnel who did not need to die.

In this life, Stalin made a similar move in advance.

Stalin was a reckless leader.

On the issue of principle, he will never make concessions. Once he sells his country's interests in exchange for his own interests, he will kill his political opponents.

In the face of increasing political pressure, he did not care about the fact that the intelligence personnel in Berlin were not well-prepared, and he did not even penetrate the inside of the concentration camp. He directly asked Meimumu, who had performed miracles twice, to save people.

"The specifics are handed over to Comrade Dlawsky. If it is discovered, you can do your best to cover Comrade Dlawsky's return."

This kind of order is reckless.

If it wasn't Mei Mumu, who looked like a mortal but was actually a mage, they would most likely be killed by Stalin's reckless orders as in the history of parallel worlds.

Everything seems to be different now!

Sachsenhausen concentration camp, located near the German capital Berlin, was the headquarters of all the concentration camps in the German occupation area during World War II. The concentration camp covers an area of ​​400 hectares, and the entire layout is a triangle, with the wooden sheds where the prisoners live in a circle in a fan shape. The concentration camp was designed and built according to the requirements of the SS leader Himmler.

Walking through the ground floor passage of a three-storey tower, you will be greeted by a large playground where prisoners gather twice a day, morning and evening. 220,000 prisoners, including German prisoners of war and Jewish civilians, have been held here. Whether it is violent storms or scorching sun, prisoners must stand motionless here for several hours before and after work every day, waiting for an inventory or arrangement of labor. .

Soldiers mounted their machine guns on the tower and watched the prisoners' every move on the playground condescendingly. In addition, there were tall walls and electrified barbed wire around the camp. Therefore, it is very difficult for the prisoners held here to escape. Those who risked absconding because of the torture were either shot with machine guns on the spot or caught and hanged.

At this moment, on several towers, the guards looked strangely at the car that visited late at night.

There are many concentration camps, and this is undoubtedly the most important one, and it also holds the most critical prisoners. Even every car that comes here on business has a corresponding number and This is obviously an out-of-spec car.

Why did the doorman let them in?

Enter the first small square, surrounded by eight five-story towers. Whether it was the searchlights on the tower or the machine guns on it, they were all aimed at the Meimumu car.

But Mei Mumu glanced at the approaching officer, saw the same armband, and sneered in his heart, he only said one sentence, and the approaching officer let me go: "Baron Strucker asked me to come."

Baron Strucker was born in a Prussian aristocratic family at the end of the 19th century and inherited the title of Baron Strucker, also known as Baron Wolfgang von Starck. He would have fought in the Franco-Prussian War, World War I and World War II.

During World War II he became a minion of Hitler and established the Hydra organization.

He is one of the core leaders of Hydra.

Of course, it is impossible for outsiders to know so much. For a traveler, this is all an open secret!

The officer was a little stunned, made another gesture that was obviously different from the guard outside, and continued to let go.

When passing through the slightly dark passage under the tower, the intelligence officer driving the car had sweaty palms: "What am I going to do next? Don't you turn off the engine and wait for you?"

"Calm down, you still turn off the fire. Walk around the lounge area and ask people to smoke. Ask you anything and say 'no comment'."

"Ming... I understand."

Soon, Meimumu saw the Gomez Miller, and he immediately said: "The guy who assassinated the two generals and captured Herman Holt is here, and he will arrive in three days."

Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: Mobile version reading URL: m.Forcing qumo

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