American Legendary Life

Chapter 326: Charlie, who loves and hates

"We hired a large number of locals in Indonesia and provided them with living materials, which were well received by many tribal leaders."

If the person who knows the most about a piece of land in this world is undoubtedly the local clan tribe.

The most thing they do every day is to look for prey in the ‘territory’ they plan, everything they can help to survive.

Deep valleys, forests, mountains, streams, these places have their footprints.

"What about Chile and Peru?" Chuquicamata has spent eight months of precious time in the negotiations, can't it get nothing?

"Here, I have sorted it out for you." Adelaide took out a stack of printed documents and gave it to him.

A large copper-molybdenum mine with a potential ore amount of 4 million tons was discovered in Chuquicamata, and it was named CerroVerde.

If the survey results are correct, this will become the third largest mine discovered in Chile.

They also found something in the Atacama Desert and the Ojos del Salado Mountains.

It is just that the distribution of mineral resources involves the land ownership of other companies. At present, the company is actively negotiating with it and wants to win all mining rights.

In addition, AD-B shareholders want to reach an agreement with the Chilean state-owned copper mining company to hold the first and second largest mines in their name, the Southern Mine and the Antamina Mine.

"Who is the company involved in Atacama?" Li Zitao asked when he put down the document.

"Sumitomo Club." Li Zitao frowned as he heard his fiancee's answer.

It's not because I heard that the small RB company was worried, but because I was worried about negotiation.

The Sumitomo Club, which has developed since the 17th century, is not a small family business. If there is a consortium of RBs in this era, Sumitomo will definitely count as one.

Moreover, with the widespread use of copper elements in modern times, Sumitomo has set its sights on copper mining for a long time, and its layout in copper mining is also not small.

It is not an easy task to win mining rights from them.

"If you can't eat all of them, you must occupy an absolute controlling stake." Leaving it in the future may be a pit, and it's a little exciting to think about it!

Things about AD-B come to an end. Alaska's construction progress is progressing according to the scheduled time, and everything is going smoothly.

People's interest in this'gold rushing place' is far beyond the expectations of others.

The more depressed the economy, the more popular the entertainment industry, which can be certified from the influx of capital to Hollywood.

People need to find ‘narcotics that can soothe their spirits, let them briefly escape from reality, and get a moment of pleasure in the pain. ’

The lipstick effect is a good explanation.

So during the construction of Las Vegas, the business of ‘Desert Paradise’ grew at a rocket-like rate.

Every day I take a train from all over here to find pleasure, and more and more people evade reality, so that the hotel is in short supply.

His little canary, Xu Man, known as ‘Bloody Mary’, thought of a way to open a ‘tent rental shop’ and a motel at the entrance of the town.

A large number of trailers are staggered in the southeast of the town entrance, forming a unique landscape.

There is also a campsite in the northwest, which provides food, drinks, grills and charcoal.

If you want to use gas, there are also small gas tanks available.

Set up a tent next to a town full of bright nights and sleepless nights, sitting on the floor, leaning on a charcoal fire, three or five friends drunk and dreamed, talking about paper drunk fans here.

"This is America's last paradise." When this slogan was shouted by a drunkard and spread through the newspapers, travelers flocked to it like crazy.

"Looking at the report here, heaven is almost squeezed. If God sees this scene, it will surely bring disaster."

The Puritans' hatred of this ‘sin paradise’ is increasing day by day, especially after the news of blatant drinking here spread.

They rushed and called for the federal government to ban this ‘realistic sinful hell,’ all the people who built it should go to hell.

"Fortunately, I did not accept their baptism." Li Zitao sneered and left the newspaper aside.

"My dear, your people should converge. It will make people feel jealous." Adelaide said in a joke.

"That's the governor's business. Can you imagine holding a glass of water or juice when gambling or watching a striptease show?"

Thinking of the picture, Li Zitao couldn't help rubbing his eyes and murmured: "It's a terrible disaster, it's more terrible than hell."

"Poof--" Hearing the fiance's complaint, Adelaide smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. The guy was more and more like a stubborn old cowboy.

"Don't worry about them, everything will be solved by someone. Las Vegas is the hope of Nevada. The state council will not allow anyone to destroy its birth."

I believe that the governor and gentlemen, after seeing the tax paid by the "desert paradise" for half a year.

He will use his bayonet to fight desperately with anyone who wants to hinder their development, even Mr. President.

What Li Zitao did not know is that after drawing the six-month tax sum of ‘Desert Paradise’ The members of the state council first remembered the 3-year tax exemption policy.

The party leader's heart disease recurred on the spot and was almost sent to the mortuary. The senator fell to the ground and gasped like a water.

Throwing away the time required for the construction, they lost tens of millions of dollars in taxes.

"Ah, my heart hurts!" Mr. Governor gripped his chest so painfully that he couldn't help himself.

It was just when they thought that after the end of 3 years, the taxes they could receive each year would be as high as tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions in the future.

Everyone's face rose again with fanatical joy, and the look of sorrow and joy was more wonderful than the clown of the circus.

If the lawmakers in Nevada are just mourning, then other North American retail giants hate Li Zitao.

"Why is the classification of their goods so efficient and easy, how can their prices be so low, and why can't we get that butter--"

Various problems appeared at company meetings, to investigate, to do public opinion interviews, and to negotiate with downstream suppliers.

Then they learned everything.

The efficient branching method comes from think tanks, and the price is cheap because they save all intermediate links.

Unable to get the ‘star money’ product because the product is provided by Hualian. The factory is only waiting for production. They have no right to sell any bottle of ‘star money’ product.

"FK--" Countless cordial greetings passed to Chicago from the air.

In particular, Sears Roebuck, who originally surpassed Macy's and became the first retail group in North America.

Li Zitao's head has been hung on the target, and a dozen daggers are still inserted on the target.

After the meeting every day, the first thing the president should do when he returned to the office was to practice flying skills. The grudges in his heart can be imagined.

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