American Legendary Life

Chapter 1619: Ariel’s worries

And Ellier just knew that these people were all Gastina, because she knew the two people inside.

"Grady and Kim."

When Ariel was young, they had followed Paul and reported to their mother on various business situations.

She still remembers a conversation that her mother stayed in because of her illness.

"The one who sent the letter to Aunt Tina that time was McGrady." Ariel answered very positively.

"Including Auntie Tina... some people, their struggle with Mexico is intensifying and escalating, and gradually affecting the normal operation of Vegas."

This is what Ariel is worried about. Their struggle is expanding toward Vegas, and the fear is becoming less and less, and it is becoming more blatant.

"Can Vegas's power cope with this crisis?" Aiden understood Ariel's concerns, but he thought Vegas had its own armed forces.

The special guards Li Zitao put there were not only used as security guards.

Therefore, as long as the dispute has not developed to an uncontrollable point, this matter does not need to be placed on the agenda that needs to be worried in the near future.

"Can you respond?" Li Zitao also wanted to know the answer.

"I don't know." Ariel's answer was vague because she couldn't make a judgment.

She could remember the heads that were stuck on the stick, her eyes wide open in the direction of America, and her pupils were full of fear, hesitation, and nostalgia for life.

In fact, after seeing it with his own eyes, Ariel didn't sleep well for several days.

She had seen the dead, but she had never seen such a scene of being executed. It was already a miracle for her not to have a nightmare.

"Is it Gastina's problem?" Li Zitao wanted to know who caused the war.

The use of punishment to express threats is not something a small conflict can express, it is more like a declaration of war between one party and the other.

"She." Ariel didn't know what to say.

"Sir, can I speak?" Kolia stepped forward.

"Speak!" Li Zitao signaled that he could speak freely.

After simply organizing the language, Coria said frankly: "In fact, since Mr. Paul's death, she has become somewhat uncontrolled."

"Uncontrolled?" Li Zitao wanted to know who this control refers to.

"Yes." Kolia nodded. "She became moody, irritable, and cruel, both for the enemy and herself."

"Talk about it." Li Zitao wanted to know more details.

"Uh... two years ago, she lost a batch of goods worth about $40,000, and then she executed the entire transportation chain."

"What does the entire transportation chain mean?" Aiden asked.

"It's nothing. From the jointer of the receipt, to the middle transportation, to the distribution, there are 14 people in total." Kolia said mockingly.

Compared to her husband, Gastina is more like a viper hidden in the dark, arrogantly swallowing the snake core.

Anyone close to her may be injured, and any potential threats that she defines as ‘unknown’ and ‘threat’ will be affected.

"You mean, she became irrational, fickle and uncontrolled." This is really important for Li Zitao.

An uncontrolled drug lord entrenched near Vegas and keeping a close personal relationship with the Vegas Development Committee is not a good sign.

"Yes, she is no longer sensible." Coria glanced at Ariel, and found that she did not intend to object. Then she said: "Not only that, but more like an unstable deceit."

"You're afraid she will hurt us." Aiden turned his gaze to his father, wanting to see his reaction.

But he behaved inexplicably, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes bright and listened carefully, as if he had no worries about it.

"Does Tina have the intention to intervene in Vegas?" Li Zitao's thoughts will naturally not be seen through so easily.

This time Ariel answered his question: "No, not yet."

"Then she is a friend, Danny." Li Zitao got up and signaled him to come with himself. Some things need to be explained to him separately.

Coming to the study, Li Zitao asked directly: "Are you familiar with Tina?"

"I met a few times, and Paul was there at the time." Danny replied.

"Meet her for another time and tell her that my position cannot endanger Vegas. This is the bottom line."

Li Zitao wanted to take care of her, because of the friendship between Paul and them over the years.

But she must learn to control herself, "Is she drunk?"

"There is also white flour, I think she is addicted." Danny's tone was very certain.

Li Zitao frowned and thought, "Take her restraint. Dave needs his mother."

"Do you need to give her some warning?" Danny froze in his eyes.

He felt it was time to give Christina a wake up, and because of her performance, her men became less restful.

At the same time, the ‘benefits’ brought by her notoriety attracted a group of lunatics who were also uncontrollable and acting crazy.

These people stay with Gastina, lunatics and lunatics, who can guess what they will Is anyone in trouble in Vegas? "Listening to Danny, these people seem to have done something.

"Someone threatened our dealer, if he was not allowed to join the gamble, she would look good." Danny said affirmatively.

Li Zitao asked with his hands crossed; "What is his name?"

"Danny, nicknamed Blood Butcher, is rumored to like to dismember the enemy and throw it in a conspicuous place." Danny said helplessly: "It's a shame to use the same name as him."

Li Zitao said with a smile: "So, you didn't say that because you hated him having the same name as yourself, right?"

"Of course." Danny raised his lips.

"What did he say in his original words?"

"Don’t forget who I am. If you refuse to let me continue playing, then I will have fun with you. After you leave work... you smell delicious."

Found Li Zitao staring at himself, Danny explained: "This is his original words."

"So, what are the security guards doing...that's Vegas dealers, our dealers."

What Li Zitao wanted to know was if they could not perform their duties, would they want to change to a new group of people?

"But he is only threatening, there is no substantive action, we all want Vegas to maintain a safe and harmonious atmosphere."

Depravity, alcohol, and gambling are all attractive points of Vegas, but if you add ‘murder’ and ‘gun flooding’ to it, things will immediately reverse.

"Then tell Tina to let her take care of her own people." Li Zitao seemed to say very easily: "In addition, what advice do you have for Wang Kui to be my safety supervisor?"

"I can give very little advice, but I'm sure he will be a good bodyguard." Danny said with a fair heart.

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