American Legendary Life

Chapter 1016: Women's hobbies are always shopping

Chapter 1015 was blocked just 15 minutes after it was sent. I will hurry to apply for lifting the ban, which is really embarrassing! !


A raid that turned the anticipated world of two into a world of four...

This is no surprise!

"How is DreamWorks recently?" Around, with a girl sitting opposite each other, Li Zitao felt that it was better not to talk about anything other than work.

"Not bad, did you know? The management decided to let the big ship show again." When it came to the work, Aymo performed well.

"Released again?" Li Zitao thought deeply, he roughly understood the management's consideration.

The box office last time was obviously good. The box office in North America was 47.5 million, and the box office overseas was more than 36 million.

It's just not good enough. They didn't meet the management's expectations. They want to get the first title of over 100 million, so that they will always be remembered by history, together with Hollywood.

What makes people helpless is war. Almost every man is sent to the battlefield. The women and old people left need to take care of life, work, children...

Do you still expect them to flock to the cinema to watch a movie describing disaster and love?

But now it is different.

A large number of young soldiers return home, they will need to relax and fall in love...

For men, there are two best ways to relax, wine and women...

So someone will go on a date and they will want to have some fun together.

And watching movies in this era is a very fashionable way of dating, which is very popular with girls.

"Analysts believe that the second screening may achieve better results and we can earn more." Aimo broke his heart for the big ship.

It will be the most expensive film in DreamWorks and even Hollywood in the next ten to two decades. I believe it will not be surpassed for a long time.

It will also bring changes to the Hollywood landscape again. It is obvious that capital will further penetrate into the film and television industry.

Other film giants will try to increase the investment of the film, create large productions, higher standards, higher film remuneration, and higher box office income.

The temptation is too great. The investment of 18.38 million US dollars makes people feel jaw-dropping, but the box office income of 83.5 million US dollars is enough to cover everyone's eyes.

Perhaps under such circumstances, new film companies will be born.

However, Aymo believes that most of them will fail, just like other film giants who try to shoot big productions.

Because not any company can use 5 years to create a film, with the best special effects company, a large management and behind-the-scenes team to operate.

It is important to know that other film giants have limited capital. It is impossible for them to stop all scripts and concentrate on the only film for several years.

If they did that, they could only be dragged file for bankruptcy.

The management of DreamWorks recommends that after the big ship plan, depending on the market situation in the next 5 to 10 years, it is decided whether to make a new big plan.

Yes, even if Dachuan has achieved brilliant results, the management is also cautious about whether to build another big production.

Its risk is too high, no one is willing to take risks now, they are more willing to lead a stable and peaceful life.

"How about another publicity?" Li Zitao also wanted to see the potential of the big ship.

Although it is limited by technology, the current big ship looks a bit'roughly made,' but it can definitely be a classic in this era.

The effect is no less than the shock of Avatar's premiere, just like opening the door to a new world for people.

It turns out that the world of movies can be so wonderful and thrilling.

"This is exactly what I want to say, originally I wanted to talk to you next week." Ai Moyun said, sucking the grease on his fingers.

"Well, I'll let Harry prepare...Do you know Hirst will also be included in the LANC?" Li Zitao mentioned his new plan.

"Privatization of the enterprise, can Congress pass? The Hurst family will not agree." Aymo said with surprise.

She had not received any news before this, which made her feel weird.

"Yes, they disagree, but what can they do?" Li Zitao said with a smile: "Actually I don't need them anymore."

Old Hearst was right, Li Zitao was a greedy hungry wolf, and he would never be satisfied with only having an influence on the Hearst Group.

What he wants is control, absolute control.

It's very simple, but it's difficult to do, especially when you want to inherit the property of the other's family into your own.

"How long can you stay here?" Bergman asked what he cared most about.

"2...3 days." Seeing her dissatisfied move in the corners of her mouth, Li Zitao extended her trip very cooperatively.

In the near future he will spare time to appease his harem one by one.

Such a move should be done every once in a while to avoid a fire in the backyard or cause some trouble.

"What are your plans after eating?" Li Zitao had to find some topics after seeing the three women bury their heads to eat, and walked weirdly in the dining room.

"Shopping." Bergman's proposal sounded good.

"It's a good idea. Is there anything you want to buy?" Li Zitao nodded happily. It's no problem for him to solve it with money.

As long as Bergman can be happy.

"Yes, I want to buy a new car, as well as some bags and jewelry. My things are old." Bergman naturally asked a lot of requests.

This surprised Miya, who is a bystander. What kind of rhythm is this?

Buy cars, bags, accessories...

She didn't think that Bergman wanted some cheap goods, but just heard that they were worth a lot.

The man sitting next to her agreed.


Maybe, as she said, the other party is a big man, but Mia can’t fit him with a big man in his mind.

"A rather low-key Chinese with a wealth of assets." Miya can only think of it this way.

In fact, this is quite normal. The few people who can make money in the United States are very low-key. They wear ordinary clothes and do not bring any expensive accessories. They hide themselves in ordinary people and make him look like others.

Because this is the only way to make them look normal and not be the goal of some people with heart.

It's just that he takes 4 bodyguards, and it doesn't look like a low-key style.

"I just need to buy some clothes too, can I go now?" Aymo patted the debris on his hand and stood to look at everyone.

"Of course..." Li Zitao wiped out his contest and shouted to the door: "Danny, we are going out, everyone..."

"Where should we go?" Miya's expression was not normal as she got on the bus.

"Beverly, Hollywood will like it." Aymo said with a friendly smile.

"Um...I doubt it." Miya doubts whether she likes the place, but whether her wallet will like it.

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