
The bodyguard outside the villa collapsed with a broken neck, Gu Ziyun glanced at Su Sheng and walked in after pushing the door.

in the living room.

A woman is sitting by the window facing the sea and reading a newspaper. She looks exactly like Dr. Bai, but she is younger than Dr. Bai. She slowly put down the newspaper and looked at Gu Ziyun and Su Sheng who came in and didn't seem to panic.


A figure suddenly stood in front of Gu Ziyun and Su Sheng, a little girl about the same age as Gu Ziyun, but... there were several scars on her face that looked a little scary.

"It's okay, Mommy is okay." Sister Bai said softly.

Gu Ziyun looked at the scarred woman and smiled softly: "Be careful, your head will fly out."

"I don't believe it." The scarred woman said in a low voice.

Gu Ziyun squinted his eyes and suddenly made a move, and the scarred woman didn't show weakness. Su Sheng Shi Shiran walked towards Sister Bai, but the scarred girl tried to stop her several times, but was stopped by Gu Ziyun.


Seeing Su Sheng sitting across from her, Sister Bai smiled.

"I want her parents' information." Su Sheng smiled.

Sister Bai thought that of course I knew the purpose of your visit, but how could you just ask me to give it to you? Just as she was about to smile and open her body, she involuntarily opened the drawer. The drawer was filled with dense archives. Her hand accurately took out a file and handed it over. The whole action seemed to be without any hesitation or hesitation, but She spoke the exact opposite. "What have you done to me, why...why is my body out of control."

"Stand up." Su Sheng opened the file and said casually.

Sister Bai stood up involuntarily.

"Take off."

" can't...what the **** did you do to me, I..."

"Shut up!"

Su Sheng didn't lift her head, but Sister Bai's mouth closed in an instant and couldn't make a sound at all. Her hands, feet, and body obeyed Su Sheng's orders uncontrollably, and she took off her clothes in a blink of an eye. At this time, the picture in the villa was a little weird. Gu Ziyun and the scarred woman were fighting fiercely. Sister Bai was standing in front of Su Sheng, while Su Sheng was looking down at the file. Weird, yet inexplicably harmonious!

After a long while, Su Sheng put down the file and said, "Hurry up and then you have to do business!"

Gu Ziyun frowned and the attack became more severe. This scarred woman is obviously stronger than other genetic modifiers. It should be brought by Sister Bai since she was a child, but although she is strong, she is still worse than Gu Ziyun. One point, after all, Gu Ziyun can be called a witch, and she is the strongest among genetic modifiers! As soon as she tried her hardest, the scar-faced girl was a little lost, and finally managed to break the opponent's neck when Gu Ziyun was injured.

Su Sheng felt that she meant to inherit the title of her own neck-breaking madman.

Is it possible to kill a yard with a broken neck?

Su Sheng casually handed the file to Gu Ziyun. "Give you a day to solve the problem, enough?"

"Don't worry, let me go by myself?" Gu Ziyun took it and asked.

"You have one day, come back here to find me when you're done!" Su Sheng chuckled and said to Sister Bai, "Take me to the bedroom, and I'll give you a stamp first."

Sister Bai walked to the bedroom involuntarily, and Su Sheng followed.

Gu Ziyun opened the file and looked at it, took a deep breath and left quietly.

It is obvious that Su Sheng is not as patient with Gu Ziyun as she is with Bai's younger sister. Although she is not impatient with Gu Ziyun, she is somewhat patient. During the day, Su Sheng basically didn't explain anything to her. Anyway, he used the words of creation. The psychic powers control her, no matter what she wants to do or not, she has to do it obediently.

after one day.

Gu Ziyun is back.

She was the only one who came back, but looking at the state, it seemed that the problem had been completely resolved.

How to solve it? How are her parents?

Su Sheng didn't ask at all, and didn't care about it! Gu Ziyun had a chance to escape. After all, the world is so big, and one day is enough for her to escape. But she still came back, Su Sheng didn't ask, and Gu Ziyun didn't say anything, but this is the result of Gu Ziyun's calm thinking.

To say that because of what happened with Su Sheng, Su Sheng helped her find her biological parents to solve the problem, so she didn't run away and didn't want to leave, that would be nonsense, but Gu Ziyun knew very well that her chances of escaping successfully were very small under calm thinking. If he can run for a while but can't run forever, he will definitely find himself 0... This time is a test and an opportunity, the last chance for her.

If she does escape, there is only one fate after being caught.


Although there is not much contact with Su Sheng, Gu Ziyun knows very well what kind of character Su Sheng is.

Apathy, selfishness.

He doesn't care about the lives of others, he only cares about whether he can make himself interested. If he is not interested, he will not hesitate to look for another target, so if he escapes, there must be only death waiting for him!


Su Sheng took Sister Bai and Gu Ziyun to find Brooke, Erica, and Katie. Obviously, Korea, a shopping paradise, stimulated their desire to go shopping. Little, they were quite happy when Su Sheng came to find them, but seeing two women, one big and one small, next to Su Sheng, and Su Sheng planned to go back to make them a little unhappy, but they couldn't go against Su Sheng's intentions. .


After returning, Su Sheng gave them three days to deal with the family affairs and then planned to take them away completely. As for Sister Bai and Gu Ziyun, Su Sheng took them home.

Home 1.8!

Caitlin seems to already know what she's going to leave, so she's packed all the meaningful things she bought during this time. Miranda doesn't know where she made another set of Night Bitch's uniform, and she hasn't had time to change her clothes. It looks like he just came back from outside!

Su Sheng was too lazy to introduce them to each other. After returning home, he sat on the sofa and glanced at Miranda, the **** of the dark night, and said with a smile, "Are you out of the mountain again? How are their actions over there?"

"Should... there should be a result soon!" Miranda whispered. "They found Frank's wife before and threatened her to take them to prison. They saw Frank's brother, killed him and asked about the head office. I went with them and sent them to the head office. I'll be back nearby."

Chapter 768 The anti-matter universe and the power of anti-origin!

two hours later.

The super-killer girl and X23 are back. Although the security of the head office is strict, who can refuse when two little loli appear in front of the company and want to borrow the phone to find their parents? Therefore, the two little loli easily sneaked into the company and started to kill the Quartet. Like this evil company that uses children for genetic modification, the two of them did not hesitate to start. Although they also encountered a few genetic modification in the middle. They were all easily beheaded, and the last two not only wiped out the people in the head office, but also destroyed their experimental records, and finally blew up the building.

The genetic modification project is now completely over.

Three days later, Brooke, Erica, and Katie came back after explaining their family affairs.

Su Sheng began to send them to the manifested planet one by one and prepared to take them away. Caitlin Strucker, who she brought with her from the Marvel universe. Miranda, the **** of the dark night, was supposed to be the heroine of justice and eternity, but now she is her own slave. Brook, Erica, Katie, the three little pillows have nothing to say, and I will have a good meal after returning to the Marvel world. It is estimated that there are not many opportunities to meet. Super Killer Girl, X23 Needless to say, the rest of Gu Ziyun and Sister Bai are a pleasant surprise. Goo Ziyun's ability can be used to develop and develop it well. As for Sister Bai, she can play a role in the cage world. Let's go, by the way... she was still a bad guy before.

Obviously, the nature of this work made it impossible for her or her dead sister, Doctor Bai, to have any love life. Although the scarred woman called Sister Bai her mother, it was actually the work of one of her genetic modifiers.

After sending them into the real world one by one, Su Sheng released the anti-life formula with his backhand.

The power of the anti-life equation will increase every time it devours a world. Although theoretically, he can superimpose unlimited power, and the basic ability is irrelevant, but Su Sheng still intends to let the anti-life equation devour the world. First of all, this is a matter of piggybacking, and secondly, it is also a matter of preparation. After all, the supreme existence of Marvel and DC world is not so easy to deal with, and more trump cards and strength foundation are also good.

What if you, like a disciple, encounter an open-minded person who specializes in dealing with your own celestial group? If you can't copy the ability, you can only enhance the existing ability!

Anyway, a lot of skills do not overwhelm you, right?

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