So Lin En reached a consensus with the Ant King, and then slowly started building.

Lin En looked at the Ant King and said.

"You have an army of tens of thousands of ants. Why do you want me to help you build an ant kingdom? I have drawn a structural diagram here. You can see if it is what you want. If something doesn't work, then slowly improve it. .”

It is here that the Ant King uses his sound waves to communicate with Linn.

Only then did Lin realize that the ant kingdom that the ant king wanted was a palace-like palace, not an ordinary ant nest.

After Lin En knew this, he thought it was quite simple. Just build a palace. What's so difficult about it?

Linn can build a palace for the ant king next to his manor, so that he can be a neighbor to the ant king in the future.

Then everyone can help each other, and if Wanda comes to him with zombies, the Ant King can also help him.

Thinking of this, Linn had an idea. He drew the structural diagram of the castle on the computer.

After he finished the drawing, he showed it to the ant king. The ant king had never seen any structural diagram of the castle.

Lin En drew a beautiful castle here, and when the Ant King saw it, his eyes immediately lit up.

He nodded very happily. This was the home in his imagination and dream, the ant kingdom.

Lin En saw that he was really a genius. The structural diagram of the ant kingdom he drew at random was actually the kind that the ant king liked.

Lin En was also very excited, he said to Qin and Red Queen.

"Have you heard this? This is what the ant kingdom wants to look like. You go ahead and make preparations. Help me prepare everything. Let's start building.

"Lynn, it's just the three of us. How long will the three of us have to build it?"

"You two backed down before you even started working. It's definitely not just the three of us. There are still so many ant armies here. They can also help."

Lin En knew that just relying on the strength of the three of them would not be able to complete so many ant armies even if they spent a lifetime building it. Here he could let the ant army help.

He knew not to look at these little ants, but they had super energy.

Small ants have great power, and their army of ants is much more effective than just a few of them.

Lynn will take advantage of this opportunity to let them help build this kingdom together.

Lin En turned to the Ant King and said.

"King Ant, I hope you can send your ant army to help. In this way, we can quickly build an ant kingdom."

The Ant King nodded after listening to Lin En's words.

He makes strange noises to summon his army of ants.

He can definitely get the ant army to help.

This is the ant kingdom that built them, and his thousands of ant army can finally come in handy at this time.

After Lin En and the Ant King reached a consensus, the Ant King sent his ant army here to listen to Lin En's orders. (promised)

They did whatever Lynn asked them to do.

Lin En looked at the ant king here and summoned thousands of ants in a short period of time.

The black ants are all lined up here, waiting for Lin En to give orders to buy.

Lin En looked at everything in front of him and thought it was so spectacular.

This was the first time he saw these ants gathered together.

When Qin and Honghou saw what they saw in front of them, they were also particularly shocked. .

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