American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 403: Arrive At The Scene! Fish Flock Of Flatterers

It didn't take long for several people to be taken to a temporary tent.

Because the reconstruction of the first city will take time, and if there is no necessary building on this basis, the subsequent demolition will take a certain amount of time.

Therefore, this execution follows a principle that can be as simple as possible.

And among them, are you high-level people.

Seeing Lynn and the others coming in, they immediately showed adoring eyes.

"Mr. Lin! It is thanks to you that Xandar can maintain the status quo."

"It is an honor for you to be at the scene of this execution.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, do you want to consider becoming the representative of Xandar Star 06? This will bring many benefits!"

"Ahem, I've told Mr. Lin about this kind of thing, and he's not interested in it."

After speaking, several people took out another bottle of alien wine and prepared to fill it up for Lin En.

But when Lin En saw the indescribable color of the wine, he immediately lost his appetite.

"The execution is about to happen, but you guys are drinking and talking here? Are you kidding?"

Lynn frowned, acting angry.

For a while, the senior management didn't know what to say.

As the three major power holders, the high-level executives who brought Lynn here are very discerning.

"Mr. Lin, don't you want to go and see Ronan? This guy is locked up next door right now, so I'll take you to see him right now.

The awkward situation was broken in an instant.

Behind them, several senior executives let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lin's character is really unpredictable, but it's true, the execution is about to happen, and it's really not good for the few of us to get drunk."

As soon as the picture changed, several people followed the senior management to the tent next door.

Although it is a tent, its materials are unambiguous.

The interior space is very spacious, a bit like a big tent used in circus performances.

Inside, many troops were also arranged to prevent Ronan from escaping.

"There are only a few minutes left in the execution. You'd better be honest."

In front of Ronan, maybe this guy made some small moves, and the guard standing in front of Ronan directly yelled at him.

For a moment, Ronan stared at the other party intently with a pair of resentful eyes.

For some reason, this look makes the scalp tingle.

At the same time, Lynn and the others pushed the door and entered, and the powerful aura immediately frightened the surrounding soldiers.

Lin En just stood here, and the aura he exuded showed that strangers should not get close.

For a moment, all the soldiers turned their heads, and their eyes fell on Lin En.

Perhaps this kind of gaze is really uncomfortable, Lynn smiled, and said, "You should be busy, don't worry about me, I'm just here to take a look."

After saying that, Lynn came to Ronan's side on his own.

Although it was the Guardians of Galaxy that were dispatched at that time, if Lynn hadn't acted in time, I am afraid that the entire army of Guardians of Galaxy would have been wiped out.

Thanos' minions alone, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight are hard to beat.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Even though Ronan was imprisoned by layers of shackles, the fierceness in his eyes still lingered.

Lin En immediately felt funny when he saw this, "Why do you look at me with such eyes, isn't it bad enough to be beaten by me before?"

For Lynn, the defeat is just a posturing, Ronan will be defeated the first time by himself, and he will be defeated the second time!.

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