American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 567: Typical Murder Case (Part 2)

Schiller first set his eyes on Bruce, who turned his head. Looking at the pool of blood hidden in the darkness, his thoughts returned to last night.

In the Wayne Manor at night, Bruce was looking up some materials in the library. Although he came back from the Metropolis, he already knew that his housekeeper was not an ordinary person, but there was a lot of information about the agents, the Philby list, the Soviet Union, and those Chen Old age, he still needs to investigate.

But at this moment, there was a strong noise from upstairs, Bruce closed the book helplessly, covered his forehead, then stood up and came upstairs.

In the upstairs room, Elsa is learning to speak with Dick and Alfred, and she has already made some different tones for "wow wow", and can even speak English words with two syllables or less.

But everyone knows that every child is a good speaker when learning a language, and it seems that loud pronunciation helps them build confidence in the language, so many times they shout as loudly as they can.

And they also like to repeat, and they seem to be able to find the law of language in repeating it again and again, and repeat it loudly. Elsa is now a humanoid siren. Bruce even thinks that he can develop one based on Elsa's cry. The alarm device in the Batcave.

Although the Batcave is more than half the city's distance from Wayne Manor, as long as there is a sound over there, Bruce can definitely hear it.

This is different from crying. When Elsa is crying, Bruce and Selena will try their best to coax her. When she is tired from crying, she will naturally go to sleep, but learning languages ​​is a serious business. Looking at Alfred With that admiring expression, Bruce knew that there was no reason for him to speak.

Moreover, the language learning class has class time requirements, and it will not stop if you don’t learn enough for a certain period of time. Obviously, Alfred believes that it is more important for Elsa to learn to speak than Bruce not to check materials in the library. .

Originally, Alfred would not bother Bruce to do his business, but some time ago Bruce was addicted to magic, and he did bad things. He not only followed Constantine, but also found some strange magic books. Alfred was very worried that Bruce would Going astray, so always trying to divert his attention.

So now, the old housekeeper doesn't care when Bruce stays in the library to check materials, so he doesn't deliberately arrange for Elsa's language class to miss this time, which makes Bruce unable to do anything at all.

Some people may say that Bruce can go to the Batcave to work, but the problem is that the Batcave is far away from Wayne Manor, and Alfred asked Bruce to go home every day, so the library of Gotham University became A better place to work.

Bruce checked the information late last night, so he simply slept in the dormitory. Although Gotham University's facilities are a bit old, the layout is still good. All dormitory bedrooms are single rooms, and there is a common room on each floor.

But because it is an old dormitory building after all, the sound insulation is relatively poor. In fact, Bruce, who lives on the second floor, was awakened when Lex was struggling to drag the box from the first floor.

Lex and Thomas happened to meet in the stairwell on the 2nd floor. Bruce heard everything they said, so he was not surprised when he saw Lex, and cooperated with him and pretended not to know each other.

"You may not have noticed it yourself. The sound of you dragging the box is so loud that the vibration of the box hitting the stairs even spread to my bed." Bruce turned to look at Lex and said.

"And it is because of this that I suspect Thomas, because the time you drag the box from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor is just enough time for an ordinary person to go from the 4th floor to the 1st floor through the stairs on the other side. Go through the entire corridor, go up the first floor, and come to the second floor stairwell where you are."

Bruce glanced back at the entire corridor and said, "Based on Thomas's stride and pace, the error is no more than 3 seconds. Such a coincidence is not just a coincidence in a murder case."

"I guess that when your suitcase made a noise when it hit the stairs for the first time, I was awakened on the 2nd floor, and Thomas, who was on the 4th floor just finished his eucalyptus, was also awakened."

"He realized that there might be new students coming, and he didn't know the exact number, so he hurriedly cleaned up the eucalyptus scene, then ran downstairs, and caught up along the stairs you walked. you."

"When he found out that you were the only one, he realized that not only did he not need to panic, but he could also regard you as a co-witness to the discovery of the eucalyptus, but it's a bit stupid, he didn't do a delay mechanism, you're here Doris should be dead by then, so there's no way for you to be his alibi."

"You only explained the reason for Thomas' appearance." Lex said with his arms crossed: "It can't be used as a solid proof based on the time estimate, but I knew he killed people when I first saw him. "

"He did a very stupid thing, that is, in order to cover up the blood on his shirt, he put on a suit jacket, it is true, it can't be seen from a head-up perspective, but when he walks with a suitcase in When I was going up the stairs in front of me, I deliberately pretended to be weak, and he fell a little bit."

"In this way, there is a height difference between us, and I can examine the marks on his body more comprehensively. At this time, I found that I could see bloodstains from the gap between the hem of his suit jacket and the shirt."

"Of course, it is also possible that he was injured himself, so I continued to observe, I found that he was not easy when lifting the box, and it could even be said that he was a little exhausted. If he was really injured himself, There was no need to show such enthusiasm to help me before, after all, we had never met, we were just strangers."

"I guessed that he was covering up something, and when I came to the 4th floor and saw the scene of the eucalyptus, I was sure that he was the murderer."

"Why?" Gordon asked.

Lex walked to the scene of the eucalyptus, pointed at the body and said: "The victim was pierced by a javelin in the chest, and from the wound, the javelin was pierced from top to bottom, that is, the murderer must be in this position Murder..."

Saying that, Lex made a movement of raising the javelin and thrusting downwards, that is, holding both hands empty, with the left hand in front and the right hand behind, forming a straight line, after raising it above the head, thrusting downwards with force.

Lex continued: "Thomas is taller than me, so I don't need to lift that high, but Doris is definitely not short enough to allow Thomas to be able to top down like this without lifting the javelin. stab her to death."

"So, if he wanted to do it in this way, he had to raise his arm, which means if he was only wearing a shirt, there is one place where blood would not normally be splattered, and there would be blood, and that would be the underarm. "

"Before, the shirt I saw behind him through the gap in the suit jacket happened to have blood on the right armpit."

"Wait a minute!" Gordon said suddenly, "You can see the blood on your shirt through the gap in your suit in an almost dark stairwell?" Gordon lifted his windbreaker and looked at it, and found that It was pitch black, nothing could be seen, and he was close enough.

At this time, the entire dormitory building was powered off, and the corridor was still dimly lit because of the windows, but the staircase, due to the angle of the windows, had almost no light and was pitch black.

But at this time, Gordon, who was standing at this angle, saw that there was a glimmer of light in Lex's eyes, and he didn't look like an ordinary human being.

Schiller also saw this. He remembered that Alberto, who had fallen into the wine pool before, also had a faint light in his eyes, which might be caused by the Dionysian factor.

Whether the Joker has night vision, no one knows, but anyway, he can fight on a par with Batman with night vision in the dark night of Gotham.

"Okay, now only the motive remains." Gordon stood beside the corpse, thought for a moment, and then said, "My subordinate just reported to me that nothing suspicious was found on the deceased, her handbag There are also some ordinary cosmetics, which seem to be used for touch-up before going on stage."

"Fairy Wood"

"According to Christine, Doris has a boyfriend who only works in the Central Research Institute of the Metropolis. The two are in a long-distance relationship, but because the distance is not far, they meet every week. She and Thomas should have nothing to do with it. meet."

At this time, Bruce said: "Thomas also has a girlfriend, or a fiancee, arranged for him by his family. He is not interested in baseball or football, and has never been close to the cheerleader, only knows the dance company. Christine, the head of the regiment, and Christine just didn't say that Doris and Thomas have any emotional entanglement, so it shouldn't be a love murder."

"He should have planned ahead, otherwise, it is impossible to prepare a javelin. I have to admit that this is a useful It's just that to get this at Gotham University, you must apply for it. Open the equipment room..."

"Then let's go check the application records, don't we know?" Gordon immediately picked up the phone and said to the other end, "It's me, come over again, get the search warrant, we want to get the evidence... "

Soon, several people came to the office where the physical education teacher was. The physical education teachers at Gotham University were divided into normal physical education teachers and aerobics coaches with cheerleading groups. At this time, the aerobics coach happened to be in the office. He took out a form and said, "...Here, three days ago, Thomas came to apply to borrow a javelin..."

"Can you tell which javelin it is?"

"Yes, all our equipment is numbered."

"Is it the javelin number 5012?" Gordon asked.

"Application record... Equipment number... Yes, it's 5012."

This time, the identity, motive, method, and murder weapon are all in place. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive. Thomas, who was taken to make a transcript, has no chance to resist. With the sound of the camera, a man in prison uniform and holding an information board The image of Thomas being imprisoned remains permanently in the Gotham Police Department's archives.

This is a murder case with beginnings and ends. The detection process is very smooth, and the evidence chain is very clear. It can be said to be a typical murder case.

Even if Bruce and Lex did not need to make an inference, Gordon alone would eventually check the application records of the equipment room.

On the second day of this case, the Gotham Police Department received a call from the cheerleader Christine, who wept and said:

"Detective Gordon! Come on! Come to Gotham University gym...another dance troupe dead!

! "

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